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Outputs (12)

Levelling the playing field: The effect of including widening participation in university league tables (2020)
Journal Article
Hubbard, K., Nattrass, S., & O'Neill, M. (2021). Levelling the playing field: The effect of including widening participation in university league tables. International Review of Education, 67, 273–304.

Universities are ranked in University League Tables (ULTs). Sustained academic criticism of the rationale and methodology of ULTs has not stopped these rankings exerting considerable pressure on the decisions of University managers. Widening Particip... Read More about Levelling the playing field: The effect of including widening participation in university league tables.

Adopting the use of a legacy digital artefact in formal educational settings: opportunities and challenges (2020)
Journal Article
Gouseti, A., Abbott, D., Burden, K., & Jeffrey, S. (2020). Adopting the use of a legacy digital artefact in formal educational settings: opportunities and challenges. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 29(5), 613-629.

This paper explores how a legacy digital artefact can be adopted within formal education settings and looks at the pedagogical and other opportunities created by its use within three primary and secondary classrooms in the UK. Through a comparative c... Read More about Adopting the use of a legacy digital artefact in formal educational settings: opportunities and challenges.

Researcher Positionality - A Consideration of Its Influence and Place in Qualitative Research - A New Researcher Guide (2020)
Journal Article
Darwin Holmes, A. G. (2020). Researcher Positionality - A Consideration of Its Influence and Place in Qualitative Research - A New Researcher Guide. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 8(4), 1-10.

Masters and PhD student researchers in the social sciences are often required to explore and
explain their positionality, as, in the social world, it is recognized that their ontological and
epistemological beliefs influence their research. Yet nov... Read More about Researcher Positionality - A Consideration of Its Influence and Place in Qualitative Research - A New Researcher Guide.

An Intervention Programme to Facilitate the Preschool Transition in Mexico (2020)
Journal Article
Urbina Garcia, A. (2020). An Intervention Programme to Facilitate the Preschool Transition in Mexico. Frontiers in Education, 5, Article 95.

Over the last two decades there has been a growing interest in promoting a smooth transition to the first grade of primary school, given the potential long-term change this can have in preschool children at an academic and personal level. Research sh... Read More about An Intervention Programme to Facilitate the Preschool Transition in Mexico.

(How) Do Students Use Learning Outcomes? Results from a Small-Scale Project (2020)
Journal Article
Holmes, A. G. (2020). (How) Do Students Use Learning Outcomes? Results from a Small-Scale Project. Educational Process: International Journal, 9(2), 80-89.

Pre-specified, prescribed or intended Learning Outcomes have been in use throughout higher education programs for over two decades. There is an assumption amongst quality assurance bodies and university program approval and review processes that
stu... Read More about (How) Do Students Use Learning Outcomes? Results from a Small-Scale Project.

Education in precarious times: a comparative study across six countries to identify design priorities for mobile learning in a pandemic (2020)
Journal Article
Hall, T., Connolly, C., Ó Grádaigh, S., Burden, K., Kearney, M., Schuck, S., Bottema, J., Cazemier, G., Hustinx, W., Evens, M., Koenraad, T., Makridou, E., & Kosmas, P. (2020). Education in precarious times: a comparative study across six countries to identify design priorities for mobile learning in a pandemic. Information and Learning Sciences, 121(5-6), 423-432.

© 2020, Emerald Publishing Limited.
Purpose: This paper is based on the emergency changes we have had to make in the European DEIMP Project (2017-2020), “Designing and Evaluating Innovative Mobile Pedagogies” (DEIMP). DEIMP is undertaken by a trans... Read More about Education in precarious times: a comparative study across six countries to identify design priorities for mobile learning in a pandemic.

Investing ourselves: the role of space and place in being a working-class female academic (2020)
Journal Article
Jones, L., & Maguire, M. (2021). Investing ourselves: the role of space and place in being a working-class female academic. Discourse, 42(1), 45-59.

As working-class female academics, this paper examines the constructions of our identities focusing on both what unites and differentiates us as working-class women. We focus on the structuring forces in our lives such as our class, our whiteness and... Read More about Investing ourselves: the role of space and place in being a working-class female academic.

What Do We Know About University Academics’ Mental Health? A Systematic Literature Review (2020)
Journal Article
Urbina Garcia, A. (2020). What Do We Know About University Academics’ Mental Health? A Systematic Literature Review. Stress and Health, 36(5), 563-585.

There has been a growing interest on the negative influence that the environment of higher education institutions has on the mental health of academics. The current climate of global education-competition, places extreme expectations on academics. A... Read More about What Do We Know About University Academics’ Mental Health? A Systematic Literature Review.

Ethics review, neoliberal governmentality and the activation of moral subjects (2020)
Journal Article
James, F. (in press). Ethics review, neoliberal governmentality and the activation of moral subjects. Educational Philosophy and Theory,

This article examines forms of subjectivation propagated through the processes and practices of ethics review in UK Higher Education Institutions. Codified notions of research ethics are particularly prevalent in the university context along with str... Read More about Ethics review, neoliberal governmentality and the activation of moral subjects.

Photo-elicitation and photo-voice: using visual methodological tools to engage with younger children’s voices about inclusion in education (2020)
Journal Article
Shaw, P. A. (in press). Photo-elicitation and photo-voice: using visual methodological tools to engage with younger children’s voices about inclusion in education. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 1-15.

Whilst the importance of engaging with children’s voices is now more widely recognized, there is still a dearth of representation of younger children’s voices specifically. Visual methodological tools, such as photo-elicitation and photo-voice are us... Read More about Photo-elicitation and photo-voice: using visual methodological tools to engage with younger children’s voices about inclusion in education.

‘We are the same as everyone else just with a different and unique backstory’: Identity, belonging and ‘othering’ within education for young people who are ‘looked after’ (2020)
Journal Article
Jones, L., Dean, C., Dunhill, A., Hope, M. A., & Shaw, P. (2020). ‘We are the same as everyone else just with a different and unique backstory’: Identity, belonging and ‘othering’ within education for young people who are ‘looked after’. Children & society, 34(6), 492-506.

This paper develops understandings of how being publicly identified and consequently labelled as ‘looked after’ can have damaging consequences for young people, particularly in how they are perceived by their peers in the context of schooling. Based... Read More about ‘We are the same as everyone else just with a different and unique backstory’: Identity, belonging and ‘othering’ within education for young people who are ‘looked after’.

An Unnecessary KIS? The UK’s Key Information Set, was it really needed and what was its real purpose? (2020)
Journal Article
Holmes, A. G. D. (2020). An Unnecessary KIS? The UK’s Key Information Set, was it really needed and what was its real purpose?. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 8(2), 1-9.

This paper provides a critical analysis of the United Kingdom’s higher education Key Information Set (KIS), which was implemented following the 2011 UK White Paper ‘Students at the Heart of the System’. It argues that one of the central tenets of the... Read More about An Unnecessary KIS? The UK’s Key Information Set, was it really needed and what was its real purpose?.