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Outputs (9)

Wage Theft and the Contours of Accumulation (2024)
Journal Article
Burnett, J., & Chebe, F. (2024). Wage Theft and the Contours of Accumulation. Justice, power and resistance, 7(1), 39-59.

This article examines the theft of migrant workers’ wages in England by their employers, drawing from original accounts and testimonies of a sample of workers employed between 2018 and 2023. It builds on and establishes new conceptual understandings... Read More about Wage Theft and the Contours of Accumulation.

Immigration Raids and State Violence (2022)
Journal Article
Bhatia, M., & Burnett, J. (2022). Immigration Raids and State Violence. State Crime Journal, 11(1), 33-51.

This article develops an analysis of contemporary immigration raids in Britain, arguing that they operate ideologically as well as institutionally to sustain the material and political conditions of what is a vastly unequal form of social... Read More about Immigration Raids and State Violence.

Towards a Political Economy of Charging Regimes: Fines, Fees and Force in UK Immigration Control (2019)
Journal Article
Burnett, J., & Chebe, F. (2020). Towards a Political Economy of Charging Regimes: Fines, Fees and Force in UK Immigration Control. The British journal of criminology, 60(3), 579-599.

Charging regimes and the extraction of revenue are integral components of immigration control in the United Kingdom. However, while these have been analysed in their individual guises, to date, there has been little substantive analysis bringing thes... Read More about Towards a Political Economy of Charging Regimes: Fines, Fees and Force in UK Immigration Control.

In the teeth of the machine: workfare, immigration enforcement and the regulation of ‘surplus labour’ (2018)
Journal Article
Burnett, J. (2018). In the teeth of the machine: workfare, immigration enforcement and the regulation of ‘surplus labour’. Justice, power and resistance, 2(2), 287-313

This article examines the development of a particular policy framework that is coming to fruition in the UK after decades of gestation. It examines how the administration of ‘workfare’ and the operation of immigration enforcement, while existing inde... Read More about In the teeth of the machine: workfare, immigration enforcement and the regulation of ‘surplus labour’.

Book review: Policing the Planet: why the policing crisis led to Black Lives Matter Edited by Camp, Jordan T., and Heatherton, Christina (London: Verso, 2016), 320 pp (2018)
Journal Article
Burnett, J. (2018). Book review: Policing the Planet: why the policing crisis led to Black Lives Matter Edited by Camp, Jordan T., and Heatherton, Christina (London: Verso, 2016), 320 pp. Race & class, 59(3), 108-110.

Book review of Policing the Planet: why the policing crisis led to Black Lives Matter

Entitlement and belonging: social restructuring and multicultural Britain (2016)
Journal Article
Burnett, J. (2016). Entitlement and belonging: social restructuring and multicultural Britain. Race & class, 56(2), 37-54.

In May 2016, two flagship measures of the Conservative UK government, the Housing and Planning Act 2016 and the Immigration Act 2016 were passed, despite opposition from rights and advocacy organisations, charities and individuals in both fields. Bas... Read More about Entitlement and belonging: social restructuring and multicultural Britain.