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Outputs (12)

‘We are the same as everyone else just with a different and unique backstory’: Identity, belonging and ‘othering’ within education for young people who are ‘looked after’ (2020)
Journal Article
Jones, L., Dean, C., Dunhill, A., Hope, M. A., & Shaw, P. (2020). ‘We are the same as everyone else just with a different and unique backstory’: Identity, belonging and ‘othering’ within education for young people who are ‘looked after’. Children & society, 34(6), 492-506.

This paper develops understandings of how being publicly identified and consequently labelled as ‘looked after’ can have damaging consequences for young people, particularly in how they are perceived by their peers in the context of schooling. Based... Read More about ‘We are the same as everyone else just with a different and unique backstory’: Identity, belonging and ‘othering’ within education for young people who are ‘looked after’.

Reframing 'Attainment': creating and developing spaces for learning within schools (2017)
Journal Article
Hope, M. A. (2017). Reframing 'Attainment': creating and developing spaces for learning within schools. Forum for Promoting 3-19 Comprehensive Education, 59(3), 413-422.

This article, based on a keynote presentation given at a conference in Tasmania, examines the notion of 'attainment' and argues that a narrow focus on standardised test scores is highly problematic for those concerned with social justice. Using examp... Read More about Reframing 'Attainment': creating and developing spaces for learning within schools.

Learning from differences: a strategy for teacher development in respect to student diversity (2016)
Journal Article
Messiou, K., Ainscow, M., Echeita, G., Goldrick, S., Hope, M., Paes, I., Sandoval, M., Simon, C., & Vitorino, T. (2016). Learning from differences: a strategy for teacher development in respect to student diversity. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 27(1), 45-61.

Drawing on evidence gathered as a result of collaborative action research carried out in 8 secondary schools in 3 European countries, this paper proposes an innovative strategy for helping teachers respond positively to learner diversity. The strateg... Read More about Learning from differences: a strategy for teacher development in respect to student diversity.

The danger of subverting students’ views in schools (2015)
Journal Article
Messiou, K., & Hope, M. A. (2015). The danger of subverting students’ views in schools. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(10), 1009-1021.

This paper is firmly grounded in the position that engaging with students’ voices in schools is central to the development of inclusive practices. It explores the tensions that can be created when efforts are made to engage with students’ voices in r... Read More about The danger of subverting students’ views in schools.

Exploring inclusive practices in primary schools : focusing on children’s voices (2014)
Journal Article
Adderley, R., Hope, M., Hughes, G., Jones, L., Messiou, K., & Shaw, T. (2014). Exploring inclusive practices in primary schools : focusing on children’s voices. European journal of special needs education, 30(1), 106-121.

This paper reports a small-scale research project which took place in one primary school in the north-east of England. The study aimed to listen to children about how the practices of teachers helped and/or hindered their sense of inclusion in classr... Read More about Exploring inclusive practices in primary schools : focusing on children’s voices.

State schools in England : why social segregation and inequality still thrives in a ‘comprehensive’ system (2014)
Journal Article
Stevens, R., & Hope, M. (2014). State schools in England : why social segregation and inequality still thrives in a ‘comprehensive’ system. Scuola democratica : learning for democracy, 0 - 0.

There is overwhelming evidence that England’s education system is built on and sustains complex patterns of inequality. A ‘comprehensive’ system, introduced in 1965, was never fully implemented and so remains as an aspiration rather than a reality. F... Read More about State schools in England : why social segregation and inequality still thrives in a ‘comprehensive’ system.

Conceptions of person-centered education in the 21st century : developing a position statement for ways of being in educational organizations (2013)
Journal Article
Hope, M. A. (2014). Conceptions of person-centered education in the 21st century : developing a position statement for ways of being in educational organizations. Person-centered & experiential psychotherapies : PCEP, 13(3), 217-232.

Across the world, policies and practices within education are changing, and this presents a small window of opportunity for person-centered educators to put principles into practice within mainstream educational systems. In this context, it is import... Read More about Conceptions of person-centered education in the 21st century : developing a position statement for ways of being in educational organizations.

Becoming citizens through school experience : a case study of democracy in practice (2012)
Journal Article
Hope, M. (2012). Becoming citizens through school experience : a case study of democracy in practice. International journal of progressive education, 8(3), 94 - 109

This paper offers a critique of current definitions of active citizenship and argues that children and young people need to be seen as citizens within their school communities and not just citizens of the future. Pedagogy and school decision-making s... Read More about Becoming citizens through school experience : a case study of democracy in practice.

Youth work and state education : should youth workers apply to set up a free school? (2012)
Journal Article
Hope, M. (2012). Youth work and state education : should youth workers apply to set up a free school?. Youth and Policy, 109(September), 60 - 70

The UK Coalition Government’s new policy on Free Schools presents a dilemma for youth workers. Is there any possibility of establishing a ‘youth worker – led Free School’ based on the principles and values of youth work? Do the potential pitfalls mak... Read More about Youth work and state education : should youth workers apply to set up a free school?.

Small and perfectly formed? Is democracy an alternative approach to school leadership? (2012)
Journal Article
Hope, M. (2012). Small and perfectly formed? Is democracy an alternative approach to school leadership?. School Leadership and Management, 32(3), 291-305.

In recent decades, education policy has changed considerably so that now, numerous types of schools are available in the ‘marketplace’. The most recent additions to this landscape are Academies and Free Schools, with freedoms to make more choices abo... Read More about Small and perfectly formed? Is democracy an alternative approach to school leadership?.