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Outputs (2)

Passing on the reins of responsibility? Comparing school principals’ values and practices in a ‘wicked’ reality (2014)
Journal Article
Wright, N., & Bottery, M. (2014). Passing on the reins of responsibility? Comparing school principals’ values and practices in a ‘wicked’ reality. Contemporary educational leadership, 1(4), 68-89

This study stemmed from concerns about school leaders' responses to the current global environmental situation. The issue was tack- led by asking what priority they gave to envi- ronmental issues in their schools by examining their perceptions about... Read More about Passing on the reins of responsibility? Comparing school principals’ values and practices in a ‘wicked’ reality.

Passing on the reins of responsibility? An international comparison of school leaders’ values (2014)
Journal Article
Bottery, M., & Wright, N. (2014). Passing on the reins of responsibility? An international comparison of school leaders’ values. Contemporary educational leadership, 1(3), 51-70

This study stemmed from concerns about school leaders responses to the current global environmental situation. The issue was tackled by asking what priority they gave to environmental issues in their schools by examining their perceptions about a ra... Read More about Passing on the reins of responsibility? An international comparison of school leaders’ values.