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Outputs (2)

Learning histories, participatory methods and creative engagement for climate resilience (2023)
Journal Article
McDonagh, B., Brookes, E., Smith, K., Worthen, H., Coulthard, T., Hughes, G., Mottram, S., Skinner, A., & Chamberlain, J. (2023). Learning histories, participatory methods and creative engagement for climate resilience. Journal of Historical Geography, 82, 91-97.

The potential of place-based, historically-informed approaches to drive climate action has not yet been adequately interrogated. Recent scholarly work has focussed on climate communication and the role of arts and humanities-led storytelling in engag... Read More about Learning histories, participatory methods and creative engagement for climate resilience.

Change, Continuity and Contradictions in May Day Celebrations in Northamptonshire (2008)
Journal Article
Smith, K. (2008). Change, Continuity and Contradictions in May Day Celebrations in Northamptonshire. Folklore, 119(2), 142-159.

Most teachers and students of folklore and folkloristics will have encountered the widespread and persistent belief that “folklore,” including traditional beliefs and behaviours, customs and rituals, is dying. Indeed, this is a position that has char... Read More about Change, Continuity and Contradictions in May Day Celebrations in Northamptonshire.