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Outputs (16)

The (un) spectacle of the real: forwarding an active spectator in Michael Haneke's Le temps du loup/Time of the wolf (2003) (2010)
Journal Article
Aston, J. (2010). The (un) spectacle of the real: forwarding an active spectator in Michael Haneke's Le temps du loup/Time of the wolf (2003). Studies in European cinema, 7(2), 109-122.

The two central themes in the films of Michael Haneke, the fragmentation and brutality of interpersonal and societal relations and the notion of cinematic reality as an illusory construction, reach an apex in his 2003 film Le temps du Loup/Time of th... Read More about The (un) spectacle of the real: forwarding an active spectator in Michael Haneke's Le temps du loup/Time of the wolf (2003).

No pain, no gain - the provocation of laughter in slapstick comedy (2010)
Journal Article
Peacock, L. S. (2010). No pain, no gain - the provocation of laughter in slapstick comedy. Popular entertainment studies, 1(2), 93-106

This article explores the relationship between danger and laughter in the work of a number of what might be defined as slapstick or physical comedians. The notion of physical comedians risking life and limb in order to generate laughter from an admir... Read More about No pain, no gain - the provocation of laughter in slapstick comedy.

Listeners' perceptual and emotional responses to tonal and atonal music (2010)
Journal Article
Prior, H. (2011). Listeners' perceptual and emotional responses to tonal and atonal music. Psychology of music, 39(4), 468-502.

Research in music and emotion has largely focused on responses to tonal music on isolated occasions. This article presents a novel approach to the study of music and emotion that investigates the effects of familiarity on listeners' responses to tona... Read More about Listeners' perceptual and emotional responses to tonal and atonal music.

Na troskách struktury: stati o divadelní sémiotice a strukturalismu roku 2008 (On the ruins of the structure: writings on theatre semiotics and structuralism in 2008) (2010)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2010). Na troskách struktury: stati o divadelní sémiotice a strukturalismu roku 2008 (On the ruins of the structure: writings on theatre semiotics and structuralism in 2008). Theatralia, 13(2), 150 - 157

An article reflecting on the state of theatre semiotics and theatre structuralism as presented by two collections of essays published in 2008.

The Roman Tragedies (2010)
Journal Article
Billing, C. (2010). The Roman Tragedies. Shakespeare quarterly, 61(3), 415 - 439.

This article is a critical account of the multi-media performance of Shakespeare's: Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, and Antony and Cleopatra by Toneelgroep (Amsterdam), directed by Ivo Van Hove and Designed by Jan Versweyveld.

The Rhetoric of The Wire. (2010)
Journal Article
Zborowski, J. (2010). The Rhetoric of The Wire. Movie : a journal of film criticism, 1-6

Dynamic melody recognition : distinctiveness and the role of musical expertise. (2010)
Journal Article
Bailes, F. (2010). Dynamic melody recognition : distinctiveness and the role of musical expertise. Memory & cognition, 38(5), 641-650.

The hypothesis that melodies are recognized at moments when they exhibit a distinctive musical pattern was tested. In a melody recognition experiment, point-of-recognition (POR) data were gathered from 32 listeners (16 musicians and 16 nonmusicians)... Read More about Dynamic melody recognition : distinctiveness and the role of musical expertise..

Howard Ferguson's 'Amore langueo', 'The dream of the rood' and new music in the 1950s (2010)
Journal Article
Wilson, C. R. (2010). Howard Ferguson's 'Amore langueo', 'The dream of the rood' and new music in the 1950s. Tempo, 64(253), 2-12.

A re-evaluation of the work and status of a composer not infrequently occurs a decade after death and/or during an anniversary year. Howard Ferguson was born on 21 October 1908. The centennial year of his birth saw a number of high-profile concerts a... Read More about Howard Ferguson's 'Amore langueo', 'The dream of the rood' and new music in the 1950s.

Margita Havlícková: Profesionální divadlo v královském meste Brne 1668-1733 (Margita Havlícková: Professional Theatre in the Royal City of Brno 1668-1733) (2010)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2010). Margita Havlícková: Profesionální divadlo v královském meste Brne 1668-1733 (Margita Havlícková: Professional Theatre in the Royal City of Brno 1668-1733). Theatralia, 13(1), 111 - 112

A review of Margita Havlícková's Professional Theatre in the Royal City of Brno 1668-1733 (Brno: JAMU, 2009).

Stríbrný, Zdenek and Zdenek Beran (eds.): Tušivá rozpomnení: Jezerní básníci [Shadowy Recollections: The Lake Poets] (2010)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2010). Stríbrný, Zdenek and Zdenek Beran (eds.): Tušivá rozpomnení: Jezerní básníci [Shadowy Recollections: The Lake Poets]. Brno studies in English, 36(1), 211 - 212

A review of Zdenek Stríbrný and Zdenek Beran's edition of Václav Renc's translation of the Lake Poets. The anthology is published four decades after its translation.

Using the serious mental illness health improvement profile [HIP] to identify physical problems in a cohort of community patients: a pragmatic case series evaluation (2010)
Journal Article
Shuel, F., White, J., Jones, M., & Gray, R. (2010). Using the serious mental illness health improvement profile [HIP] to identify physical problems in a cohort of community patients: a pragmatic case series evaluation. International journal of nursing studies, 47(2), 136-145.

Background and objectives: The physical health of people with serious mental illness is a cause of growing concern to clinicians. Life expectancy in this population may be reduced by up to 25 years and patients often live with considerable physical m... Read More about Using the serious mental illness health improvement profile [HIP] to identify physical problems in a cohort of community patients: a pragmatic case series evaluation.

The construction of fantastic spaces: Tlön, Les cités obscures and the cognitive power of fiction (2010)
Journal Article
Riberi, A. (2010). The construction of fantastic spaces: Tlön, Les cités obscures and the cognitive power of fiction. Lejana, 1(February),

In this paper I will establish similarities between Jorge Luis Borges'"Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis, Tertius" ("Tlön") and the graphic novels Les Cités Obscures byFrançois Schuiten and Benoît Peeters. "Tlön" is largely grounded in the ‘as if'principle: ‘If ide... Read More about The construction of fantastic spaces: Tlön, Les cités obscures and the cognitive power of fiction.

The shadow of Maeterlinck's La vie des abeilles and El espríitu de la colmena (2010)
Journal Article
Miles, R. (2010). The shadow of Maeterlinck's La vie des abeilles and El espríitu de la colmena. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 87(8), 961-975.

No critic of El espríitu de la colmena (1973, Víctor Erice) has systematically analysed the - albeit brief - citation of the work of the Belgian prose writer and poet, Maurice Maeterlinck, although some insist that the allusion to the entire text is... Read More about The shadow of Maeterlinck's La vie des abeilles and El espríitu de la colmena.