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Outputs (3)

Physical and biological development of a newly breached managed realignment site, Humber estuary, UK (2007)
Journal Article
Mazik, K., Smith, J. E., Leighton, A., & Elliott, M. (2007). Physical and biological development of a newly breached managed realignment site, Humber estuary, UK. Marine pollution bulletin, 55(10-12), 564-578.

As part of the Humber flood defence upgrade works (Urgent works) undertaken by the Environment Agency, the Paull Holme Strays site was identified as one of twelve potential managed realignment sites within the Humber catchment. The site was breached... Read More about Physical and biological development of a newly breached managed realignment site, Humber estuary, UK.

Estuarine, coastal and marine ecosystem restoration: Confusing management and science – A revision of concepts (2007)
Journal Article
Burdon, D., Hemingway, K. L., Elliott, M., & Apitz, S. E. (2007). Estuarine, coastal and marine ecosystem restoration: Confusing management and science – A revision of concepts. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 74(3), 349-366.

This review presents recent concepts, understanding and experience of the restoration, recovery and human-mediated modification of estuarine, coastal and marine ecosystems. It shows that these can be divided into four categories: natural recovery fro... Read More about Estuarine, coastal and marine ecosystem restoration: Confusing management and science – A revision of concepts.