‘‘I am afraid she is perfectly responsible for her actions and is simply wicked’: Reconstructing the criminal career of Julia Hyland
Book Chapter
Johnston, H., Godfrey, B., & Turner, J. (2016). ‘‘I am afraid she is perfectly responsible for her actions and is simply wicked’: Reconstructing the criminal career of Julia Hyland. In D. Nash, & A.-M. Kilday (Eds.), Law, Crime and Deviance since 1700: Micro Studies in the History of Crime (209-225). Bloomsbury Publishing
Outputs (3)
Victorian Convicts: 100 Criminal Lives (2016)
Johnston, H., Godfrey, B., & Cox, D. J. (2016). Victorian Convicts: 100 Criminal Lives. Pen & Sword Books
Prison Histories, 1770s-1950s: Continuities and contradictions (2016)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2016). Prison Histories, 1770s-1950s: Continuities and contradictions. In Y. Jewkes, B. Crewe, & J. Bennett (Eds.), Handbook on Prisons (24-38). (2nd ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315797779The stated aims of imprisonment became markedly less ambitious when the confidence that characterized the 19th-century reform movement was displaced by a realization that places of confinement – no matter how well designed or humanely intentioned. In... Read More about Prison Histories, 1770s-1950s: Continuities and contradictions.