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Outputs (40)

Analysis of long term hydrological records to assess the changing regime and pathways in oil shale mining districts of North East Estonia (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Vaht, R., Mayes, W. M., Sepp, M., Järvet, A., & Mander, Ü. Analysis of long term hydrological records to assess the changing regime and pathways in oil shale mining districts of North East Estonia. Presented at River Basin Management VI

This paper documents long term (1923-2005) changes in surface drainage areas and run-off characteristics in two small to medium (100-1000 km2) rivers draining part of the Ordovician oil shale field of north east Estonia. The changing regime in the he... Read More about Analysis of long term hydrological records to assess the changing regime and pathways in oil shale mining districts of North East Estonia.

Dispersal and attenuation of trace contaminants downstream of the Ajka bauxite residue (red mud) depository failure, Hungary (2011)
Journal Article
Mayes, W. M., Jarvis, A. P., Burke, I. T., Walton, M., Feigl, V., Klebercz, O., & Gruiz, K. (2011). Dispersal and attenuation of trace contaminants downstream of the Ajka bauxite residue (red mud) depository failure, Hungary. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(12), 5147-5155.

This paper identifies the spatial extent of bauxite processing residue (red mud)-derived contaminants and modes of transport within the Marcal and Raba river systems after the dike failure at Ajka, western Hungary. The geochemical signature of the re... Read More about Dispersal and attenuation of trace contaminants downstream of the Ajka bauxite residue (red mud) depository failure, Hungary.

Seasonal and spatial variation of diffuse (non-point) source zinc pollution in a historically metal mined river catchment, UK (2011)
Journal Article
Gozzard, E., Mayes, W., Potter, H., & Jarvis, A. (2011). Seasonal and spatial variation of diffuse (non-point) source zinc pollution in a historically metal mined river catchment, UK. Environmental pollution, 159(10), 3113-3122.

Quantifying diffuse sources of pollution is becoming increasingly important when characterising river catchments in entirety e a prerequisite for environmental management. This study examines both low and high flow events, as well as spatial variabil... Read More about Seasonal and spatial variation of diffuse (non-point) source zinc pollution in a historically metal mined river catchment, UK.

Evaluation of external heat loss from a small-scale expander used in organic Rankine cycle (2011)
Journal Article
Li, J., Pei, G., Li, Y., & Ji, J. (2011). Evaluation of external heat loss from a small-scale expander used in organic Rankine cycle. Applied thermal engineering, 31(14-15), 2694-2701.

With the scaling down of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), the engine shaft power is not only determined by the enthalpy drop in the expansion process but also the external heat loss from the expander. Theoretical and experimental support in evaluatin... Read More about Evaluation of external heat loss from a small-scale expander used in organic Rankine cycle.

Construction and dynamic test of a small-scale organic rankine cycle (2011)
Journal Article
Pei, G., Li, J., Li, Y., Wang, D., & Ji, J. (2011). Construction and dynamic test of a small-scale organic rankine cycle. Energy, 36(5), 3215-3223.

The fundamentals of a newly constructed kW-scale Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system on the use of R123 were illustrated. A specially designed and manufactured turbine was innovatively applied to this system. Formulations were developed to examine the... Read More about Construction and dynamic test of a small-scale organic rankine cycle.

Spaces, times, and critical moments: a relational time-space analysis of the impacts of AIDS on rural youth in Malawi and Lesotho (2011)
Journal Article
Ansell, N., van Blerk, L., Hajdu, F., & Robson, E. (2011). Spaces, times, and critical moments: a relational time-space analysis of the impacts of AIDS on rural youth in Malawi and Lesotho. Environment & planning. A, 43(3), 525-544.

Southern Africa's AIDS epidemic is profoundly spatially and temporally structured; so too are the lives of the young people whose families it blights. In this paper we draw on qualitative research with AIDS-affected young people in Malawi and Lesotho... Read More about Spaces, times, and critical moments: a relational time-space analysis of the impacts of AIDS on rural youth in Malawi and Lesotho.

The structure of the deposit produced by sedimentation of polydisperse suspensions (2011)
Journal Article
Dorrell, R. M., Hogg, A. J., Sumner, E. J., & Talling, P. J. (2011). The structure of the deposit produced by sedimentation of polydisperse suspensions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 116(F1),

To interpret the deposits from particle-laden flows it is necessary to understand particle settling at their base. In this paper a quantitative model is developed that not only captures how particles settle out of suspension but also the composition... Read More about The structure of the deposit produced by sedimentation of polydisperse suspensions.

Rame Head Environmental Impact study: Review of Evidence (2011)
Mazik, K., & Elliott, M. (in press). Rame Head Environmental Impact study: Review of Evidence. DEFRA

Dredging, and the disposal of dredged material, are activities essential to the maintenance of navigable waterways and to the construction and operating of ports and harbours. The activities must comply with the OSPAR Convention, relating to north-we... Read More about Rame Head Environmental Impact study: Review of Evidence.

Environmental Bargains: Power Struggles and Decision Making over British Columbia's and Tasmania's Old-Growth Forests (2011)
Journal Article
Affolderbach, J. (2011). Environmental Bargains: Power Struggles and Decision Making over British Columbia's and Tasmania's Old-Growth Forests. Economic geography, 87(2), 181-206.

Over the past few decades, conflicts over resources have increased in scale and intensity. They are frequently dominated by environmental nongovernmental organizations (ENGOs) that fight, boycott, lobby, and negotiate with other interest groups to pr... Read More about Environmental Bargains: Power Struggles and Decision Making over British Columbia's and Tasmania's Old-Growth Forests.

Performance evaluation of a micro turbo-expander for application in low-temperature solar electricity generation (2011)
Journal Article
Pei, G., Li, Y. Z., Li, J., & Ji, J. (2011). Performance evaluation of a micro turbo-expander for application in low-temperature solar electricity generation. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 12(3), 207-213.

A micro turbo-expander capable of high working speed was specially manufactured for use in an organic Rankine cycle (ORC). A series of tests were executed to examine the performance of the machine. In the experiment, the machine was tested under diff... Read More about Performance evaluation of a micro turbo-expander for application in low-temperature solar electricity generation.

New compounds, sexual differences, and age-related variations in the femoral gland secretions of the lacertid lizard Acanthodactylus boskianus (2011)
Journal Article
Khannoon, E. R., Flachsbarth, B., El-Gendy, A., Mazik, K., Hardege, J. D., & Schulz, S. (2011). New compounds, sexual differences, and age-related variations in the femoral gland secretions of the lacertid lizard Acanthodactylus boskianus. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 39(2), 95-101.

Integumental gland secretions in lizards have been postulated to play a role as semiochemicals, but few studies have analysed the chemical nature of the gland secretions used in communication. We analysed the femoral gland secretions of Acanthodactyl... Read More about New compounds, sexual differences, and age-related variations in the femoral gland secretions of the lacertid lizard Acanthodactylus boskianus.

Biological responses to contaminants in the Humber Estuary: disentangling complex relationships (2011)
Journal Article
García-Alonso, J., Greenway, G., Munshi, A., Gómez, J., Mazik, K., Knight, A. W., Hardege, J., & Elliott, M. (2011). Biological responses to contaminants in the Humber Estuary: disentangling complex relationships. Marine environmental research, 71(4), 295-303.

Due to the ecological importance of estuaries, it is necessary to understand the biological effects that potentially toxic contaminants induce in bioindicator species. A key aspect is whether effects at lower levels of biological organisation transfe... Read More about Biological responses to contaminants in the Humber Estuary: disentangling complex relationships.

Response of single benthic metrics and multi-metric methods to anthropogenic pressure gradients, in five distinct European coastal and transitional ecosystems (2011)
Journal Article
Borja, A., Barbone, E., Basset, A., Borgersen, G., Brkljacic, M., Elliott, M., Garmendia, J. M., Marques, J. C., Mazik, K., Muxika, I., Neto, J. M., Norling, K., Rodríguez, J. G., Rosati, I., Rygg, B., Teixeira, H., & Trayanova, A. (2011). Response of single benthic metrics and multi-metric methods to anthropogenic pressure gradients, in five distinct European coastal and transitional ecosystems. Marine pollution bulletin, 62(3), 499-513.

In recent times many benthic indices have been proposed to assess the ecological quality of marine waters worldwide. In this study we compared single metrics and multi-metric methods to assess coastal and transitional benthic status along human press... Read More about Response of single benthic metrics and multi-metric methods to anthropogenic pressure gradients, in five distinct European coastal and transitional ecosystems.

Classical traditions and cultural geographies (2011)
Book Chapter
Atkinson, D. (2011). Classical traditions and cultural geographies. In Visual and historical geography: essays in honour of Denis E. Cosgrove (44075). Historical Geography Research Series, Royal Geographical Society - Institute of British Geographers

On the presence of Thorella cobourgi Bruce, 1982 (Decapoda, Hippolytidae) in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea (2011)
Journal Article
De Grave, S., & Johnson, M. (2011). On the presence of Thorella cobourgi Bruce, 1982 (Decapoda, Hippolytidae) in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Crustaceana, 84(9), 1149 - 1151.

The hippolytid genus Thorella Bruce, 1982 was described from specimens collected from Port Essington on the Cobourg Peninsula and a further location in Darwin, both in the Northern Territory (Australia), with Thorella cobourgi Bruce, 1982 as the only... Read More about On the presence of Thorella cobourgi Bruce, 1982 (Decapoda, Hippolytidae) in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea.

Mobility, surveillance and control of children and young people in the everyday: Perspectives from sub-Saharan Africa (2011)
Journal Article
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Munthali, A., & Robson, E. (2011). Mobility, surveillance and control of children and young people in the everyday: Perspectives from sub-Saharan Africa. Surveillance and Society, 9(1-2), 114-131.

© The authors, 2011. Surveillance of children and young people in non–Western contexts has received little attention in the literature. In this paper we draw principally on our research in one African country, Malawi, to examine the ways in which the... Read More about Mobility, surveillance and control of children and young people in the everyday: Perspectives from sub-Saharan Africa.

Speciation of contaminant metals in red mud from Ajka, Hungary (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Burke, I. T., Mayes, W. M., Peacock, C. L., Brown, A. P., Jarvis, A. P., & Gruiz, K. Speciation of contaminant metals in red mud from Ajka, Hungary. Presented at Goldschmidt 2011 Conference

The catastrophic failure of the sludge dam at the Ajkai Timfoldgyar Zrt alumina plant in Hungary on the 4th October 2010 resulted in the release of 700000 m 3 of caustic metalliferous red mud. Red mud leachate is hyperalkaline (pH 13) has elevated c... Read More about Speciation of contaminant metals in red mud from Ajka, Hungary.

Remediation of Aquatic Post-Industrial Inorganic Pollutants (2011)
Book Chapter
Mayes, W. M., & Jarvis, A. P. (2011). Remediation of Aquatic Post-Industrial Inorganic Pollutants. In J. Nriagu (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (789-800). Elsevier.

Pollution from abandoned mines can be a major and persistent source of degradation to the health of the water environment. This article reviews the nature of these impacts. The most important of these are usually the chemical changes that occur with... Read More about Remediation of Aquatic Post-Industrial Inorganic Pollutants.

Young people's transport and mobility in sub-Saharan Africa: The gendered journey to school (2011)
Journal Article
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Tanle, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Mashiri, M., & Maponya, G. (2011). Young people's transport and mobility in sub-Saharan Africa: The gendered journey to school. Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 57(1), 61-79.

This paper draws on rich ethnographic data and complementary survey research from a three-country study (Ghana, Malawi, South Africa) of young people's mobility to explore the gendered nature of children's journeys to school in sub-Saharan Africa. In... Read More about Young people's transport and mobility in sub-Saharan Africa: The gendered journey to school.