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Outputs (2)

Punishment: Incarceration and the death penalty (2018)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2018). Punishment: Incarceration and the death penalty. In D. Nash, & A.-M. Kilday (Eds.), Murder and Mayhem: Crime in Twentieth Century Britain (243-270). Palgrave Macmillan

Imprisoned mothers in Victorian England, 1853–1900: Motherhood, identity and the convict prison (2018)
Journal Article
Johnston, H. (2019). Imprisoned mothers in Victorian England, 1853–1900: Motherhood, identity and the convict prison. Criminology & criminal Justice, 19(2), 215-231.

This article explores the experiences of imprisoned mothers in the Victorian convict prison system. It argues that motherhood, of central importance to the ideals of Victorian femininity, was disrupted and fractured by women's long-term imprisonment... Read More about Imprisoned mothers in Victorian England, 1853–1900: Motherhood, identity and the convict prison.