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Outputs (289)

Book review: Policing the Planet: why the policing crisis led to Black Lives Matter Edited by Camp, Jordan T., and Heatherton, Christina (London: Verso, 2016), 320 pp (2018)
Journal Article
Burnett, J. (2018). Book review: Policing the Planet: why the policing crisis led to Black Lives Matter Edited by Camp, Jordan T., and Heatherton, Christina (London: Verso, 2016), 320 pp. Race & class, 59(3), 108-110.

Book review of Policing the Planet: why the policing crisis led to Black Lives Matter

Homeland and its use of bipolar disorder for sensationalist and dramatic effect (2018)
Journal Article
Wondemaghen, M. (2019). Homeland and its use of bipolar disorder for sensationalist and dramatic effect. Social Semiotics, 29(2), 131-144.

When a lead character in a critically acclaimed and award-winning television programme is depicted as a proficient and meticulous heroine with a mental disorder, it is crucial to examine if this reflects a change in the media depiction of people with... Read More about Homeland and its use of bipolar disorder for sensationalist and dramatic effect.

Climate change, the green economy and reimagining the city: the case of structurally disadvantaged European maritime port cities (2017)
Journal Article
Jonas, A. E. G., Wurzel, R. K., Monaghan, E., & Osthorst, W. (2017). Climate change, the green economy and reimagining the city: the case of structurally disadvantaged European maritime port cities. Die Erde : Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, 148(4), 197-211.

The concept of the New Environmental Politics of Urban Development (NEPUD) examines the impact of international and national environmental regulation on the politics of urban development. The NEPUD concept emerged from case studies of environmental g... Read More about Climate change, the green economy and reimagining the city: the case of structurally disadvantaged European maritime port cities.

Trends and determinants of comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS among unmarried adolescents in Nigeria (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Onukwugha, F., Magadi, M., & Hayter, M. (2017, October). Trends and determinants of comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS among unmarried adolescents in Nigeria. Paper presented at XXVIII International Population Conference, Cape Town

Despite the establishment of “MyQuestion Database” to enhance adolescents access to sexual and reproductive health information in Nigeria, evidence has shown that comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS among adolescents in Nigeria is disappointingly low... Read More about Trends and determinants of comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS among unmarried adolescents in Nigeria.

Social media and the cordon sanitaire: Populist politics, the online space, and a relationship that just isn’t there (2017)
Journal Article
Littler, M., & Feldman, M. (2017). Social media and the cordon sanitaire: Populist politics, the online space, and a relationship that just isn’t there. Journal of Language and Politics, 16(4), 510-522.

© John Benjamins Publishing Company. Much research has sought to map the spread of extreme and populist political ideologies across Western Europe. Despite this, it often fails to explain how these ideologies move from the political fringes to positi... Read More about Social media and the cordon sanitaire: Populist politics, the online space, and a relationship that just isn’t there.

‘Jesus saves’ and ‘Clothed in Christ’: athletic religious apparel in the Christian CrossFit community (2017)
Journal Article
Ornella, A. D. (in press). ‘Jesus saves’ and ‘Clothed in Christ’: athletic religious apparel in the Christian CrossFit community. Sport in Society, 22(2), 266-280.

The popular sport of CrossFit has attracted a number of Christians who simultaneously celebrate their passion for their faith and their passion for their sport. In this interplay of sport and religion, fashion becomes an important means for the profe... Read More about ‘Jesus saves’ and ‘Clothed in Christ’: athletic religious apparel in the Christian CrossFit community.

'Convict Prisons', 'Local Prisons' and 'Prison Reform' (2017)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2017). 'Convict Prisons', 'Local Prisons' and 'Prison Reform'. In J. Turner, P. Taylor, S. Morley, & K. Corteen (Eds.), A Companion to the History of Crime and Criminal Justice. Policy Press

High stakes: The role of weapons in offender decision making (2017)
Book Chapter
Brennan, I. R. (2017). High stakes: The role of weapons in offender decision making. In W. Bernasco, J.-L. van Gelder, & H. Elffers (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of offender decision making (421-444). Oxford University Press.

This chapter describes the contradictory roles that weapons play in offender decision making as mechanisms that can both increase the physical harm to a victim of violence and also reduce the need for physical harm in victims of robbery. Because weap... Read More about High stakes: The role of weapons in offender decision making.

The Violence of Workfare (2017)
Book Chapter
Burnett, J., & Whyte, D. (2017). The Violence of Workfare. In V. Cooper, & D. Whyte (Eds.), The Violence of Austerity (59-66). Pluto Press

This chapter analyses the testimonies of 97 people who have participated in ‘workfare’ schemes in the UK and have raised concerns about the health and safety risks experienced on these placements. Overall, these placements, which were carried out bet... Read More about The Violence of Workfare.

Austerity and the Production of Hate (2017)
Book Chapter
Burnett, J. (2017). Austerity and the Production of Hate. In V. Cooper, & D. Whyte (Eds.), The Violence of Austerity (217-223). Pluto Press

The Violence of Austerity collects the voices of campaigners and academics to show that rather than stimulating economic growth, austerity policies dismantled the social systems that operated as a buffer against economic hardship, exposing austerity... Read More about Austerity and the Production of Hate.

Multilevel determinants of teenage childbearing in sub-Saharan Africa in the context of HIV/AIDS (2017)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (2017). Multilevel determinants of teenage childbearing in sub-Saharan Africa in the context of HIV/AIDS. Health and Place, 46, 37-48.

This paper examined national variations and multilevel determinants of teenage childbearing in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in the context of HIV/AIDS using data from recent Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in 29 countries of SSA. Results showed... Read More about Multilevel determinants of teenage childbearing in sub-Saharan Africa in the context of HIV/AIDS.

The long-term impacts of probation supervision (2017)
Book Chapter
Hunter, B., Farrall, S., Sharpe, G., & Calverley, A. (2017). The long-term impacts of probation supervision. In A. Blokland, & V. van der Geest (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Life-Course Criminology (436-449). Routledge.

This chapter draws upon data from a longitudinal study of desistance from crime to investigate the impacts of criminal justice interventions specifically, probation supervision on probationers' behaviour over a period of fifteen years. It demonstrate... Read More about The long-term impacts of probation supervision.

A multilevel analysis of the determinants of HIV testing in Zimbabwe: evidence from the demographic and health surveys (2017)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A., & Gazimbi, M. M. (2017). A multilevel analysis of the determinants of HIV testing in Zimbabwe: evidence from the demographic and health surveys. HIV/AIDS Research and Treatment: Open Journal, 4(1), 14-31.

Introduction Zimbabwe is still burdened with HIV epidemic and the government has an ambitious aim in the post-2015 era to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. To achieve this, the government has set up the 90-90-90 strategic milestones to be achieved by 20... Read More about A multilevel analysis of the determinants of HIV testing in Zimbabwe: evidence from the demographic and health surveys.

Contradiction and radical hope : exploring lived love (2016)
Journal Article
Vulliamy, C. (2016). Contradiction and radical hope : exploring lived love. LIR.journal, 7(16), 74-96

In this article, I explore the contradictions, tensions and hopefulness of love. Participants in my research shared accounts of love that acknowledged the anguish, loss and pain of love in uneven political worlds marked by patriarchal power structure... Read More about Contradiction and radical hope : exploring lived love.

Uncanny intimacies: Humans and machines in film (2016)
Book Chapter
Ornella, A. D. (2016). Uncanny intimacies: Humans and machines in film. In M. Hauskeller, T. D. Philbeck, & C. D. Carbonell (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and Television (330-338). Palgrave Macmillan.

In its Riley v. California ruling requiring the police to get a search warrant to access mobile phone content, the US Supreme Court argued that: ‘modern cell phones, (…) are now such a pervasive and insistent part of daily life that the proverbial vi... Read More about Uncanny intimacies: Humans and machines in film.

Losers, food, and sex: clerical masculinity in the BBC sitcom Rev (2016)
Journal Article
Ornella, A. (2016). Losers, food, and sex: clerical masculinity in the BBC sitcom Rev. Journal for Religion, Film and Media, 99-122.

Clerical masculinities, much like their lay/secular counterparts, often appear unchanging because they are the products of naturalization processes. Clerical masculinities, however, are far from being stable but the live and breathe the dynamics of b... Read More about Losers, food, and sex: clerical masculinity in the BBC sitcom Rev.

HIV/AIDS and contraceptive use: Factors associated with contraceptive use among sexually-active HIV-positive women in Kenya (2016)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A., & Magadi, W. A. (2017). HIV/AIDS and contraceptive use: Factors associated with contraceptive use among sexually-active HIV-positive women in Kenya. Contraception, 95(3), 312-321.

Objectives: With increased availability of anti-retroviral therapy and improved survival for people living with HIV, more HIV-positive women are leading full reproductive lives. However, HIV-positive women have special contraceptive needs/concerns. T... Read More about HIV/AIDS and contraceptive use: Factors associated with contraceptive use among sexually-active HIV-positive women in Kenya.