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Acidification can directly affect olfaction in marine organisms (2021)
Journal Article
Porteus, C. S., Roggatz, C. C., Velez, Z., Hardege, J. D., & Hubbard, P. C. (2021). Acidification can directly affect olfaction in marine organisms. The journal of experimental biology, 224(14),

In the past decade, many studies have investigated the effects of low pH/high CO2 as a proxy for ocean acidification on olfactory-mediated behaviours of marine organisms. The effects of ocean acidification on the behaviour of fish vary from very larg... Read More about Acidification can directly affect olfaction in marine organisms.

Ocean Acidification Amplifies the Olfactory Response to 2-Phenylethylamine: Altered Cue Reception as a Mechanistic Pathway? (2021)
Journal Article
Hardege, J. D., Schirrmacher, P., Roggatz, C. C., & Benoit, D. M. (in press). Ocean Acidification Amplifies the Olfactory Response to 2-Phenylethylamine: Altered Cue Reception as a Mechanistic Pathway?. Journal of Chemical Ecology,

With carbon dioxide (CO2) levels rising dramatically, climate change threatens marine environments. Due to increasing CO2 concentrations in the ocean, pH levels are expected to drop by 0.4 units by the end of the century. There is an urgent need to u... Read More about Ocean Acidification Amplifies the Olfactory Response to 2-Phenylethylamine: Altered Cue Reception as a Mechanistic Pathway?.