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Outputs (23)

STEMing the growth of primary science (2015)
Journal Article
Dockerty, K. (2015). STEMing the growth of primary science. Primary science review : the primary science journal of the ASE, 11-13

Kelly Dockerty looks at the implications for teacher training and the findings of the CBI report Tomorrow’s world: Inspiring primary scientists.

Locating post-16 professionalism: public spaces as dissenting spaces (2015)
Journal Article
Dennis, C. A. (2015). Locating post-16 professionalism: public spaces as dissenting spaces. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 20(1), 64-77.

Locating post-16 professionalism explores the ways in which teachers in the UK and the USA engaged in digitally mediated communication incidentally narrate their professional selves during extended exchanges about the process of post-qualification re... Read More about Locating post-16 professionalism: public spaces as dissenting spaces.

A situation that we had never imagined: Post-Fukushima virtual collaborations for determining robot task metrics (2015)
Journal Article
Martin, S., Naamani, C., & Vallance, M. (2015). A situation that we had never imagined: Post-Fukushima virtual collaborations for determining robot task metrics. International Journal of Learning Technology, 10(1), 30-49.

There is no consensus regarding a common set of metrics for robot task complexity in associated human-robot interactions. This paper is an attempt to address this issue by proposing a new metric so that the educational potential when using robots can... Read More about A situation that we had never imagined: Post-Fukushima virtual collaborations for determining robot task metrics.