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Outputs (63)

Economic growth and public debt
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bhattarai, K. Economic growth and public debt

Abstract There is a controversy in the literature about the economic contribution of public deficit. Keynesian economists generally argue that by spending more on goods and services and infrastructure possible budget deficit is helpful to create more... Read More about Economic growth and public debt.

Constitution, institutions and models for economic growth in Nepal
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bhattarai, K. Constitution, institutions and models for economic growth in Nepal

Nepal made significant progress in removing monarchy and terrors of Maoists in the last decade. It however lacks a stable solution of speedier economic growth and development as the major political parties were not able to promulgate a constitution b... Read More about Constitution, institutions and models for economic growth in Nepal.

Macroeconomic policy coordination in the global economy : VAR and BVAR-DSGE analyses
Digital Artefact
Bhattarai, K., & Mallick, S. Macroeconomic policy coordination in the global economy : VAR and BVAR-DSGE analyses

Impulse response and variance decomposition estimations are similar in traditional VAR (1) and BVAR-DSGE models but the later model can provide theoretical and structural reasons behind those estimations. In the context of growth competition and spil... Read More about Macroeconomic policy coordination in the global economy : VAR and BVAR-DSGE analyses.