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Outputs (31)

Framing GM crops as a food security solution (2011)
Journal Article
Dibden, J., Gibbs, D., & Cocklin, C. (2013). Framing GM crops as a food security solution. Journal of rural studies, 29, 59-70.

The spectre of a food security crisis has raised important questions about future directions for agriculture and given fresh impetus to a long-standing debate about the potential contribution of agricultural biotechnology to food security. This paper... Read More about Framing GM crops as a food security solution.

Paradigms in estuarine ecology - a review of the Remane diagram with a suggested revised model for estuaries (2011)
Journal Article
Whitfield, A., Elliott, M., Basset, A., Blaber, S., & West, R. (2012). Paradigms in estuarine ecology - a review of the Remane diagram with a suggested revised model for estuaries. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 97, 78-90.

Most estuarine ecology textbooks have included the so-called Remane diagram which is derived from German studies in the Baltic Sea region during the early part of the 20th Century. The model shows how aquatic species diversity changes from freshwater... Read More about Paradigms in estuarine ecology - a review of the Remane diagram with a suggested revised model for estuaries.

Shear-derived mixing in dense granular flows (2011)
Journal Article
Rowley, P. J., Kokelaar, P., Menzies, M., & Waltham, D. (2011). Shear-derived mixing in dense granular flows. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 81(12), 874-884.

In flume experiments, granular avalanches run onto loose substrates develop 3-D architectures that record shear-derived mixing between the flow and the substrate. Spherical silica beads 0.250 mm diameter are run onto stratified substrates of various... Read More about Shear-derived mixing in dense granular flows.

Mica-controlled anisotropy within mid-to-upper crustal mylonites: an EBSD study of mica fabrics in the Alpine Fault Zone, New Zealand (2011)
Journal Article
Dempsey, E. D., Prior, D. J., Mariani, E., Toy, V. G., & Tatham, D. J. (2011). Mica-controlled anisotropy within mid-to-upper crustal mylonites: an EBSD study of mica fabrics in the Alpine Fault Zone, New Zealand. Geological Society Special Publications, 360(1), 33-47.

The lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of both muscovite and biotite were measured by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and these data, together with the LPOs of the other main constituent minerals, were used to produce models of the seismic v... Read More about Mica-controlled anisotropy within mid-to-upper crustal mylonites: an EBSD study of mica fabrics in the Alpine Fault Zone, New Zealand.

Climate model predictions for the latest Cretaceous: An evaluation using climatically sensitive sediments as proxy indicators (2011)
Journal Article
Craggs, H. J., Valdes, P. J., & Widdowson, M. (2012). Climate model predictions for the latest Cretaceous: An evaluation using climatically sensitive sediments as proxy indicators. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, 315-316, 12-23.

To date, many general circulation model (GCM) experiments have failed to reproduce the warm, high latitude temperatures suggested for the Cretaceous by geological proxy climate indicators, especially for the Northern Hemisphere and within continental... Read More about Climate model predictions for the latest Cretaceous: An evaluation using climatically sensitive sediments as proxy indicators.

Length and time scales of response of sediment suspensions to changing flow conditions (2011)
Journal Article
Dorrell, R. M., & Hogg, A. J. (2012). Length and time scales of response of sediment suspensions to changing flow conditions. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 138(5), 430-439.

Turbulent suspensions of sediment are investigated to establish the characteristic length and time scales on which they adjust from one state to another. The suspensions are modeled by using a simple closure for the turbulent fluctuations in which th... Read More about Length and time scales of response of sediment suspensions to changing flow conditions.

Comparative study of the performance of the M-cycle counter-flow and cross-flow heat exchangers for indirect evaporative cooling - Paving the path toward sustainable cooling of buildings (2011)
Journal Article
Zhan, C., Duan, Z., Zhao, X., Smith, S., Jin, H., & Riffat, S. (2011). Comparative study of the performance of the M-cycle counter-flow and cross-flow heat exchangers for indirect evaporative cooling - Paving the path toward sustainable cooling of buildings. Energy, 36(12), 6790-6805.

This paper provides a comparative study of the performance of cross-flow and counter-flow M-cycle heat exchangers for dew point cooling. It is recognised that evaporative cooling systems offer a low energy alternative to conventional air conditioning... Read More about Comparative study of the performance of the M-cycle counter-flow and cross-flow heat exchangers for indirect evaporative cooling - Paving the path toward sustainable cooling of buildings.

Early life stages of fishes as indicators of estuarine ecosystem health (2011)
Journal Article
Ramos, S., Amorim, E., Elliott, M., Cabral, H., & Bordalo, A. A. (2012). Early life stages of fishes as indicators of estuarine ecosystem health. Ecological Indicators, 19, 172-183.

A major goal of current environmental policies is to preserve or return areas to a good ecological status, which should be assessed at the ecosystem level, using several biological elements, together with physical, chemical and pollution elements. Th... Read More about Early life stages of fishes as indicators of estuarine ecosystem health.

Recommendations on methods for the detection and control of biological pollution in marine coastal waters (2011)
Journal Article
Olenin, S., Elliott, M., Bysveen, I., Culverhouse, P. F., Daunys, D., Dubelaar, G. B., Gollasch, S., Goulletquer, P., Jelmert, A., Kantor, Y., Mézeth, K. B., Minchin, D., Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A., Olenina, I., & Vandekerkhove, J. (2011). Recommendations on methods for the detection and control of biological pollution in marine coastal waters. Marine pollution bulletin, 62(12), 2598-2604.

Adverse effects of invasive alien species (IAS), or biological pollution, is an increasing problem in marine coastal waters, which remains high on the environmental management agenda. All maritime countries need to assess the size of this problem and... Read More about Recommendations on methods for the detection and control of biological pollution in marine coastal waters.

The new urban politics as a politics of carbon control (2011)
Journal Article
Jonas, A. E., Gibbs, D., & While, A. (2011). The new urban politics as a politics of carbon control. Urban studies, 48(12), 2537-2554.

The new urban politics (NUP) literature has helped to draw attention to a new generation of entrepreneurial urban regimes involved in the competition to attract investment to cities. Interurban competition often had negative environmental consequence... Read More about The new urban politics as a politics of carbon control.

Treatment of zinc-rich acid mine water in low residence time bioreactors incorporating waste shells and methanol dosing. (2011)
Journal Article
Mayes, W., Davis, J., Silva, V., & Jarvis, A. P. (2011). Treatment of zinc-rich acid mine water in low residence time bioreactors incorporating waste shells and methanol dosing. Journal of hazardous materials, 193, 279-287.

Bioreactors utilising bacterially mediated sulphate reduction (BSR) have been widely tested for treating metal-rich waters, but sustained treatment of mobile metals (e.g. Zn) can be difficult to achieve in short residence time systems. Data are prese... Read More about Treatment of zinc-rich acid mine water in low residence time bioreactors incorporating waste shells and methanol dosing..

Challenging paradigms in estuarine ecology and management (2011)
Journal Article
Elliott, M., & Whitfield, A. (2011). Challenging paradigms in estuarine ecology and management. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 94(4), 306-314.

For many years, estuarine science has been the 'poor relation' in aquatic research - freshwater scientists ignored estuaries as they tended to get confused by salt and tides, and marine scientists were more preoccupied by large open systems. Estuarie... Read More about Challenging paradigms in estuarine ecology and management.

Political ecology and habitat conservation for endangered species planning in Southern California: region, places, and ecological governance (2011)
Journal Article
Pincetl, S., Jonas, A., & Sullivan, J. (2011). Political ecology and habitat conservation for endangered species planning in Southern California: region, places, and ecological governance. Geoforum, 42(4), 427-438.

The county of Riverside California has a long history of land conservation. In this comparative case study between Western Riverside County and the Coachella Valley area in the county we show how governance institutions that encompass regions that ha... Read More about Political ecology and habitat conservation for endangered species planning in Southern California: region, places, and ecological governance.

Fractures in meta-narratives of development: an interpretive institutionalist account of land use development in the Boston city-region (2011)
Journal Article
Gibbs, D., & Krueger, R. (2012). Fractures in meta-narratives of development: an interpretive institutionalist account of land use development in the Boston city-region. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36(2), 363-380.

This article explores economy-environment relations in urban areas through a focus upon the reorientation of development in the Boston city-region in Massachusetts around a vision of smart growth. The article draws upon the evolving tradition of crit... Read More about Fractures in meta-narratives of development: an interpretive institutionalist account of land use development in the Boston city-region.

Dispersal and attenuation of trace contaminants downstream of the Ajka bauxite residue (red mud) depository failure, Hungary (2011)
Journal Article
Mayes, W. M., Jarvis, A. P., Burke, I. T., Walton, M., Feigl, V., Klebercz, O., & Gruiz, K. (2011). Dispersal and attenuation of trace contaminants downstream of the Ajka bauxite residue (red mud) depository failure, Hungary. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(12), 5147-5155.

This paper identifies the spatial extent of bauxite processing residue (red mud)-derived contaminants and modes of transport within the Marcal and Raba river systems after the dike failure at Ajka, western Hungary. The geochemical signature of the re... Read More about Dispersal and attenuation of trace contaminants downstream of the Ajka bauxite residue (red mud) depository failure, Hungary.

Seasonal and spatial variation of diffuse (non-point) source zinc pollution in a historically metal mined river catchment, UK (2011)
Journal Article
Gozzard, E., Mayes, W., Potter, H., & Jarvis, A. (2011). Seasonal and spatial variation of diffuse (non-point) source zinc pollution in a historically metal mined river catchment, UK. Environmental pollution, 159(10), 3113-3122.

Quantifying diffuse sources of pollution is becoming increasingly important when characterising river catchments in entirety e a prerequisite for environmental management. This study examines both low and high flow events, as well as spatial variabil... Read More about Seasonal and spatial variation of diffuse (non-point) source zinc pollution in a historically metal mined river catchment, UK.

Evaluation of external heat loss from a small-scale expander used in organic Rankine cycle (2011)
Journal Article
Li, J., Pei, G., Li, Y., & Ji, J. (2011). Evaluation of external heat loss from a small-scale expander used in organic Rankine cycle. Applied thermal engineering, 31(14-15), 2694-2701.

With the scaling down of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), the engine shaft power is not only determined by the enthalpy drop in the expansion process but also the external heat loss from the expander. Theoretical and experimental support in evaluatin... Read More about Evaluation of external heat loss from a small-scale expander used in organic Rankine cycle.