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Personalising teaching and learning with digital resources: DiAL-e framework case studies (2009)
Book Chapter
Atkinson, S., & Burden, K. (2009). Personalising teaching and learning with digital resources: DiAL-e framework case studies. In Technology-supported environments for personalised learning: methods and case studies (91-108). IGI Global.

This chapter describes the ways in which individual academics have sought to realise a degree of personalisation in their teaching practice through their engagement with the DiAL-e Framework (Digital Artefacts for Learner Engagement). The DiAL-e Fram... Read More about Personalising teaching and learning with digital resources: DiAL-e framework case studies.

What is to be done? Implications for policy makers (2009)
Book Chapter
Dyson, A., Gunter, H., Hall, D., Raffo, C., & Jones, L. (2009). What is to be done? Implications for policy makers. In C. Raffo, A. Dyson, H. Gunter, D. Hall, L. Jones, & A. Kalambouka (Eds.), Education and poverty in affluent countries (195-215). Routledge.

The review of frameworks and interventions in the previous chapter makes it abundantly clear that policy makers in Western democracies have been highly active in attempting to break the link between poverty and education. England and the US may be ex... Read More about What is to be done? Implications for policy makers.