Presence pattern and the original body in networked encounters
Book Chapter
Chatzichristodoulou, M. (2011). Presence pattern and the original body in networked encounters. In J. Sunden, & R. Hughes (Eds.), Second nature: origins and originality in art, science, and new media (99-122). Axl Books
Outputs (29)
God moete ons ziere hulpen jonnen! : approaching the Middle Dutch «Van den vos Reynaerde» through the Old French Roman de Renart (2011)
Journal Article
Tudor, A. (2011). God moete ons ziere hulpen jonnen! : approaching the Middle Dutch «Van den vos Reynaerde» through the Old French Roman de Renart. Queeste. Tijdschrift over middeleeuwse letterkunde in de Nederlanden, 18(1), 18-31The remit for this essay was intriguing. To read and react to the Middle Dutch masterpiece Van den Vos Reynaerde with no expectation of prior knowledge, linguistic competence or further research: simply to read the splendid new English prose translat... Read More about God moete ons ziere hulpen jonnen! : approaching the Middle Dutch «Van den vos Reynaerde» through the Old French Roman de Renart.
"What governs life": Švankmajer's Faust in Prague (2011)
Journal Article
Drábek, P., & North, D. (2011). "What governs life": Švankmajer's Faust in Prague. Shakespeare bulletin, 29(4), 525-542. article on Jan Švankmajer's 1994 film Lekce Faust with a contextual introduction to Švankmajer's films, contemporary Czech politics and society, Elizabethan drama and the tradition of Czech marionette theatre.
Thomas Middleton in Context (2011)
Journal Article
Drábek, P. (2011). Thomas Middleton in Context. Shakespeare bulletin, 29(4), 681-683. critical review of Suzanne Gossett's collection of essays Thomas Middleton in Context.
‘The beast never dies’: Maurice Gouiran and the uses of war memory (2011)
Journal Article
Kimyongür, A. (2011). ‘The beast never dies’: Maurice Gouiran and the uses of war memory. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 4(3), 371-381. article proposes a study of contemporary crime writer Maurice Gouiran who, between 2001 and 2010, published a series of detective novels in which the recovery of memory plays a key role. While many of the novels are set in present-day Marseilles... Read More about ‘The beast never dies’: Maurice Gouiran and the uses of war memory.
The ethics of remembering: Little Big Man and the exoneration of American guilt (2011)
Book Chapter
Aston, J. (2011). The ethics of remembering: Little Big Man and the exoneration of American guilt. In A. Karatzogianni (Ed.), Violence and War in Culture and the Media : Five Disciplinary Lenses (78-91). Routledge. Bazin reinvigorated the cultural form of the Western by declaring that it was ‘the American cinema par excellence’ (Lovell 1976: 166). For Bazin, the Western expressed ‘evocations of the birth of the United States of America’ (Bazin 1973: 14) t... Read More about The ethics of remembering: Little Big Man and the exoneration of American guilt.
Riding the waves: Uncovering biomechanics in Britain (2011)
Book Chapter
Skinner, A. (2011). Riding the waves: Uncovering biomechanics in Britain. In J. Pitches (Ed.), Russians in Britain : British Theatre and the Russian Tradition of Actor Training (86-109). Routledge. the influence of the Russian director vsevolod emilevich Meyerhold on British theatre is a problematic process. Productions are called ‘Meyerholdian’ for any number of reasons, from a revisionist approach to the role of the text to a cons... Read More about Riding the waves: Uncovering biomechanics in Britain.
Náruc Shakespeara (An armful of Shakespeare) (2011)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2011). Náruc Shakespeara (An armful of Shakespeare). Divadelní revue, 22(3), 67 - 90A critical article on the recent Czech Shakespeare criticism and translations, elaborating the contextual significance, theorizing the consequences and reflecting the current state of Czech theatre practice, translations and Shakespeare studies.
Tendence v našem myšlení o divadle (Trends in our thinking on the theatre) (2011)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2011). Tendence v našem myšlení o divadle (Trends in our thinking on the theatre). Theatralia, 14(2), 285 - 291A critical essay on the papers presented at the international theatre studies conference held at the Theatre Faculty of the Janácek Academy of Performing Arts, 2008, to the honour of Prof. Ivo Osolsobe. These papers were published in a collection ent... Read More about Tendence v našem myšlení o divadle (Trends in our thinking on the theatre).
Torontská disertace o ceském divadle (A Toronto doctoral dissertation on Czech theatre) (2011)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2011). Torontská disertace o ceském divadle (A Toronto doctoral dissertation on Czech theatre). Theatralia, 14(2), 277 - 279A critical review of Adam Grunzke's PhD thesis "Models of Aesthetic Subversion: Ideas, Spaces, and Objects in Czech Drama and Theatre of the 1950s and 1960s", defended at the University of Toronto.
Príspevek k provázkovské mytologii (a contribution to the mythology of the Goose on a String Theatre) (2011)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2011). Príspevek k provázkovské mytologii (a contribution to the mythology of the Goose on a String Theatre). Theatralia, 14(2), 266 - 267A critical review of Petr Oslzlý's book "Theatre on a String's Commedia dell'Arte Production (1974-1985): An Analysis, Reconstruction and Documentation of Peter Scherhaufer's and Harlequin Boleslav Polívka's Production" (Brno: JAMU, 2011).
Early Seventeenth Century tragicomedy in early Twenty-First Century editions (2011)
Journal Article
Drábek, P. (2011). Early Seventeenth Century tragicomedy in early Twenty-First Century editions. Shakespeare, 7(3), 388-393. critical review of Arden Early Modern Drama series publications and John Pitcher's Arden edition of The Winter's Tale and Lee Bliss's Revels edition of A King and No King.
Writing Gaullist feminism: Françoise Parturier's open letters 1968–1974 (2011)
Journal Article
Long, I. (2011). Writing Gaullist feminism: Françoise Parturier's open letters 1968–1974. Modern & contemporary France / ASM & CF, 19(3), 313-327. feminist Françoise Parturier's open letters written during the second wave women's movement in France are striking examples of how politically engaged women use writing in innovative ways in order to make intellectual interventions. Her pole... Read More about Writing Gaullist feminism: Françoise Parturier's open letters 1968–1974.
Timbre and non-radical didacticism in the Streets' A grand don't come for free: a poetic-ecological model (2011)
Journal Article
Slater, M. (2011). Timbre and non-radical didacticism in the Streets' A grand don't come for free: a poetic-ecological model. Music Analysis, 30(2-3), 360-395. article investigates the status and function of timbre by proposing a poetic-ecological model, which seeks to encapsulate the intersections between and applications of three theoretical territories: poetics, ecological theory and spectromorpholo... Read More about Timbre and non-radical didacticism in the Streets' A grand don't come for free: a poetic-ecological model.
The serious mental illness health improvement profile [HIP]: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial (2011)
Journal Article
White, J., Gray, R. J., Swift, L., Barton, G. R., & Jones, M. (2011). The serious mental illness health improvement profile [HIP]: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. Trials, 12(167), The serious mental illness Health Improvement Profile [HIP] is a brief pragmatic tool, which enables mental health nurses to work together with patients to screen physical health and take evidence-based action when variables are identifie... Read More about The serious mental illness health improvement profile [HIP]: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial.
Absolute tempo in multiple performances of aboriginal songs: Analyzing recordings of Djanba 12 and Djanba 14 (2011)
Journal Article
Bailes, F., & Barwick, L. (2011). Absolute tempo in multiple performances of aboriginal songs: Analyzing recordings of Djanba 12 and Djanba 14. Music Perception, 28(5), 473-490. that are not notated but transmitted through live performance are of particular interest for the psychological study of the stability of tempo across multiple performances. While experimental research points to highly accurate memory for the te... Read More about Absolute tempo in multiple performances of aboriginal songs: Analyzing recordings of Djanba 12 and Djanba 14.
Gestures and glances: interactions in ensemble rehearsal (2011)
Book Chapter
Ginsborg, J., & King, E. (2011). Gestures and glances: interactions in ensemble rehearsal. In A. Gritten, & E. King (Eds.), New perspectives on music and gesture (177-202). AshgatePerformers use physical gestures in numerous ways. They can be used to communicate musical expression, generate sound production, facilitate technical movements while playing or singing, regulate temporal aspects of performance, and provide musical a... Read More about Gestures and glances: interactions in ensemble rehearsal.
Czech stage art and stage design (2011)
Drábek, P., Billing, C., & Drabek, P. (2011). Czech stage art and stage design. Masarykova univerzitaA special issue of the peer-reviewed journal Theatralia/Yorick on Czech scenography, stage design and historical periods of Czech stage art. Co-edited and introduction co-written with Christian M. Billing.
Reclaiming revelation: Pan's labyrinth and The spirit of the beehive (2011)
Journal Article
Miles, R. J. (2011). Reclaiming revelation: Pan's labyrinth and The spirit of the beehive. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 28(3), 195-203.
New perspectives on music and gesture (2011)
Gritten, A., & King, E. (Eds.). (2011). New perspectives on music and gesture. Ashgate.© Anthony Gritten, Elaine King and the Contributors 2011. All rights reserved. Building on the insights of the first volume on Music and Gesture (Gritten and King, Ashgate 2006), the rationale for this sequel volume is twofold: first, to clarify the... Read More about New perspectives on music and gesture.