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Empathy Matters: Inclusive Co-design (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kaegi, A., & Fallin, L. (2024, September). Empathy Matters: Inclusive Co-design. Presented at RAISE Conference 2024: Equity in Attainment & Student Success, University of Leicester

The effectiveness of inclusive teaching is crucially dependent on whether the curricula and wider learning environment are themselves inclusive. The sharp growth in and internationalisation of the PGT cohorts on Masters programmes in Education at Hul... Read More about Empathy Matters: Inclusive Co-design.

ViPER - Introducing a service to deliver restorative supervision for nursing students, to improve retention and raise the quality of student experiences. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jennison, L., Walker, J., Credland, N., Dixon, P., & Dunn, R. (2024, April). ViPER - Introducing a service to deliver restorative supervision for nursing students, to improve retention and raise the quality of student experiences. Paper presented at RCN Education Forum National Conference and Exhibition 2024: Future Insights: Enabling professional practice in health and social care nursing education, York

Abstract ID 239:
Restorative Supervision (RS) is increasingly being delivered to post qualified healthcare staff, via the growth of the PNA role (NHS England,2023). The benefits of delivering this to pre-registration students in educa... Read More about ViPER - Introducing a service to deliver restorative supervision for nursing students, to improve retention and raise the quality of student experiences..