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Computing for Social Good in Education (2024)
Journal Article
Ellis, H., Hislop, G. W., Goldweber, M., Rebelsky, S., Pearce, J., Ordonez, P., Pias, M., & Gordon, N. (2024). Computing for Social Good in Education. ACM Inroads, 15(4), 47-57.

Computing for Social Good in Education (CSG-Ed) engages students with the positive potential of computing to benefit society. It can introduce students to aspects of professional responsibility, something computing students need more than ever given... Read More about Computing for Social Good in Education.

Artificial Intelligence in Education: An automatic Rule-Based Chatbot to generate guidance from lecture recordings (2024)
Journal Article
Hing, W., Gordon, N., & Al Jaber, T. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in Education: An automatic Rule-Based Chatbot to generate guidance from lecture recordings. Acta Scientific Computer Sciences, 6(7), 64-74

In a new era of educational and research-based chatbots, implementing personalised interactive learning resources is critical in enhancing students' academic experiences. Whilst general purpose chatbots are now available with a range of platforms, th... Read More about Artificial Intelligence in Education: An automatic Rule-Based Chatbot to generate guidance from lecture recordings.