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Outputs (54)

The problem of governance from an autopoietic perspective (and a critical comment on the role of ICT) (2009)
Book Chapter
Gregory, A. J. (2009). The problem of governance from an autopoietic perspective (and a critical comment on the role of ICT). In Systems thinking and e-participation:ICT in the governance of society (13-21). Information Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global.

The aim of this chapter is to examine the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the governance of modern society from an autopoietic perspective. For the main part, discussions of ICT use by government have focused on either pract... Read More about The problem of governance from an autopoietic perspective (and a critical comment on the role of ICT).

Chinese consumer's attitudes towards advertising (2009)
Book Chapter
Liu, W.-L. (2009). Chinese consumer's attitudes towards advertising. In H. Cheng, & K. K. Chan (Eds.), Advertising and Chinese Society: Impacts and Issues (67-84). Copenhagen Business School Press

Financial bubbles: A learning effect modelling approach (2009)
Book Chapter
Hsieh, T. H., Li, Y., & McKillop, D. G. (2009). Financial bubbles: A learning effect modelling approach. In A. Brabazon, & M. O'Neill (Eds.), Natural computing in computational finance (117-135). Springer Verlag.

This chapter studies financial bubbles by incorporating a learning effect into the coordination game model which was articulated by Ozdenoren and Yuan [36]. Monte Carlo simulation is then utilised to analyse how the addition of a learning effect impa... Read More about Financial bubbles: A learning effect modelling approach.

Between Madam Bubble and Kitty Lorimer: Women investors in British and Irish stock companies (2008)
Book Chapter
Freeman, M., Pearson, R., & Taylor, J. (2008). Between Madam Bubble and Kitty Lorimer: Women investors in British and Irish stock companies. In A. Laurence, J. Maltby, & J. Rutterford (Eds.), Women and their money, 1700-1950: Essays on women and finance (95-114). Routledge.

As the pilgrims came to rest on the Enchanted Ground, Mr Stand-fast, in Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress (1684), told his friends of an encounter on the road.

‘As I was thus musing . . . there was one in very pleasant attire, but old, that presente... Read More about Between Madam Bubble and Kitty Lorimer: Women investors in British and Irish stock companies.

Can trend followers survive in the long-run? Insights from agent-based modeling (2008)
Book Chapter
He, X. Z., Hamill, P., & Li, Y. (2008). Can trend followers survive in the long-run? Insights from agent-based modeling. In A. Brabazon, & M. O'Neill (Eds.), Natural Computing in Computational Finance (253-269). Springer Verlag.

This chapter uses a simple stochastic market fraction (MF) asset pricing model to investigate market dominance, profitability, and how traders adopting fundamental analysis or trend following strategies can survive under various market conditions in... Read More about Can trend followers survive in the long-run? Insights from agent-based modeling.

Capital structure decisions of Turkish firms (2006)
Book Chapter
Guney, Y., Ozkan, A., & Yalciner, K. (2006). Capital structure decisions of Turkish firms. In S. G. Altug, & A. Filiztekin (Eds.), The Turkish Economy : The Real Economy, Corporate Governance and Reform (149-171). Routledge.

Since the seminal work of Modigliani and Miller (1958) the theory on capital structure has successfully investigated the conditions under which the capital structure decision of a firm would be relevant for its value. Among the factors identified in... Read More about Capital structure decisions of Turkish firms.

Issues in clinical knowledge management: Revisiting healthcare management (2005)
Book Chapter
Bali, R. K., Dwivedi, A., & Naguib, R. (2005). Issues in clinical knowledge management: Revisiting healthcare management. In R. K. Bali (Ed.), Clinical Knowledge Management: Opportunities and Challenges (1-10). IGI Global.

The objective of this chapter is to examine some of the key issues surrounding the incorporation of the Knowledge Management (KM) paradigm in healthcare. We discuss whether it would it be beneficial for healthcare organizations to adopt the KM paradi... Read More about Issues in clinical knowledge management: Revisiting healthcare management.

Knowledge management for healthcare: Using information and communication technologies for decision making (2005)
Book Chapter
Dwivedi, A. N., Bali, R. K., & Naguib, R. N. (2005). Knowledge management for healthcare: Using information and communication technologies for decision making. In M. E. Jennex (Ed.), Case Studies in Knowledge Management (328-343). IGI Global.

This case study is based on data collected from a prominent UK-based healthcare software house (Company X Ltd). The organization specializes in information and communication technologies (ICT) solution development, implementations, support services (... Read More about Knowledge management for healthcare: Using information and communication technologies for decision making.

Web-based surveys in logistics research: An empirical application (2005)
Book Chapter
Teller, C., Teller, W., & Grant, D. B. (2005). Web-based surveys in logistics research: An empirical application. In H. Kotzab, S. Seuring, M. Müller, & G. Reiner (Eds.), Research Methodologies in Supply Chain Management: In Collaboration with Magnus Westhaus (139-154). Physica-Verlag.

The use of surveys continues to lead logistics and supply chain management research. We discuss the use of Internet or Web-based surveys as an alternative to traditional survey methods in the context of a Web-based empirical study to identify advanta... Read More about Web-based surveys in logistics research: An empirical application.

Building and Developing Capabilities: A Cognitive Congruence Framework (2003)
Book Chapter
Merali, Y. (2003). Building and Developing Capabilities: A Cognitive Congruence Framework. In R. Sanchez (Ed.), Knowledge Management and Organizational Competence (41-62). Oxford University Press.

The importance of dynamism, regeneration, change, and innovation is often emphasized in 'competing for the future'. Recent literature on competencebased competition and dynamic capabilities highlights the role of knowledge management and organization... Read More about Building and Developing Capabilities: A Cognitive Congruence Framework.

Book Chapter
Bhattarai, K. (2000). GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODELLING OF UK TAX POLICY. In S. Holly, & M. Weale (Eds.), Econometric Modelling: Techniques and Applications (69-93). Cambridge University Press

This paper discusses applied general equilibrium tax modelling, and initial applications to UK policy issues under an ESRC supported research project on General Equilibrium Modelling of UK Policy Issues. Future activity on the project will reflect th... Read More about GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODELLING OF UK TAX POLICY.

Performance measurement and its impact on sustainable and resilient supply chain management practices in the Thai electronic industry
Book Chapter
Colicchia, C., Grant, D., & Joradon, W. Performance measurement and its impact on sustainable and resilient supply chain management practices in the Thai electronic industry. In Proceedings of the 20th Annual Logistics Research Network (LRN) Conference

Paper originally presented at the 20th Annual Logistics Research Network (LRN) Conference, 9th to 11th Sept 2015, Derby.

A 'symbiosis effect' perspective to understand reverse logistics and household recycling waste systems
Book Chapter
Deutz, P., Grant, D., Nicholson, J., & A-Jalil, E. E. A 'symbiosis effect' perspective to understand reverse logistics and household recycling waste systems. In Proceedings of the 19th international symposium on logistics (ISL) 2014

Paper presented at 19th ISL, 2014, Ho Chi Minh The essence of the problem with waste is that it is by definition something that is not wanted. We argue here that achieving a sustainable solution requires consideration of both regulatory responsibilit... Read More about A 'symbiosis effect' perspective to understand reverse logistics and household recycling waste systems.