'In the solitude of the cell': Cellular confinement in the emergence of the modern prison, 1850-1930
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2020). 'In the solitude of the cell': Cellular confinement in the emergence of the modern prison, 1850-1930. In J. Turner, & V. Knight (Eds.), The Prison Cell: Embodied and Everyday Spaces of Incarceration (23-44). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39911-5
Outputs (14)
Gender and release from imprisonment: Convict licensing systems in mid to late 19th century England (2020)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H., & Cox, D. (2020). Gender and release from imprisonment: Convict licensing systems in mid to late 19th century England. In M. Van der Heijden, M. Pluskota, & S. Muurling (Eds.), Women's Criminality in Europe, 1600-1914 (134-147). Cambridge University Press (CUP). https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108774543.007This paper draws on the research undertaken into the lives and prison experiences of around 650 male and female convicts who were released on licence (an early form of parole) from sentences of long term imprisonment (three years to life) in England... Read More about Gender and release from imprisonment: Convict licensing systems in mid to late 19th century England.
Punishment: Incarceration and the death penalty (2018)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2018). Punishment: Incarceration and the death penalty. In D. Nash, & A.-M. Kilday (Eds.), Murder and Mayhem: Crime in Twentieth Century Britain (243-270). Palgrave Macmillan
'Convict Prisons', 'Local Prisons' and 'Prison Reform' (2017)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2017). 'Convict Prisons', 'Local Prisons' and 'Prison Reform'. In J. Turner, P. Taylor, S. Morley, & K. Corteen (Eds.), A Companion to the History of Crime and Criminal Justice. Policy Press
‘‘I am afraid she is perfectly responsible for her actions and is simply wicked’: Reconstructing the criminal career of Julia Hyland (2016)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H., Godfrey, B., & Turner, J. (2016). ‘‘I am afraid she is perfectly responsible for her actions and is simply wicked’: Reconstructing the criminal career of Julia Hyland. In D. Nash, & A.-M. Kilday (Eds.), Law, Crime and Deviance since 1700: Micro Studies in the History of Crime (209-225). Bloomsbury Publishing
Prison Histories, 1770s-1950s: Continuities and contradictions (2016)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2016). Prison Histories, 1770s-1950s: Continuities and contradictions. In Y. Jewkes, B. Crewe, & J. Bennett (Eds.), Handbook on Prisons (24-38). (2nd ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315797779The stated aims of imprisonment became markedly less ambitious when the confidence that characterized the 19th-century reform movement was displaced by a realization that places of confinement – no matter how well designed or humanely intentioned. In... Read More about Prison Histories, 1770s-1950s: Continuities and contradictions.
On Licence: Understanding punishment, recidivism and desistance in penal policy, 1853-1945 (2014)
Book Chapter
Cox, D., Godfrey, B., Johnston, H., & Turner, J. (2014). On Licence: Understanding punishment, recidivism and desistance in penal policy, 1853-1945. In V. Miller, & J. Campbell (Eds.), Transnational Penal Cultures: New Perspectives on Discipline, Punishment and Desistance (184-201). Routledge
Transforming the prison: histories of prison and imprisonment, 1770-1952 (2009)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2009). Transforming the prison: histories of prison and imprisonment, 1770-1952. In Criminal Justice (125 - 143). OUP OxfordThis chapter considers the emergence of imprisonment as the predominant form of punishment for the majority offences from the mid-nineteenth century onwards in Britain. It examines imprisonment before and during the eighteenth century through to the... Read More about Transforming the prison: histories of prison and imprisonment, 1770-1952.
Victorian Prisons (2008)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2008). Victorian Prisons. In Dictionary of Prisons and Punishment (305 - 307). WillanThe 'Victorian Prison' refers to prisons during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). The Victorian period is key to our understanding of prisons and imprisonment, not only in terms of the significant change4s that were made in teh administration... Read More about Victorian Prisons.
Separate and Silent Systems (2008)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2008). Separate and Silent Systems. In Dictionary of Prisons and Punishment (270 - 271). WillanThe separate and silent systems were two disciplinary regimes that became prominent in prisons during the early to mid-nineteenth century. Both systems were based on the idea of reforming prisoners either through isolation or throught silent-associa... Read More about Separate and Silent Systems.
Less Eligibility (2008)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2008). Less Eligibility. In Dictionary of Prisons and Punishment (151 - 152). WillanThe principle of less eligibility is based on the notion that those in prisons (or work-houses, historically) should ensure material living conditions that compare unfavourably with those of similarly disadvantaged people outside these institutions.
HM Prison Service (2008)
Book Chapter
Bennett, J., & Johnston, H. (2008). HM Prison Service. In Dictionary of prisons and punishment (115 - 117). WillanHM Prison Service is the organization charged with managing public sector prisons and young offender institutions in England and Wales.
Moral Guardians? Prison Officers, Prison Practice and Ambiguity in the Nineteenth Century (2008)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2008). Moral Guardians? Prison Officers, Prison Practice and Ambiguity in the Nineteenth Century. In Punishment and Control in Historical Perspective (77 - 94). Palgrave MacmillanThis chapter is concerned with understanding the role and working lives of turnkeys, warders, prison officers between 1835 and 1877 period, and to examine this role within a broader understanding of the nature of local imprisonment at this time. Ove... Read More about Moral Guardians? Prison Officers, Prison Practice and Ambiguity in the Nineteenth Century.
Architecture and contested space in the development of the modern prison
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. Architecture and contested space in the development of the modern prison. In Architecture and justice: judicial meanings in the public realm. The University of Hull