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Outputs (43)

Factors associated with the timing and number of antenatal care visits among unmarried compared to married youth in uganda between 2006 and 2016 (2021)
Journal Article
Agaba, P., Onukwugha, F., Magadi, M., & Misinde, C. (2021). Factors associated with the timing and number of antenatal care visits among unmarried compared to married youth in uganda between 2006 and 2016. Social Sciences, 10(12), Article 474.

Antenatal care is an important determinant of pregnancy and childbirth outcomes. Although the youth disproportionately experience adverse maternal complications and poor pregnancy outcomes, including maternal mortality, timely and frequent use of ant... Read More about Factors associated with the timing and number of antenatal care visits among unmarried compared to married youth in uganda between 2006 and 2016.

Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and behaviour of adolescent boys and girls aged 10-19 years in western Kenya: Evidence from a cross-sectional pilot survey (2021)
Journal Article
Magadi, M., Kaseje, D., Kaseje, M., Ochola-Odhiambo, P., Ogutu-Owii, S., Wafula, C., Orton, B., Onukwugha, F., Hayter, M., & Smith, L. (2021). Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and behaviour of adolescent boys and girls aged 10-19 years in western Kenya: Evidence from a cross-sectional pilot survey. Journal of biosocial science,

This paper reports findings of a pilot survey of adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) knowledge and behaviour in Homabay County of western Kenya. The study was based on a cross-sectional survey of 523 male and female adolescents aged 10-1... Read More about Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and behaviour of adolescent boys and girls aged 10-19 years in western Kenya: Evidence from a cross-sectional pilot survey.

Is polygyny a risk factor in the transmission of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa? A systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
Gazimbi, M. M., Magadi, M. A., Onyango-Ouma, W., Walker, E., Cresswell, R. B., Kaseje, M., & Wafula, C. O. (2020). Is polygyny a risk factor in the transmission of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa? A systematic review. African journal of reproductive health, 24(4), 198-212.

Using a systematic literature review approach, this paper focused on the role of polygyny in the spread of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries. The widespread practice of polygyny is one feature of many SSA contexts that may be relevant to... Read More about Is polygyny a risk factor in the transmission of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa? A systematic review.

HIV and unintended fertility in sub-Saharan Africa: multilevel predictors of mistimed and unwanted fertility among HIV-positive women. (2020)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (in press). HIV and unintended fertility in sub-Saharan Africa: multilevel predictors of mistimed and unwanted fertility among HIV-positive women. Population Research and Policy Review,

© 2020, Springer Nature B.V. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has a disproportionate burden of both unintended fertility and HIV infection, but the relationship between these two reproductive health risks is not well understood. This paper investigates the a... Read More about HIV and unintended fertility in sub-Saharan Africa: multilevel predictors of mistimed and unwanted fertility among HIV-positive women..

Trends in and predictors of pregnancy termination among 15-24 year-old women in Nigeria: A multi-level analysis of demographic and health surveys 2003-2018 (2020)
Journal Article
Onukwugha, F. I., Magadi, M. A., Sarki, A. M., & Smith, L. (2020). Trends in and predictors of pregnancy termination among 15-24 year-old women in Nigeria: A multi-level analysis of demographic and health surveys 2003-2018. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20(1), Article 550.

© 2020 The Author(s). Background: Three-quarters of pregnancy terminations in Africa are carried out in unsafe conditions. Unsafe abortion is the leading cause of maternal mortality among 15-24 year-old women in Sub-Saharan Africa. Greater understand... Read More about Trends in and predictors of pregnancy termination among 15-24 year-old women in Nigeria: A multi-level analysis of demographic and health surveys 2003-2018.

Barriers to sexual and reproductive education among in-school adolescents in Zomba and Mangochi districts, Malawi (2020)
Journal Article
Likupe, G., Chintsanya, J., Magadi, M., Munthali, A., & Makwemba, M. (2021). Barriers to sexual and reproductive education among in-school adolescents in Zomba and Mangochi districts, Malawi. Sex Education, 21(4), 450-462.

Teenage pregnancy and child marriage continue to rise in Malawi despite the introduction of compulsory Life Skills education in primary schools in 2002. A qualitative approach, employing focus group discussions with participants was used to explore t... Read More about Barriers to sexual and reproductive education among in-school adolescents in Zomba and Mangochi districts, Malawi.

Understanding ethnic variations in HIV prevalence in Kenya: the role of cultural practices (2020)
Journal Article
Magadi, M., Gazimbi, M., Wafula, C., & Kaseje, M. (2021). Understanding ethnic variations in HIV prevalence in Kenya: the role of cultural practices. Culture, health & sexuality, 23(6), 822-839.

Patterns of HIV prevalence in Kenya suggest that areas where various cultural practices are prevalent bear a disproportionate burden of HIV. This paper examines (i) the contextual effects of cultural practices (polygyny, male circumcision) and relate... Read More about Understanding ethnic variations in HIV prevalence in Kenya: the role of cultural practices.

Views of Service Providers and Adolescents on Use of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services by Adolescents: A Systematic Review (2019)
Journal Article
Onukwugha, F. I., Hayter, M., & Magadi, M. A. (2019). Views of Service Providers and Adolescents on Use of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services by Adolescents: A Systematic Review. African journal of reproductive health, 23(2), 134-147.

This review examines the literature on adolescents' and providers' views on access and use of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) information and services. The SRH services referred to in this study were predominantly family planning services, STI t... Read More about Views of Service Providers and Adolescents on Use of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services by Adolescents: A Systematic Review.

Social and structural vulnerability to HIV infection in Uganda: A multilevel modelling of AIDS indicators survey data, 2004-2005 and 2011 (2018)
Journal Article
Igulot, P., & A Magadi, M. (2018). Social and structural vulnerability to HIV infection in Uganda: A multilevel modelling of AIDS indicators survey data, 2004-2005 and 2011. Journal of community medicine, 1(2), Article 1008.

Introduction: Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) continues to exhibit inequalities in HIV epidemic. As of 2017, about 69.5% of people living with HIV, 64% of new infections and 73% HIV-related deaths were in SSA. Most HIV research conducted in the continent ha... Read More about Social and structural vulnerability to HIV infection in Uganda: A multilevel modelling of AIDS indicators survey data, 2004-2005 and 2011.

Individual and Community-level Determinants of Antenatal HIV Testing in Zimbabwe (2018)
Journal Article
Magadi, M., & Gazimbi, M. M. (2019). Individual and Community-level Determinants of Antenatal HIV Testing in Zimbabwe. Journal of biosocial science, 51(2), 203-224.

This study contributes to the dialogue on prevention of mother to child HIV transmission (PMTCT) through the use of HIV and antenatal care (ANC) integrated services. This was done by exploring the determinants of antenatal HIV testing in Zimbabwe. Mu... Read More about Individual and Community-level Determinants of Antenatal HIV Testing in Zimbabwe.

Multilevel determinants of teenage childbearing in sub-Saharan Africa in the context of HIV/AIDS (2017)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (2017). Multilevel determinants of teenage childbearing in sub-Saharan Africa in the context of HIV/AIDS. Health and Place, 46, 37-48.

This paper examined national variations and multilevel determinants of teenage childbearing in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in the context of HIV/AIDS using data from recent Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in 29 countries of SSA. Results showed... Read More about Multilevel determinants of teenage childbearing in sub-Saharan Africa in the context of HIV/AIDS.

A multilevel analysis of the determinants of HIV testing in Zimbabwe: evidence from the demographic and health surveys (2017)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A., & Gazimbi, M. M. (2017). A multilevel analysis of the determinants of HIV testing in Zimbabwe: evidence from the demographic and health surveys. HIV/AIDS Research and Treatment: Open Journal, 4(1), 14-31.

Introduction Zimbabwe is still burdened with HIV epidemic and the government has an ambitious aim in the post-2015 era to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. To achieve this, the government has set up the 90-90-90 strategic milestones to be achieved by 20... Read More about A multilevel analysis of the determinants of HIV testing in Zimbabwe: evidence from the demographic and health surveys.

HIV/AIDS and contraceptive use: Factors associated with contraceptive use among sexually-active HIV-positive women in Kenya (2016)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A., & Magadi, W. A. (2017). HIV/AIDS and contraceptive use: Factors associated with contraceptive use among sexually-active HIV-positive women in Kenya. Contraception, 95(3), 312-321.

Objectives: With increased availability of anti-retroviral therapy and improved survival for people living with HIV, more HIV-positive women are leading full reproductive lives. However, HIV-positive women have special contraceptive needs/concerns. T... Read More about HIV/AIDS and contraceptive use: Factors associated with contraceptive use among sexually-active HIV-positive women in Kenya.

Understanding the urban-rural disparity in HIV and poverty nexus: the case of Kenya (2016)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (2017). Understanding the urban-rural disparity in HIV and poverty nexus: the case of Kenya. Journal of Public Health, 39(3), e63-e72.

Background The relationship between HIV and poverty is complex and recent studies reveal an urban-rural divide that is not well understood. This paper examines the urban-rural disparity in the relationship between poverty and HIV infection in Kenya,... Read More about Understanding the urban-rural disparity in HIV and poverty nexus: the case of Kenya.

HIV/AIDS and contraceptive method choice : demographic and socio-economic correlates of contraceptive method choice among HIV-positive women practising family planning in Kenya (2016)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (2016). HIV/AIDS and contraceptive method choice : demographic and socio-economic correlates of contraceptive method choice among HIV-positive women practising family planning in Kenya. HIV/AIDS Research and Treatment: Open Journal, 3(1), 1-12.

Introduction: As the generalized HIV epidemic in specific settings of sub-Saharan Africa continues to evolve, there is need for evidence-based response to address emerging challenges, which include enabling the large number of women living with HIV m... Read More about HIV/AIDS and contraceptive method choice : demographic and socio-economic correlates of contraceptive method choice among HIV-positive women practising family planning in Kenya.

Onset of sexual activity among adolescents in HIV/AIDS affected households in sub-Saharan Africa (2014)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A., & Uchudi, J. (2015). Onset of sexual activity among adolescents in HIV/AIDS affected households in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of biosocial science, 47(2), 238-257.

This paper examines the effect of orphanhood and HIV status of adults in a household on onset of sexual activity among adolescent girls and boys aged 15-17 years in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). We apply multilevel logistic models to pooled Demographic a... Read More about Onset of sexual activity among adolescents in HIV/AIDS affected households in sub-Saharan Africa.

Migration as a risk factor for HIV infection among youths in sub-Saharan Africa : evidence from the DHS (2013)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (2013). Migration as a risk factor for HIV infection among youths in sub-Saharan Africa : evidence from the DHS. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 648(1), 136-158.

Of the estimated 10 million youths living with HIV worldwide, 63 percent live in sub-Saharan Africa. This article focuses on migration as a risk factor of HIV infection among the youths in sub-Saharan Africa. The study is based on multilevel modeling... Read More about Migration as a risk factor for HIV infection among youths in sub-Saharan Africa : evidence from the DHS.

The disproportionate high risk of HIV infection among the urban poor in sub-Saharan Africa (2012)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (2013). The disproportionate high risk of HIV infection among the urban poor in sub-Saharan Africa. AIDS and Behavior, 17(5), 1645-1654.

The link between HIV infection and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is rather complex and findings from previous studies remain inconsistent. While some argue that poverty increases vulnerability, existing empirical evidence largely support the vi... Read More about The disproportionate high risk of HIV infection among the urban poor in sub-Saharan Africa.

Journal Article
Uchudi, J., Mostazir, M., & Magadi, M. (2012). A MULTILEVEL ANALYSIS OF THE DETERMINANTS OF HIGH-RISK SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Journal of biosocial science, 44(3), 289-311.

A number of authors have identified multiple concurrent sexual partnerships by both men and women to lie at the root of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. This study applies multilevel models to Demographic and Health Survey data collected... Read More about A MULTILEVEL ANALYSIS OF THE DETERMINANTS OF HIGH-RISK SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA.

A multilevel analysis of the determinants and cross-national variations of HIV seropositivity in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from the DHS (2011)
Journal Article
Magadi, M., & Desta, M. (2011). A multilevel analysis of the determinants and cross-national variations of HIV seropositivity in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from the DHS. Health and Place, 17(5), 1067-1083.

This paper applies multilevel logistic regression models to Demographic and Health Survey data collected during 2003-2008 from 20 countries of sub-Saharan Africa to examine the determinants and cross-national variations in the risk of HIV seropositiv... Read More about A multilevel analysis of the determinants and cross-national variations of HIV seropositivity in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from the DHS.