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Comprometimento organizacional: questões que cercam sua natureza e os seus limites conceituais (2016)
Journal Article
Menezes, I. G., Aguiar, C. V. N., & Bastos, A. V. B. (2016). Comprometimento organizacional: questões que cercam sua natureza e os seus limites conceituais. Psicologia em revista, 22(3), 768-789.

Organizational commitment, although one of the most investigated phenomena in the field of organizational behavior, may still be considered as a multifaceted and polysemous construct. This work aims to present the complexity and dispersion that revol... Read More about Comprometimento organizacional: questões que cercam sua natureza e os seus limites conceituais.

Policy Implications of Achievement Testing Using Multilevel Models: The Case of Brazilian Elementary Schools (2016)
Journal Article
Menezes, I. G., Duran, V. R., Filho, E. J. M., Veloso, T. J., Sarmento, S. M. S., Paget, C. L., & Ruggeri, K. (2016). Policy Implications of Achievement Testing Using Multilevel Models: The Case of Brazilian Elementary Schools. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, Article 1727.

Large-scale educational assessment has been established as source of descriptive, evaluative and interpretative information that influence educational policies worldwide throughout the last third of the twentieth century. In the 1990s the Brazilian M... Read More about Policy Implications of Achievement Testing Using Multilevel Models: The Case of Brazilian Elementary Schools.

Multilevel Modeling and Policy Development: Guidelines and Applications to Medical Travel (2016)
Journal Article
Garcia-Garzon, E., Zhukovsky, P., Haller, E., Plakolm, S., Fink, D., Petrova, D., Mahalingam, V., Menezes, I. G., & Ruggeri, K. (2016). Multilevel Modeling and Policy Development: Guidelines and Applications to Medical Travel. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, Article 752.

Medical travel has expanded rapidly in recent years, resulting in new markets and increased access to medical care. Whereas several studies investigated the motives of individuals seeking healthcare abroad, the conventional analytical approach is lim... Read More about Multilevel Modeling and Policy Development: Guidelines and Applications to Medical Travel.

Conception and validation of the Behavioral Intentions Scale of Organizational Citizenship (BISOC) (2016)
Journal Article
Gomes Menezes, A., Menezes, I., Lozado, J., & Bastos, A. (2016). Conception and validation of the Behavioral Intentions Scale of Organizational Citizenship (BISOC). Psicologia: reflexão e crítica, 29(35),

This study aimed to construct and validate the Behavioral Intentions of Organizational Citizenship Scale (BISOC). Organizational citizenship consists of measures of voluntary behaviors, which are beneficial to organizations and are not explicit in em... Read More about Conception and validation of the Behavioral Intentions Scale of Organizational Citizenship (BISOC).

Global health policy and access to care: investigating patient choice on an international level using social media (2016)
Journal Article
Zhukovsky, P., Ruggeri, K., Garcia-Garzon, E., Plakolm, S., Haller, E., Petrova, D., Mahalingam, V., & Menezes, I. G. (2016). Global health policy and access to care: investigating patient choice on an international level using social media. Frontiers in public health, 3, Article 284.

Background: Increased access to transportation and information has led to the emergence of more diverse patient choice and new forms of health care consumption, such as medical travel. In order for health care providers to effectively attract patient... Read More about Global health policy and access to care: investigating patient choice on an international level using social media.