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Journal Article

This paper introduces the reader to a course taught at a High Security prison in the UK to a combined group of serving prisoners and university students. Within this paper, the implications of the absence of technology in the prison classroom are con... Read More about HIGHER EDUCATION IN HIGH SECURITY: MEANINGFUL EDUCATION EXPERIENCES IN THE ABSENCE OF LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES.

The best-achieving Online Students are overrepresented in Course Ratings (2018)
Journal Article
Tejeiro, R., Whitelock-Wainwright, A., Perez, A., & Urbina-Garcia, A. (2018). The best-achieving Online Students are overrepresented in Course Ratings. European Journal of Open Education and e-Learning Studies, 3(2), 43-58.

Student ratings are the most used and influential measure of performance in Higher Education, and an integral component of formative and summative decision making. This may be particularly relevant in the relatively new online courses, where the peda... Read More about The best-achieving Online Students are overrepresented in Course Ratings.

The Student Thesis Conference as a model for authentic and inclusive student research dissemination (2018)
Journal Article
Douglas, C., Yearsley, J., Scott, G. W., & Hubbard, K. E. (2018). The Student Thesis Conference as a model for authentic and inclusive student research dissemination. Higher Education Pedagogies, 3(1), 319-341.

Engaging in a final year project is required in most undergraduate degree programmes. However, the student research experience often differs from the academic experience due to a lack of opportunities for research dissemination. We present the Studen... Read More about The Student Thesis Conference as a model for authentic and inclusive student research dissemination.

The influence of cultural capital and mianzi (face) on mature students’ orientation towards higher education in China (2018)
Journal Article
Guan, S., & Ploner, J. (2018). The influence of cultural capital and mianzi (face) on mature students’ orientation towards higher education in China. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 1-17.

In the wider context of national growth and investment in higher education in China, more mature students seek to gain access to university education. Considering the far-reaching socio-economic and political shifts in contemporary China and its high... Read More about The influence of cultural capital and mianzi (face) on mature students’ orientation towards higher education in China.

International students' transitions to UK higher education - revisiting the concept and practice of academic hospitality (2018)
Journal Article
Ploner, J. (2018). International students' transitions to UK higher education - revisiting the concept and practice of academic hospitality. Journal of Research in International Education, 17(2), 164-178.

With the increasing mobility of international students to UK universities, the appropriate facilitation of their transition remains a critical issue in terms of higher education practice and research. Much existing research and practice is characteri... Read More about International students' transitions to UK higher education - revisiting the concept and practice of academic hospitality.

The Role of Interest and Enjoyment in Determining Students’ Approach to Learning (2018)
Journal Article
Holmes, A. G. (2018). The Role of Interest and Enjoyment in Determining Students’ Approach to Learning. Educational Process: International Journal, 7(2), 140-150.

This paper provides information about findings from a recent research project that provides a new insight into how students’ approaches to learning may be impacted by their level of interest in and enjoyment of the topic being studied. The data from... Read More about The Role of Interest and Enjoyment in Determining Students’ Approach to Learning.

Designing an educator toolkit for the mobile learning age (2018)
Journal Article
Burden, K., & Kearney, M. (2018). Designing an educator toolkit for the mobile learning age. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 10(2), 88-99.

Mobile technologies have been described as ‘boundary’ objects which enable teachers and learners to transcend many of the barriers such as rigid schedules and spaces which have hitherto characterised traditional forms of education. However, educators... Read More about Designing an educator toolkit for the mobile learning age.

Problems with assessing student autonomy in Higher Education, an alternative perspective and a role for mentoring (2018)
Journal Article
Holmes, A. G. (2018). Problems with assessing student autonomy in Higher Education, an alternative perspective and a role for mentoring. Educational Process: International Journal, 7(1), 24-38.

The paper explores, from a conceptual basis, the inherent tensions in assessing student autonomy in higher education. The author argues that, despite the development of student autonomy being a key aim of higher education, there are problems in ident... Read More about Problems with assessing student autonomy in Higher Education, an alternative perspective and a role for mentoring.

Deep learning : enriching teacher training through mobile technology and international collaboration (2018)
Journal Article
Naylor, A., & Gibbs, J. (2018). Deep learning : enriching teacher training through mobile technology and international collaboration. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 10(1), 62-77.

This article presents results from an international collaboration between college students and pre-service teachers in Norway and the UK. This research is part of a large, international project exploring and developing the interrelationship between m... Read More about Deep learning : enriching teacher training through mobile technology and international collaboration.