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Outputs (12)

Dramaturgy of the Shakespearean Libretto (2022)
Book Chapter
Drábek, P. (2022). Dramaturgy of the Shakespearean Libretto. In C. R. Wilson, & M. Cooke (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Music (761-804). Oxford University Press (OUP).

From the late seventeenth century (Purcell’s The Fairy-Queen, 1692), Shakespeare’s plays have entered the realm of music theatre and opera, inspiring both composers and their librettists. Operas on Shakespearean themes have played a seminal role in t... Read More about Dramaturgy of the Shakespearean Libretto.

The topic of 'love' in early modern English lute songs or ayres (2018)
Book Chapter
Wilson, C. R. (2018). The topic of 'love' in early modern English lute songs or ayres. In K. A. Karlsson (Ed.), The essentially feminine: a mapping through artistic practice of the feminine territory offered by early modern music (65-90). ArtMonitor

'By the sweet power of musicke'. Effect in Shakespeare's musical imagery (2014)
Journal Article
Wilson, C. (2014). 'By the sweet power of musicke'. Effect in Shakespeare's musical imagery. Comparatio, 6(2), 241-262

Der vorliegende Beitrag unternimmt es, die vielfältigen Dimensionen von Shakespeares musikalischer Bildlichkeit zu erschließen: Er bietet einen Überblick über die verschiedenartigen Formen musikalischer Komponenten und ihre teilweise sehr subtile Ver... Read More about 'By the sweet power of musicke'. Effect in Shakespeare's musical imagery.

Howard Ferguson's 'Amore langueo', 'The dream of the rood' and new music in the 1950s (2010)
Journal Article
Wilson, C. R. (2010). Howard Ferguson's 'Amore langueo', 'The dream of the rood' and new music in the 1950s. Tempo, 64(253), 2-12.

A re-evaluation of the work and status of a composer not infrequently occurs a decade after death and/or during an anniversary year. Howard Ferguson was born on 21 October 1908. The centennial year of his birth saw a number of high-profile concerts a... Read More about Howard Ferguson's 'Amore langueo', 'The dream of the rood' and new music in the 1950s.

Music in Shakespeare
Wilson, C. Music in Shakespeare. [Data]

This website attempts to identify every music reference in context in each play and in a number of poems where they occur. Music in Shakespeare is a wide-ranging subject embracing terms and phrases of many differing kinds and definitions. For the pur... Read More about Music in Shakespeare.

Shakespeare and early modern music
Book Chapter
Wilson, C. Shakespeare and early modern music. In The Edinburgh companion to Shakespeare and the arts. The University of Hull