Reflective dialogues in advising for language learning through a Neuro-Linguistic Programming perspective
Book Chapter
Mozzon-McPherson, M. (2017). Reflective dialogues in advising for language learning through a Neuro-Linguistic Programming perspective. In C. Nicolaides, & W. Magno e Silva (Eds.), Innovations and Challenges in Applied Linguistics and Learner Autonomy. Pontes Editores
Outputs (41)
Dramaturgie her Karla Čapka podle Jany Cindlerové [The Dramaturgy of Karel Čapek's Plays According to Jana Cindlerová] (a book review) (2017)
Journal Article
Drábek, P. (2017). Dramaturgie her Karla Čapka podle Jany Cindlerové [The Dramaturgy of Karel Čapek's Plays According to Jana Cindlerová] (a book review). Theatralia, 20(1), 155-158
Dialogue and Beyond: Communication and Interaction in Ensemble Performance (2017)
Book Chapter
King, E., & Gritten, A. (2017). Dialogue and Beyond: Communication and Interaction in Ensemble Performance. In J. Rink, H. Gaunt, & A. Williamon (Eds.), Musicians in the Making: Pathways to Creative Performance (306-321). Oxford University Press. chapter explores the nature of dialogue in ensemble music performance, interrogating the ways in which ‘communication’ and ‘interaction’ occur in the context of rehearsal and live performance of western art music. An expanded conceptual model is... Read More about Dialogue and Beyond: Communication and Interaction in Ensemble Performance.
Recoveries: Nikolai Evreinov, V kulisakh dushi (1912) (2017)
Journal Article
Skinner, A. (2017). Recoveries: Nikolai Evreinov, V kulisakh dushi (1912). Key Words: A journal of cultural materialism, 15, 94-96
Shape as understood by performing musicians (2017)
Book Chapter
Prior, H. Shape as understood by performing musicians. In Music and shapeAbstract Previous studies of performing musicians have examined performance preparation and its concomitant decision-making, as well as musical expression and some of the ways in which performers describe their expressive intentions, but studies of t... Read More about Shape as understood by performing musicians.
The multiple functions of criollo, gaucho and indigenous symbols in La historieta Patoruzú, 1936-50 : the conflicts of Peronism, nationalism, and migration (2017)
Journal Article
McAleer, P. R. (2018). The multiple functions of criollo, gaucho and indigenous symbols in La historieta Patoruzú, 1936-50 : the conflicts of Peronism, nationalism, and migration. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 27(2), 253-270. article considers the comic book, Patoruzú in light of the cultural expressions of Argentine criollismo between the 1930s and 50s. It begins by examining the political and class conflicts that informed the meanings of criollo symbols, and how Da... Read More about The multiple functions of criollo, gaucho and indigenous symbols in La historieta Patoruzú, 1936-50 : the conflicts of Peronism, nationalism, and migration.
Criminal engagements: Dominique Manotti and the politics of crime writing (2017)
Book Chapter
Kimyongür, A. (2017). Criminal engagements: Dominique Manotti and the politics of crime writing. In H. Chadderton, & A. Kimyongür (Eds.), Engagement in 21st Century French and Francophone Culture - Countering Crises (107-125). University of Wales Press
French Feminisms 1975 and After (2017)
Atack, M., Fell, A. S., Holmes, D., & Long, I. (2017). M. Atack, A. S. Fell, D. Holmes, & I. Long (Eds.), French Feminisms 1975 and After. Peter Lang. volume explores contemporary French women’s writing through the prism of one of the defining moments of modern feminism: the writings of the 1970s that came to be known as «French feminism». With their exhilarating renewal of the rules of fictio... Read More about French Feminisms 1975 and After.
Cozarinsky's La guerre d'un seul homme and musical categories : (Re)-framing Pfitzner, Strauss, Schreker, and Schoenberg cinematically (2017)
Book Chapter
Binns, A. (2018). Cozarinsky's La guerre d'un seul homme and musical categories : (Re)-framing Pfitzner, Strauss, Schreker, and Schoenberg cinematically. In N. Attfield, & B. Winters (Eds.), Music, Modern Culture, and the Critical Ear. RoutledgeThe framing of music, especially that of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, is bound up not only with the effects of the two World Wars that (dis)figured the period but also with the discourse on musical value and identity within whic... Read More about Cozarinsky's La guerre d'un seul homme and musical categories : (Re)-framing Pfitzner, Strauss, Schreker, and Schoenberg cinematically.
The ‘Not Knowns’: memory, narrative and applied theatre (2017)
Journal Article
Conroy, C., Dickenson, S. J., & Mazzoni, G. (2018). The ‘Not Knowns’: memory, narrative and applied theatre. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 23(1), 56-72.© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group This is an attempt to articulate and explore the relationship between the science of memory and the applied theatre project, The Not Knowns. The project was a collaboration between theatr... Read More about The ‘Not Knowns’: memory, narrative and applied theatre.
Evolutions of engagement: Renaud and la chanson engagée in Twenty-first-Century France (2017)
Book Chapter
Haworth, R. (2017). Evolutions of engagement: Renaud and la chanson engagée in Twenty-first-Century France. In H. Chadderton, & A. Kimyongur (Eds.), Engagement in Twenty-First-Century French and Francophone Culture. University of Wales Press
The rise and fall of “emotional capitalism”. Consumerism and materialities of love in dystopian works by Thomas Melle, Leif Randt and Gary Shteyngart. (2017)
Book Chapter
Gratzke, M. (2017). The rise and fall of “emotional capitalism”. Consumerism and materialities of love in dystopian works by Thomas Melle, Leif Randt and Gary Shteyngart. In A. Malinowska, & M. Gratzke (Eds.), Materiality of Love, Essays on Affection and Cultural Practice (101-117). Routledge
Materiality of Love, Essays on Affection and Cultural Practice. (2017)
Gratzke, M., & Malinowska, A. (2017). A. Malinowska, & M. Gratzke (Eds.). Materiality of Love, Essays on Affection and Cultural Practice. RoutledgeIntroduction: Love Matters
Anna Malinowska and Michael Gratzke
Part I: Material Love
1. Love Materialism. Technologies of Feeling in the Post-Material World (An Interview)
Dominic Pettman
2. Love Among Objects: Poetry and Time in Light... Read More about Materiality of Love, Essays on Affection and Cultural Practice..
Reflections on the origins, interpretations and development of the creative city idea (2017)
Book Chapter
Bianchini, F. (2017). Reflections on the origins, interpretations and development of the creative city idea. In I. Van Damme, B. De Munck, & A. Miles (Eds.), Cities and creativity from the renaissance to the present (23-42). Routledge. chapter considers the complex origins of the concept of the creative city in the late 1980s to early 1990s and some of the ways in which it has evolved and been applied since then. It explains how the idea of the creative city evolved in several... Read More about Reflections on the origins, interpretations and development of the creative city idea.
Metaphor, Mythology and Metonymy: Russian Scenography in the Yeltsin Era (2017)
Book Chapter
Skinner, A. (2017). Metaphor, Mythology and Metonymy: Russian Scenography in the Yeltsin Era. In A. Aronson (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Scenography (435-443). Routledge. complex, metaphorical scenographies that are seen in the work of Russian designers during the 1970s and 1980s are a clear legacy of the Soviet period, where the necessities of censorship led to the emergence of specific modes of expression. The m... Read More about Metaphor, Mythology and Metonymy: Russian Scenography in the Yeltsin Era.
A synchrotron X-radiography study of the fragmentation and refinement of primary intermetallic particles in an Al-35 Cu alloy induced by ultrasonic melt processing (2017)
Journal Article
Wang, F., Eskin, D., Mi, J., Wang, C., Koe, B., King, A., Reinhard, C., & Connolley, T. (2017). A synchrotron X-radiography study of the fragmentation and refinement of primary intermetallic particles in an Al-35 Cu alloy induced by ultrasonic melt processing. Acta Materialia, 141, 142-153. synchrotron X-ray high speed radiography, the fragmentation and refinement of pre-existing primary Al2Cu intermetallic dendrites induced by ultrasonic melt processing in a hypereutectic Al-35% Cu alloy were studied in-situ and in real time. The... Read More about A synchrotron X-radiography study of the fragmentation and refinement of primary intermetallic particles in an Al-35 Cu alloy induced by ultrasonic melt processing.
How Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality is Being Used to Support People Living with Dementia—Design Challenges and Future Directions (2017)
Book Chapter
Hayhurst, J. (2018). How Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality is Being Used to Support People Living with Dementia—Design Challenges and Future Directions. In T. Jung, & M. C. tom Dieck (Eds.), Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Empowering Human, Place and Business (295-305). Springer Publishing Company. number of people worldwide that suffer with Dementia is estimated at 46 million people and is set to increase to 131.5 million by 2050 at a combined cost estimated at $818bn. Caring for our elderly population living with dementia raises issues ov... Read More about How Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality is Being Used to Support People Living with Dementia—Design Challenges and Future Directions.
West Germany’s neue Frauenbewegung and the productive potential of feminist (Gegen)gewalt (2017)
Journal Article
Bielby, C. (2017). West Germany’s neue Frauenbewegung and the productive potential of feminist (Gegen)gewalt. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 53(4), 379-404. article explores the feminist potential of (Gegen)gewalt ((counter-) violence) during the founding years of West Germany's neue Frauenbewegung: firstly, as a discourse and practice which helped create the discursive space to start imagining femi... Read More about West Germany’s neue Frauenbewegung and the productive potential of feminist (Gegen)gewalt.
Between two stages: Rita Pavone and i giovani on Studio Uno (1961–1966) (2017)
Journal Article
Brioni, C. (2017). Between two stages: Rita Pavone and i giovani on Studio Uno (1961–1966). Italian Studies, 72(4), 414-427. article analyses how Italian young people were represented in the Saturday night television programme Studio Uno (1961–1966). It defines i giovani as a performative identity: i giovani are not described as a specific age group, but rather as a n... Read More about Between two stages: Rita Pavone and i giovani on Studio Uno (1961–1966).
Dismantling the Third Reich: in Cate Shortland's Lore (2017)
Journal Article
Ward, E. M. (2017). Dismantling the Third Reich: in Cate Shortland's Lore. Film and History, 47(1), 18-27