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Outputs (3)

Framing GM crops as a food security solution (2011)
Journal Article
Dibden, J., Gibbs, D., & Cocklin, C. (2013). Framing GM crops as a food security solution. Journal of rural studies, 29, 59-70.

The spectre of a food security crisis has raised important questions about future directions for agriculture and given fresh impetus to a long-standing debate about the potential contribution of agricultural biotechnology to food security. This paper... Read More about Framing GM crops as a food security solution.

The new urban politics as a politics of carbon control (2011)
Journal Article
Jonas, A. E., Gibbs, D., & While, A. (2011). The new urban politics as a politics of carbon control. Urban studies, 48(12), 2537-2554.

The new urban politics (NUP) literature has helped to draw attention to a new generation of entrepreneurial urban regimes involved in the competition to attract investment to cities. Interurban competition often had negative environmental consequence... Read More about The new urban politics as a politics of carbon control.

Fractures in meta-narratives of development: an interpretive institutionalist account of land use development in the Boston city-region (2011)
Journal Article
Gibbs, D., & Krueger, R. (2012). Fractures in meta-narratives of development: an interpretive institutionalist account of land use development in the Boston city-region. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36(2), 363-380.

This article explores economy-environment relations in urban areas through a focus upon the reorientation of development in the Boston city-region in Massachusetts around a vision of smart growth. The article draws upon the evolving tradition of crit... Read More about Fractures in meta-narratives of development: an interpretive institutionalist account of land use development in the Boston city-region.