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Outputs (11)

Early algebra and mathematics specialists (2010)
Journal Article
Murray, M. (2010). Early algebra and mathematics specialists. Journal of mathematics and science: collaborative explorations, 12(1), 73 - 81.

This paper discusses early algebra as it relates to the Mathematics Specialist program. Early algebra is described based on research and readings from the body of literature focused on early algebra. Reasons why early algebra should be emphasized in... Read More about Early algebra and mathematics specialists.

Teachers using learning styles: torn between research and accountability? (2010)
Journal Article
Martin, S. (2010). Teachers using learning styles: torn between research and accountability?. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(8), 1583-1591.

The proliferation of instruments reporting learning/cognitive style with school pupils is of particular interest, because most research on them focuses on applications in higher education, training and the adult workplace, where criticisms of their i... Read More about Teachers using learning styles: torn between research and accountability?.

Ecumenism, economic necessity and the disappearance of Methodist elementary schools in England in the twentieth century (2010)
Journal Article
Smith, J. T. (2010). Ecumenism, economic necessity and the disappearance of Methodist elementary schools in England in the twentieth century. History of education, 39(5), 631-657.

This study aims to define the extent of, and causes for, the decline of the Wesleyan educational effort in England in the twentieth century. In 1902 the Church had 738 schools, but these rapidly declined throughout the century, with only 28 remaining... Read More about Ecumenism, economic necessity and the disappearance of Methodist elementary schools in England in the twentieth century.

Predicting children's word-reading accuracy for common English words: The effect of word transparency and complexity (2010)
Journal Article
Spencer, K. (2010). Predicting children's word-reading accuracy for common English words: The effect of word transparency and complexity. British Journal of Psychology, 101(3), 519-543.

The effects of printed word frequency and transparency measures on single word reading accuracy were examined in 105 six-year-old children. The results indicated that it may be necessary to re-appraise notions of orthography-to-phonology corresponden... Read More about Predicting children's word-reading accuracy for common English words: The effect of word transparency and complexity.

Predicting intercultural competence in educational settings: the validity, reliability and utility of two instruments (2010)
Journal Article
Martin, S. (2010). Predicting intercultural competence in educational settings: the validity, reliability and utility of two instruments. Evaluation and Research in Education, 23(4), 233-254.

Determining individual potential for performance within multicultural environments is important in the increasingly globalised workplace. The Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) and the Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (SEQ) aim to measure such... Read More about Predicting intercultural competence in educational settings: the validity, reliability and utility of two instruments.

Conceptualising teachers' professional learning with Web 2.0 (2010)
Journal Article
Burden, K. J. (2010). Conceptualising teachers' professional learning with Web 2.0. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 27(3), 148-161.

Purpose – This paper seeks to identify and develop an exploratory framework for conceptualising how teachers might use the affordances of Web 2.0 technologies to support their own professional learning. Design/methodology/approach – The paper draws o... Read More about Conceptualising teachers' professional learning with Web 2.0.

Compliance, resistance and seduction: reflections on 20 years of the funding council model of governance (2010)
Journal Article
Filippakou, O., Salter, B., & Tapper, T. (2010). Compliance, resistance and seduction: reflections on 20 years of the funding council model of governance. Higher Education, 60(5), 543-557.

Formally the new public management model of governance was introduced into British higher education with the passage of the 1988 Education Reform Act, which abolished the existing University Grants Committee (UGC) and instigated the funding councils.... Read More about Compliance, resistance and seduction: reflections on 20 years of the funding council model of governance.

Feedforward,-backward, and neutral transparency measures for Grade 1 and Grade 2 Greek readers (2010)
Journal Article
Spencer, K. A., Loizidou, N., & Masterson, J. (2010). Feedforward,-backward, and neutral transparency measures for Grade 1 and Grade 2 Greek readers. Behavior research methods, 42(1), 96-108.

In the present study, orthographic metrics for Greek children's Grade 1 and Grade 2 reading materials were presented. Data for five transparency metrics--three of which being neither feedforward nor feedbackward--were presented and offered for use in... Read More about Feedforward,-backward, and neutral transparency measures for Grade 1 and Grade 2 Greek readers.

Responses of three Muslim majority primary schools in England to the Islamic faith of their pupils (2010)
Journal Article
Ipgrave, J., Miller, J., & Hopkins, P. (2010). Responses of three Muslim majority primary schools in England to the Islamic faith of their pupils. Journal of international migration and integration = Revue de l'intégration et de la migration internationele, 11(1), 73-89.

This paper considers the responses of three English primary schools to the education of their Muslim pupils. It begins by setting out the context of discussion about Muslims and education in Europe as well as by describing some of the structural and... Read More about Responses of three Muslim majority primary schools in England to the Islamic faith of their pupils.