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Outputs (8)

Thermo-mechanical behavior assessment of smart wire connected and busbarPV modules during production, transportation, and subsequent field loading stages (2018)
Journal Article
Li, G., Akram, M., Jin, Y., Chen, X., Zhu, C., Ahmad, A., Arshad, R., & Zhao, X. (2019). Thermo-mechanical behavior assessment of smart wire connected and busbarPV modules during production, transportation, and subsequent field loading stages. Energy, 168, 931-945.

Thermo-mechanical loads induce stresses in photovoltaic (PV) modules, leading to crack formation. In this context, the understanding of module’s thermo-mechanical behavior is important. To investigate the thermo-mechanical behavior of smart wire conn... Read More about Thermo-mechanical behavior assessment of smart wire connected and busbarPV modules during production, transportation, and subsequent field loading stages.

Energy performance analysis of a novel solar PVT loop heat pipe employing a microchannel heat pipe evaporator and a PCM triple heat exchanger (2018)
Journal Article
Diallo, T. M., Yu, M., Zhou, J., Zhao, X., Shittu, S., Li, G., Ji, J., & Hardy, D. (2019). Energy performance analysis of a novel solar PVT loop heat pipe employing a microchannel heat pipe evaporator and a PCM triple heat exchanger. Energy, 167, 866-888.

This study presents a numerical analysis of the energy efficiency for a novel solar PVT Loop Heat Pipe (PVT-LHP) employing a novel Micro-channel evaporator and a novel PCM heat storage exchanger. It presents a description of the different sub-models... Read More about Energy performance analysis of a novel solar PVT loop heat pipe employing a microchannel heat pipe evaporator and a PCM triple heat exchanger.

Thermoelectric Element Geometry Optimization for Maximum Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric System Efficiency (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shittu, S., Li, G., Zhao, X., & Ma, X. (2018, August). Thermoelectric Element Geometry Optimization for Maximum Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric System Efficiency. Paper presented at 17th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET 2018), Wuhan, China

The geometry of thermoelectric elements in a hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric (PV-TE) power generation system can influence the conversion efficiency of the hybrid system. Therefore, this study investigates the optimum geometry for maximum conversi... Read More about Thermoelectric Element Geometry Optimization for Maximum Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric System Efficiency.

Series of detail comparison and optimization of thermoelectric element geometry considering the PV effect (2018)
Journal Article
Shittu, S., Li, G., Zhao, X., & Ma, X. (2019). Series of detail comparison and optimization of thermoelectric element geometry considering the PV effect. Renewable energy, 130, 930-942.

This study investigates the optimum geometry for maximum efficiency of a hybrid PV-TE uni-couple using Finite Element Method. COMSOL Multiphysics is used to solve the 3-Dimensional heat transfer equations considering thermoelectric materials with tem... Read More about Series of detail comparison and optimization of thermoelectric element geometry considering the PV effect.

Performance analysis and discussion on the thermoelectric element footprint for PV–TE maximum power generation (2018)
Journal Article
Li, G., Zhao, X., Jin, Y., Chen, X., Ji, J., & Shittu, S. (2018). Performance analysis and discussion on the thermoelectric element footprint for PV–TE maximum power generation. Journal of electronic materials, 47(9), 5344-5351.

Geometrical optimisation is a valuable way to improve the efficiency of a thermoelectric element (TE). In a hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric (PV-TE) system, the photovoltaic (PV) and thermoelectric (TE) components have a relatively complex relation... Read More about Performance analysis and discussion on the thermoelectric element footprint for PV–TE maximum power generation.

A review of solar photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid system for electricity generation (2018)
Journal Article
Li, G., Shittu, S., Diallo, T. M., Yu, M., Zhao, X., & Ji, J. (2018). A review of solar photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid system for electricity generation. Energy, 158, 41-58.

Solar energy application in a wider spectrum has the potential for high efficiency energy conversion. However, solar cells can only absorb photon energy of the solar spectrum near the solar cell band-gap energy, and the remaining energy will be conve... Read More about A review of solar photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid system for electricity generation.

Life-cycle assessment of a low-concentration PV module for building south wall integration in China (2018)
Journal Article
Li, G., Xuan, Q., Pei, G., Su, Y., Lu, Y., & Ji, J. (2018). Life-cycle assessment of a low-concentration PV module for building south wall integration in China. Applied energy, 215, 174-185.

Low-concentration PV (CPV, concentrating photovoltaic) technology is a promising concept because it can work with the fixed installation. However, besides the economic consideration, the environmental impacts of the CPV module throughout its life cyc... Read More about Life-cycle assessment of a low-concentration PV module for building south wall integration in China.

Inconsistent phenomenon of thermoelectric load resistance for photovoltaic–thermoelectric module (2018)
Journal Article
Li, G., Zhou, K., Song, Z., Zhao, X., & Ji, J. (2018). Inconsistent phenomenon of thermoelectric load resistance for photovoltaic–thermoelectric module. Energy Conversion and Management, 161, 155-161.

Combing PV with Thermoelectric (TE) would be dominant because it can employ the solar fully spectrum to produce electricity. But the TE efficiency is significantly lower than PV efficiency and the coupling effect between them will limit the performan... Read More about Inconsistent phenomenon of thermoelectric load resistance for photovoltaic–thermoelectric module.