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The problem of governance from an autopoietic perspective (and a critical comment on the role of ICT) (2009)
Book Chapter
Gregory, A. J. (2009). The problem of governance from an autopoietic perspective (and a critical comment on the role of ICT). In Systems thinking and e-participation:ICT in the governance of society (13-21). Information Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global.

The aim of this chapter is to examine the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the governance of modern society from an autopoietic perspective. For the main part, discussions of ICT use by government have focused on either pract... Read More about The problem of governance from an autopoietic perspective (and a critical comment on the role of ICT).

Chinese consumer's attitudes towards advertising (2009)
Book Chapter
Liu, W.-L. (2009). Chinese consumer's attitudes towards advertising. In H. Cheng, & K. K. Chan (Eds.), Advertising and Chinese Society: Impacts and Issues (67-84). Copenhagen Business School Press

Financial bubbles: A learning effect modelling approach (2009)
Book Chapter
Hsieh, T. H., Li, Y., & McKillop, D. G. (2009). Financial bubbles: A learning effect modelling approach. In A. Brabazon, & M. O'Neill (Eds.), Natural computing in computational finance (117-135). Springer Verlag.

This chapter studies financial bubbles by incorporating a learning effect into the coordination game model which was articulated by Ozdenoren and Yuan [36]. Monte Carlo simulation is then utilised to analyse how the addition of a learning effect impa... Read More about Financial bubbles: A learning effect modelling approach.