GCRF: Ongoing impacts from the surge in sand mining during COVID-19: Enhanced river bank erosion hazard and risk in Vietnam's Mekong delta Sep 24, 2020 - Sep 23, 2021
SE Asia's CV19 economic recovery plan is heavily reliant on an expanded construction industry, creating high demand for sand across the region. Sand is routinely mined from large rivers and is normally subject to regulation because, if it is removed...
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Projects (5)
Youth-led Adaptation for climate change challenges in Vietnam: social action, inter-generational and inter-cultural learning Mar 20, 2020 - Jan 31, 2022
The Challenge
Rising sea levels and the increased intensity and magnitude of precipitation linked to climate change, place the Red River Catchment in Northern Vietnam on the front line of climate emergency. Whilst intense rains, localised flooding...
Read More about Youth-led Adaptation for climate change challenges in Vietnam: social action, inter-generational and inter-cultural learning.
Development of high-resolution numerical models to simulate the influence of climate and sea-level on the future of the Mekong delta May 1, 2019 - Jul 31, 2019
The Vietnamese Mekong delta, home to 18 million people, floods annually during the Monsoon, sustaining a suite of ecosystem services that underpin the welfare of the rapidly growing population of the wider area. The longer-term future sustainability...
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VIET NAM: Slow Onset Hazard Interactions with Enhanced Drought and Flood Extremes in an At-Risk Mega-Delta Jan 1, 2019 - Nov 15, 2021
The world's major river deltas are hotspots of agricultural production that support rural livelihoods and feed much of the global population, but as 'climate change hot spots' deltas are facing a major sustainability crisis. Specifically, there are c...
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PEGASUS: Producing EnerGy and preventing hAzards from SUrface water Storage in Peru Feb 1, 2019 - Nov 30, 2021
The Peruvian Andes is home to 71% of the world's tropical glaciers, and the meltwater they supply is an essential resource for people downstream who depend on it for irrigation and sanitation. Further, hydropower plants driven by glacial meltwater pr...
Read More about PEGASUS: Producing EnerGy and preventing hAzards from SUrface water Storage in Peru.