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The systemic role of technology in financial instability (2017)
Book Chapter
Demetis, D. (2017). The systemic role of technology in financial instability. In N. Ryder, J. Tucker, & U. Turksen (Eds.), The financial crisis and white collar crime: legislative and policy responses (59-80). Routledge.

This chapter examines the role of Information Systems (IS) in creating financial instability by automating critical decision-making processes. By following a systems theoretical approach after Lee and Demetis (2016) and based on a few fundamental sys... Read More about The systemic role of technology in financial instability.

When humans using the IT artifact becomes IT using the human artifact (2017)
Book Chapter
Demetis, D. S., & Lee, A. S. (2017). When humans using the IT artifact becomes IT using the human artifact. In T. X. Bui, & R. Sprague, Jr. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 50th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 4 - 7, 2017 (5747-5756). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Abstract Following Lee & Demetis [20] who showed how systems theorizing can be conducted on the basis of a few systems principles, in this paper, we apply these principles to theorize about the systemic character of technology and investigate the rol... Read More about When humans using the IT artifact becomes IT using the human artifact.

The role of information systems in the prevention and detection of transnational and international crime (2014)
Book Chapter
Demetis, D. (2014). The role of information systems in the prevention and detection of transnational and international crime. In I. Bantekas, & E. Mylonaki (Eds.), Criminological Approaches to International Criminal Law (192-221). Cambridge University Press.

© Cambridge University Press 2014. All around the world criminal activity remains at the forefront of governmental concerns, not only as a problem that distorts the very fabric of society within the confines of national jurisdictions, but also as a p... Read More about The role of information systems in the prevention and detection of transnational and international crime.