By the sweet power of musicke: Wirkungen der Musik in Shakespeares Bildlichkeit
Book Chapter
Wilson, C. (2014). By the sweet power of musicke: Wirkungen der Musik in Shakespeares Bildlichkeit. In U. Jung-Kaiser, & A. Simonis (Eds.), Die suse Macht der Tone: zur Bedeutung der Musik in Shakespeares Werken und ihrer Rezeption (1-32). George Olms Verlag AG
Outputs (25)
'By the sweet power of musicke'. Effect in Shakespeare's musical imagery (2014)
Journal Article
Wilson, C. (2014). 'By the sweet power of musicke'. Effect in Shakespeare's musical imagery. Comparatio, 6(2), 241-262Der vorliegende Beitrag unternimmt es, die vielfältigen Dimensionen von Shakespeares musikalischer Bildlichkeit zu erschließen: Er bietet einen Überblick über die verschiedenartigen Formen musikalischer Komponenten und ihre teilweise sehr subtile Ver... Read More about 'By the sweet power of musicke'. Effect in Shakespeare's musical imagery.
Responsibilities to the past; duties to the present: considerations on translating, editing and (re)presenting the Czech structuralist canon for modern international audiences (2014)
Journal Article
Billing, C. M. (2014). Responsibilities to the past; duties to the present: considerations on translating, editing and (re)presenting the Czech structuralist canon for modern international audiences. Theatralia, 17(2), 13-23
Zur strategischen Aneignung der Anne Frank-Figur in Konrad Wolfs "Professor Mamlock" (1961) (2014)
Book Chapter
Ward, E. M. (2014). Zur strategischen Aneignung der Anne Frank-Figur in Konrad Wolfs "Professor Mamlock" (1961). In P. Seibert, J. Piper, & A. Meoli (Eds.), Anne Frank. Mediengeschichten (54-62). Metropol Verlag
Aimé Césaire’s Caribbean crucible: La tragédie du Roi Christophe (2014)
Journal Article
Crispin, P. (2014). Aimé Césaire’s Caribbean crucible: La tragédie du Roi Christophe. Presence africaine (Paris, France : 1967), 189(1), 353.
Nests, arcs and cycles in the lifespan of a studio project (2014)
Journal Article
Slater, M. (2015). Nests, arcs and cycles in the lifespan of a studio project. Popular music, 34(1), 67-93. Sessions produced a kind of popular music that infuses the timbral aesthetics of jazz and orchestral music with the driving rhythms of dance music. This studio project, lasting for almost eight years, provided a rich resource for gaining i... Read More about Nests, arcs and cycles in the lifespan of a studio project.
Continuing social presence of the dead: Exploring suicide bereavement through online memorialisation (2014)
Journal Article
Bailey, L., Bell, J., & Kennedy, D. (2015). Continuing social presence of the dead: Exploring suicide bereavement through online memorialisation. The new review of hypermedia and multimedia, 21(1-2), 72-86.© 2014 The Author(s). The last 10 years have seen a rise in Internet sites commemorating those lost to suicide. These sites describe the life of the deceased and the afterlife of relatives, parents, friends or siblings who have been termed the "forgo... Read More about Continuing social presence of the dead: Exploring suicide bereavement through online memorialisation.
Victorians on screen: The nineteenth century on British television, 1994-2005 (2014)
Kleinecke-Bates, I. (2014). Victorians on screen: The nineteenth century on British television, 1994-2005. Palgrave Macmillan.© Iris Kleinecke-Bates 2014. All rights reserved. Victorians on Screen investigates the representation of the Victorian age on British television from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s. Structured around key areas of enquiry specific to British televisi... Read More about Victorians on screen: The nineteenth century on British television, 1994-2005.
Caravaggio in film and literature: Popular culture's appropriation of a Baroque genius (2014)
Rorato, L. (2014). Caravaggio in film and literature: Popular culture's appropriation of a Baroque genius. Maney Publishing.© Modern Humanities Research Association and Taylor and Francis 2014. All rights reserved. The idea of writing a book about fictional representations of Caravaggio came to me as far back as 2004 when I was writing a paper on art as inauguration in Pi... Read More about Caravaggio in film and literature: Popular culture's appropriation of a Baroque genius.
Psalm: Contemporary British Trumpet Concertos (2014)
Digital Artefact
Desbruslais, S., & Orchestra of the Swan. (2014). Psalm: Contemporary British Trumpet Concertos. [CD]Simon Desbruslais leads the performances on this disc of world premiere recordings from some of the UK’s leading composers.
Seeking to expand the trumpet’s repertoire of concerto and orchestra works, Simon Desbruslais was inspired after performing... Read More about Psalm: Contemporary British Trumpet Concertos.
The Four Heads of Film4 (2014)
Journal Article
Smith, J., & Mayne, L. (2014). The Four Heads of Film4. Journal of British cinema and television, 11(4), 517-551. have been four key figures responsible for Channel 4's film production activities since the Channel's inception in 1982. David Rose, David Aukin, Paul Webster and Tessa Ross have each ensured that Channel 4 retains its key commitment to promoti... Read More about The Four Heads of Film4.
Assessing Cultural Impact: Film4, Canon Formation and Forgotten Films (2014)
Journal Article
Mayne, L. (2014). Assessing Cultural Impact: Film4, Canon Formation and Forgotten Films. Journal of British cinema and television, 11(4), 459-480. over 30 years Channel 4 has supported more than 400 feature films through its production arm, Film4. However, despite the scale and variety of this contribution to British cinema, only a handful of these productions are regularly cited in print m... Read More about Assessing Cultural Impact: Film4, Canon Formation and Forgotten Films.
Forms of fashion: Material fabrics, national characteristics and the dramaturgy of difference on the early modern English stage (2014)
Book Chapter
Billing, C. (2014). Forms of fashion: Material fabrics, national characteristics and the dramaturgy of difference on the early modern English stage. In R. Henke, & E. Nicholson (Eds.), Transnational mobilities in early modern theater (131-156). Routledge
English comedy and Central European marionette drama (2014)
Book Chapter
Drabek, P. (2014). English comedy and Central European marionette drama. In R. Henke, & E. Nicholson (Eds.), Transnational Mobilities in Early Modern Drama (131-155). Routledge
(G)hosting television: Ghostwatch and its medium (2014)
Journal Article
Steward, T., & Zborowski, J. (2014). (G)hosting television: Ghostwatch and its medium. Journal of British cinema and television, 11(2-3), 189-212. article’s subject is Ghostwatch (BBC, 1992), a drama broadcast on Halloween night of 1992 which adopted the rhetoric of live non-fiction programming, and attracted controversy and ultimately censure from the Broadcasting Standards Council. In wh... Read More about (G)hosting television: Ghostwatch and its medium.
Heuristics for expressive performance (2014)
Book Chapter
Prior, H., & Leech-Wilkinson, D. (2014). Heuristics for expressive performance. In R. Timmers, D. Fabian, & E. Schubert (Eds.), Expressiveness in musical performance: Empirical approaches across styles and cultures. Oxford University Press. chapter discusses concepts and terms that professional musicians find useful in preparing for and talking and thinking about expressive performance. An example is “shape,” which, as recent research has shown, is immensely flexible and useful for... Read More about Heuristics for expressive performance.
‘I’m ugly, but gentle’: performing ‘little character’ in post-Mao Chinese comedies (2014)
Journal Article
Feng, L. (2014). ‘I’m ugly, but gentle’: performing ‘little character’ in post-Mao Chinese comedies. Transnational Cinemas, 5(2), 127-140. are often associated with glamour and beauty, but in this paper I would like to question how the concept of “chou” (literally meaning ugliness) is embraced in contemporary Chinese cinema. The popularity of chouxing (ugly star) in the Chinese ci... Read More about ‘I’m ugly, but gentle’: performing ‘little character’ in post-Mao Chinese comedies.
Performance (2014)
Book Chapter
King, E. (2014). Performance. In Music in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An encyclopedia. SAGE Publications
A shared population of epidemic methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus 15 circulates in humans and companion animals (2014)
Journal Article
Harrison, E. M., Weinert, L. A., Holden, M. T. G., Welch, J. J., Wilson, K., Morgan, F. J. E., Harris, S. R., Loeffler, A., Boag, A. K., Peacock, S. J., Paterson, G. K., Waller, A. S., Parkhill, J., & Holmes, M. A. (2014). A shared population of epidemic methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus 15 circulates in humans and companion animals. mBio, 5(3), Article ARTN e00985-13. Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a global human health problem causing infections in both hospitals and the community. Companion animals, such as cats, dogs, and horses, are also frequently colonized by MRSA and can become infect... Read More about A shared population of epidemic methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus 15 circulates in humans and companion animals.
Let's mix it up: interviews exploring the practical and technical challenges of interactive mixing in games (2014)
Book Chapter
Mitchell, H. (2014). Let's mix it up: interviews exploring the practical and technical challenges of interactive mixing in games. In The Oxford Handbook of Interactive Audio. The University of Hull. audio has come a long way since the simple electronic beeps of the early 1970s, when significant technical constraints governed the scope of creative possibilities. Recent years have witnessed technological advancements on an unprecedented scale... Read More about Let's mix it up: interviews exploring the practical and technical challenges of interactive mixing in games.