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Outputs (3)

Restraining forces and drivers of supply chain collaboration: evidence from an emerging market (2021)
Journal Article
Oyedijo, A., Koukpaki, A. S. F., Kusi-Sarpong, S., Alfarsi, F., & Yang, Y. (in press). Restraining forces and drivers of supply chain collaboration: evidence from an emerging market. Supply chain management,

Purpose - This paper aims to investigate how restraining forces and driving forces impact supply chain collaboration in the context of Nigeria.

Design/methodology/approach - A qualitative approach was adopted. Using semi-structured interviews, da... Read More about Restraining forces and drivers of supply chain collaboration: evidence from an emerging market.

The role of fairness in multi-tier sustainable supply chains (2021)
Journal Article
Oyedijo, A., Yang, Y., Koukpaki, A. S. F., & Mishra, N. (in press). The role of fairness in multi-tier sustainable supply chains. International Journal of Production Research,

Fairness is an important topic that forms part of an organisation’s sustainability practice and agenda, particularly from a social dimension. However, past studies have rarely considered the role of fairness as a driver of sustainability in multi-tie... Read More about The role of fairness in multi-tier sustainable supply chains.

The contribution of human resource development managers to organisational branding in the hotel industry in India and South East Asia (ISEA): a dynamic capabilities perspective (2020)
Journal Article
Koukpaki, S., Adams, K., & Oyedijo, A. (2020). The contribution of human resource development managers to organisational branding in the hotel industry in India and South East Asia (ISEA): a dynamic capabilities perspective. Employee relations,

This research explores the significant contribution of human resource development (HRD) managers in building organisational brands in the hotel industry through the lenses of dynamic capabilities for sustaining competitiveness.
Using a qualitative c... Read More about The contribution of human resource development managers to organisational branding in the hotel industry in India and South East Asia (ISEA): a dynamic capabilities perspective.