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Outputs (21)

Narrating Sovereignty: The Covenant Chain in Intercultural Diplomacy (2019)
Journal Article
Hatton, H. (2019). Narrating Sovereignty: The Covenant Chain in Intercultural Diplomacy. Journal of early American history, 9(2-3), 118-144.

This article considers Haudenosaunee recitals of the history of the Covenant Chain as a powerful communicative mechanism to define and assert sovereign identity and rights in the context of intercultural diplomacy. It reflects initially on the metaph... Read More about Narrating Sovereignty: The Covenant Chain in Intercultural Diplomacy.

Constructivist Learning in University Undergraduate Programmes. Has Constructivism been Fully Embraced? Is there Clear Evidence that Constructivist Principles have been Applied to all Aspects of Contemporary University Undergraduate Study? (2019)
Journal Article
Holmes, A. G. D. (2019). Constructivist Learning in University Undergraduate Programmes. Has Constructivism been Fully Embraced? Is there Clear Evidence that Constructivist Principles have been Applied to all Aspects of Contemporary University Undergraduate Study?. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 8(1), 7-15.

This conceptual paper provides an overview of constructivist education and the development and use of constructivist principles in contemporary higher education, outlining constructivism and some specific facets of student-centred learning. Drawing f... Read More about Constructivist Learning in University Undergraduate Programmes. Has Constructivism been Fully Embraced? Is there Clear Evidence that Constructivist Principles have been Applied to all Aspects of Contemporary University Undergraduate Study?.

Muddy knees and muddy needs: parents' perceptions of outdoor learning (2019)
Journal Article
Parsons, K. J., & Traunter, J. (2020). Muddy knees and muddy needs: parents' perceptions of outdoor learning. Children's Geographies, 18(6), 699-711.

Research highlights that children across the UK access the outdoors less than previous generations, often at levels below that prescribed by the United Nations as a basic level of outdoor access for prisoners. School staff and parents are intrinsic p... Read More about Muddy knees and muddy needs: parents' perceptions of outdoor learning.

Training people with dementia/cognitive impairment and their carers in the use of web-based supportive technologies (Innovative practice) (2019)
Journal Article
Cunnah, K., Howe, D., Thorpe, J., Dunn, R., Platt, R., White, C., Paulson, K., & Wolverson, E. (2021). Training people with dementia/cognitive impairment and their carers in the use of web-based supportive technologies (Innovative practice). Dementia, 20(2), 796–806.

Little is known about the training and support people with dementia and their carers need to use digital solutions. This paper shares learning from a bespoke programme that successfully trained people with dementia or mild cognitive impairment and th... Read More about Training people with dementia/cognitive impairment and their carers in the use of web-based supportive technologies (Innovative practice).

The influence of fieldwork design on student perceptions of skills development during field courses (2019)
Journal Article
Peasland, E. L., Henri, D. C., Morrell, L. J., & Scott, G. W. (2019). The influence of fieldwork design on student perceptions of skills development during field courses. International journal of science education, 41(17), 2369-2388.

Employability is a key issue for students and Higher Education Institutions and a key component of employability is possessing the skills a role requires. In the environmental sciences, fieldwork provides an opportunity for students to develop employ... Read More about The influence of fieldwork design on student perceptions of skills development during field courses.

Learning Outcomes -A Good Idea, Yet with Problems and Lost Opportunities (2019)
Journal Article
Holmes, A. G. (2019). Learning Outcomes -A Good Idea, Yet with Problems and Lost Opportunities. Educational Process: International Journal, 8(3), 159-169.

Learning outcomes are used throughout assessment processes in higher education. In many countries their use is mandatory, with a frequent assumption that they bring many positive benefits to educational processes. Yet, there are tensions associated w... Read More about Learning Outcomes -A Good Idea, Yet with Problems and Lost Opportunities.

Models of SEND: the impact of political and economic influences on policy and provision (2019)
Journal Article
Rolfe, S. (2020). Models of SEND: the impact of political and economic influences on policy and provision. British Journal of Special Education, 46(4), 423-444.

The content and direction of policy can be impacted upon by broader political and economic influences that are of central concern to the government in office. With regard to education, the concepts of inclusion and SEND are at the forefront of... Read More about Models of SEND: the impact of political and economic influences on policy and provision.

Principles underpinning innovative mobile learning: Stakeholders’ priorities (2019)
Journal Article
Burden, K., Kearney, M., Schuck, S., & Burke, P. (2019). Principles underpinning innovative mobile learning: Stakeholders’ priorities. TechTrends,

This article discusses the results of a survey that measured school teachers’ and mobile learning (m-learning) experts’ perceptions of the relative importance and effectiveness of various pedagogical principles underpinning m-learning designs. A scan... Read More about Principles underpinning innovative mobile learning: Stakeholders’ priorities.

Educating young people about society in China, England, Mexico and Spain: similar approaches to values education from different contexts (2019)
Journal Article
Brown, E., Chen, D., Davies, I., Urbina Garcia, A., & Munguia Godinez, I. (2019). Educating young people about society in China, England, Mexico and Spain: similar approaches to values education from different contexts. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 1-17.

Following remarks about the nature and significance of values and values education, generally and more specifically in China, England, Mexico and Spain, we explain the methods used to analyse official policies that apply to moral education, citizensh... Read More about Educating young people about society in China, England, Mexico and Spain: similar approaches to values education from different contexts.

Developing pre-service teacher knowledge using online forums: supporting confident and competent teaching practices (2019)
Journal Article
Dockerty, K. (2019). Developing pre-service teacher knowledge using online forums: supporting confident and competent teaching practices. Journal of education for teaching : JET, 45(4), 402-416.

This small study examines how one group (n = 59) of first-year undergraduate students developed their knowledge through co-construction using an online forum as a platform as part of a three-year Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programme. Professional... Read More about Developing pre-service teacher knowledge using online forums: supporting confident and competent teaching practices.

Preschool transition in Mexico: Exploring teachers' perceptions and practices (2019)
Journal Article
Urbina-Garcia, A. (2019). Preschool transition in Mexico: Exploring teachers' perceptions and practices. Teaching and Teacher Education, 85, 226-234.

This study explored the perceptions of preschool and first grade teachers regarding preschool to first grade transition practices in public schools in Mexico City. A survey was administered to a sample of 15 preschool and 15 primary school teachers,... Read More about Preschool transition in Mexico: Exploring teachers' perceptions and practices.

Learning to belong? ‘culture’ and ‘place making’ among children and young people in Hull, UK City of Culture 2017 (2019)
Journal Article
Ploner, J., & Jones, L. (2020). Learning to belong? ‘culture’ and ‘place making’ among children and young people in Hull, UK City of Culture 2017. Children's Geographies, 18(3), 269-282.

Despite the rise of ‘child-friendly cities’ internationally, and a growing interest in youth engagement in urban planning, the role of children and young people in culture-led regeneration and ‘place making’ schemes, remains under-researched. Notwith... Read More about Learning to belong? ‘culture’ and ‘place making’ among children and young people in Hull, UK City of Culture 2017.

Staying afloat via guanxi : student networks, social capital and inequality in Chinese adult higher education (2019)
Journal Article
Guan, S., & James, F. (2020). Staying afloat via guanxi : student networks, social capital and inequality in Chinese adult higher education. British journal of educational studies, 68(3), 349-364.

This study illuminates students’ purposive cultivation of guanxi, or social networks based on continuous exchange of resources, in the context of China’s Adult Higher Education (HE) system. Interviews with 30 students reveal the motivations underpinn... Read More about Staying afloat via guanxi : student networks, social capital and inequality in Chinese adult higher education.

Reconceptualising early years teacher training: policy, professionalism and integrity (2019)
Journal Article
Traunter, J. (2019). Reconceptualising early years teacher training: policy, professionalism and integrity. Education 3-13, 47(7), 831-841.

This paper seeks to identify the impact of the undergraduate Early Years Initial Teacher Training (EYITT) qualification on the emerging professional identity of a group of undergraduate students. The research explored the practical and academic self-... Read More about Reconceptualising early years teacher training: policy, professionalism and integrity.

Engaging with young children’s voices: implications for practitioners’ pedagogical practice (2019)
Journal Article
Shaw, P. A. (2019). Engaging with young children’s voices: implications for practitioners’ pedagogical practice. Education 3-13, 49(7), 806-818.

The paper seeks to extend the knowledge and understanding of how engaging with young children’s voices in a meaningful way, can alter practitioners’ pedagogical practice and thus create environments for learning that are more inclusive. It draws on t... Read More about Engaging with young children’s voices: implications for practitioners’ pedagogical practice.

Expectation, motivation, engagement and ownership: using student reflections in the conative and affective domains to enhance residential field courses (2019)
Journal Article
Scott, G. W., Humphries, S., & Henri, D. C. (2019). Expectation, motivation, engagement and ownership: using student reflections in the conative and affective domains to enhance residential field courses. Journal of geography in higher education, 43(3), 280-298.

Residential field courses are important and should be designed and delivered to maximize their value to students, staff and institutions. In this context, we use a novel approach involving analysis of the daily affective and conative reflections of s... Read More about Expectation, motivation, engagement and ownership: using student reflections in the conative and affective domains to enhance residential field courses.

Investigating the use of innovative mobile pedagogies for school-aged students: A systematic literature review (2019)
Journal Article
Burden, K., Kearney, M., Schuck, S., & Hall, T. (2019). Investigating the use of innovative mobile pedagogies for school-aged students: A systematic literature review. Computers & education, 138, 83-100.

© 2019 The empirical evidence surrounding innovative technology-enhanced-learning practices in K-12 education is at best patchy. This study seeks to address this problem by investigating innovative mobile learning pedagogies for school-aged learners,... Read More about Investigating the use of innovative mobile pedagogies for school-aged students: A systematic literature review.

Regulation of the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex composition by the metabolic properties of muscle fibres (2019)
Journal Article
Omairi, S., Hau, K. L., Collins-Hooper, H., Scott, C., Vaiyapuri, S., Torelli, S., Montanaro, F., Matsakas, A., & Patel, K. (2019). Regulation of the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex composition by the metabolic properties of muscle fibres. Scientific reports, 9(1), Article 2770.

The dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) links the muscle cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix and is responsible for force transduction and protects the muscle fibres from contraction induced damage. Mutations in components of the DGC are respo... Read More about Regulation of the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex composition by the metabolic properties of muscle fibres.

The ‘C-Word’: novice teachers, class identities and class strategising (2019)
Journal Article
Jones, L. (2019). The ‘C-Word’: novice teachers, class identities and class strategising. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 27(4), 595-611.

This paper draws on a longitudinal qualitative study exploring the influence of the social class identities of novice teachers on their emerging teacher identities. The paper focuses on the ways in which, even at an implicit level, many novice teache... Read More about The ‘C-Word’: novice teachers, class identities and class strategising.