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Outputs (2)

Ecological functioning of mudflats: Global analysis reveals both regional differences and widespread conservation of functioning (2018)
Journal Article
Dissanayake, N. G., Frid, C. L., Drylie, T. P., & Caswell, B. A. (2018). Ecological functioning of mudflats: Global analysis reveals both regional differences and widespread conservation of functioning. Marine ecology progress series, 604, 1-20.

Mudflats—unvegetated, soft-sediment, intertidal habitats—support macrofaunal assemblages that contribute to a number of important ecosystem functions (e.g. food for fish and birds, nutrient and Ccycling). These habitats are widespread but are threate... Read More about Ecological functioning of mudflats: Global analysis reveals both regional differences and widespread conservation of functioning.

Seafloor ecological functioning over two decades of organic enrichment (2018)
Journal Article
Caswell, B. A., Paine, M., & Frid, C. L. (2018). Seafloor ecological functioning over two decades of organic enrichment. Marine pollution bulletin, 136, 212-229.

Climate change and anthropogenic nutrient enrichment are driving rapid increases in ocean deoxygenation, these changes cause biodiversity loss and have severe consequences for marine ecosystem functioning and in turn the delivery of ecosystem service... Read More about Seafloor ecological functioning over two decades of organic enrichment.