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A reader-response study of the relationship between the Wayuu peoples and the literature of Gabriel García Márquez: The influence of ethno-education on language use and narratives of identity in an indigenous bilingual context (2019)
Journal Article
McAleer, P. (2019). A reader-response study of the relationship between the Wayuu peoples and the literature of Gabriel García Márquez: The influence of ethno-education on language use and narratives of identity in an indigenous bilingual context. The Modern language review, 114(1), 79-102.

Gabriel García Márquez's literature shares a number of aspects with the cultural and literary traditions of the indigenous Wayuu of Colombia: e.g. symbols of death, the afterlife, dreams, and divination. This article examines the results of a reader-... Read More about A reader-response study of the relationship between the Wayuu peoples and the literature of Gabriel García Márquez: The influence of ethno-education on language use and narratives of identity in an indigenous bilingual context.

The multiple functions of criollo, gaucho and indigenous symbols in La historieta Patoruzú, 1936-50 : the conflicts of Peronism, nationalism, and migration (2017)
Journal Article
McAleer, P. R. (2018). The multiple functions of criollo, gaucho and indigenous symbols in La historieta Patoruzú, 1936-50 : the conflicts of Peronism, nationalism, and migration. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 27(2), 253-270.

This article considers the comic book, Patoruzú in light of the cultural expressions of Argentine criollismo between the 1930s and 50s. It begins by examining the political and class conflicts that informed the meanings of criollo symbols, and how Da... Read More about The multiple functions of criollo, gaucho and indigenous symbols in La historieta Patoruzú, 1936-50 : the conflicts of Peronism, nationalism, and migration.

The perils of parody : joking with stereotypes in a postcolonial context in Cien años de soledad (2016)
Journal Article
McAleer, P. (2016). The perils of parody : joking with stereotypes in a postcolonial context in Cien años de soledad. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 21(3), 187-203.

This article examines the comic treatment of the characters in Cien años de soledad. It challenges the previous studies of the novel’s comedy, which have tended to conclude that its comic formulas are necessarily subversive and carnivalesque. Employi... Read More about The perils of parody : joking with stereotypes in a postcolonial context in Cien años de soledad.