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Outputs (6)

Higher education as a system: The English experience (2011)
Journal Article
Filippakou, O., Salter, B., & Tapper, T. (2012). Higher education as a system: The English experience. Higher Education Quarterly, 66(1), 106-122.

With particular, although not exclusive, reference to England, this article explores the appropriateness of describing higher education as a system. It has two main purposes: to explore the grounds for labelling English higher education as a system a... Read More about Higher education as a system: The English experience.

Measuring flow experience in an immersive virtual environment for collaborative learning (2011)
Journal Article
van Schaik, P., Martin, S., & Vallance, M. (2012). Measuring flow experience in an immersive virtual environment for collaborative learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 28(4), 350-365.

In contexts other than immersive virtual environments, theoretical and empirical work has identified flow experience as a major factor in learning and human–computer interaction. Flow is defined as a ‘holistic sensation that people feel when they act... Read More about Measuring flow experience in an immersive virtual environment for collaborative learning.

Refocusing educational leadership in an age of overshoot : embracing an education for sustainable development (2011)
Journal Article
Bottery, M. (2011). Refocusing educational leadership in an age of overshoot : embracing an education for sustainable development. International studies in educational administration, 39(2),

This article argues that many of the aims and objectives of educational leadership need to be re-focused upon a largely neglected issue, that of an education for sustainable development (ESD). Research suggests that the concept of ESD - and particula... Read More about Refocusing educational leadership in an age of overshoot : embracing an education for sustainable development.

Heidi's developing number sense and relational thinking (2011)
Journal Article
Murray, M. (2011). Heidi's developing number sense and relational thinking. Teaching Children Mathematics, 17(6), 384

According to recent state standardized test reports, Heidi is an average to slightly-above-average fifth-grade math student. She works hard to complete her assignments and follow directions, and this year she had all A's in her grade-level mathematic... Read More about Heidi's developing number sense and relational thinking.

The idea of quality in higher education: a conceptual approach (2011)
Journal Article
Filippakou, O. (2011). The idea of quality in higher education: a conceptual approach. Discourse, 32(1), 15-28.

The paper suggests that the idea of quality in higher education is ideologically constructed and conducted. In a spiral of mutual reinforcements, quality regimes naturalise experience, while the theories of that practice legitimise the naturalness of... Read More about The idea of quality in higher education: a conceptual approach.