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Outputs (5)

Complexity and information systems: The emergent domain (2016)
Book Chapter
Merali, Y. (2016). Complexity and information systems: The emergent domain. In L. Willcocks, C. Sauer, & M. Lacity (Eds.), Enacting Research Methods in Information Systems (251-281). Palgrave Macmillan.

This paper is concerned with the emergence of the information systems (IS) domain as a central feature of the management research landscape in the networked world. It shows that the emergence of the network economy and network society (Castells, 1996... Read More about Complexity and information systems: The emergent domain.

Leading the Diffusion of Intellectual Capital Management Practices in Science Parks (2016)
Book Chapter
Khavandkar, E., Theodorakopoulos, N., Hart, M., & Preston, J. (2016). Leading the Diffusion of Intellectual Capital Management Practices in Science Parks. In H. Shipton, P. Budhwar, P. Sparrow, & A. Brown (Eds.), Human Resource Management, Innovation and Performance (213-231). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter discusses how leadership interventions in science parks can promote the diffusion of intellectual capital management (ICM) practices. It focuses on how operationalisation of the different social interactions leads to the accommodation of... Read More about Leading the Diffusion of Intellectual Capital Management Practices in Science Parks.

The Evolution of the Industry Structure (2016)
Book Chapter
Pearson, R. (2017). The Evolution of the Industry Structure. In G. Jones, & N.-V. Haueter (Eds.), Managing Risk in Reinsurance: From City Fires to Global Warming (70-91). Oxford University Press.

Chapter 3 provides a historical overview of the reinsurance market and business development since its earliest days. It covers not only dedicated reinsurers but also other market participants, such as brokers and first insurers’ risk sharing through... Read More about The Evolution of the Industry Structure.

Testing for the weak-form market efficiency of the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (2016)
Book Chapter
Guney, Y., & Komba, G. (2016). Testing for the weak-form market efficiency of the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange. In P. Andrikopoulos, G. Gregoriou, & V. Kallinterakis (Eds.), Handbook of frontier markets: The European and African evidence (3-26). Elsevier Academic Press.

This chapter investigates the weak-form efficiency of the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE), a frontier market, in Tanzania. The study covers the period from Jan. 2007 to Dec. 2014. To establish the consistency and robustness of the obtained conclus... Read More about Testing for the weak-form market efficiency of the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange.

Small fish in a big pond : an architectural approach to users privacy, rights and security in the age of big data (2016)
Book Chapter
Merali, Y., Angelopoulos, S., McAuley, D., Mortier, R., & Price, D. (2016). Small fish in a big pond : an architectural approach to users privacy, rights and security in the age of big data. In Thirty seventh international conference on information systems, Dublin 2016

Paper presented at 37th International conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2016), 11-14 December 2016, Dublin, Ireland. ABSTRACT We focus on the challenges and issues associated with Big Data, and propose a novel architecture that uses the princip... Read More about Small fish in a big pond : an architectural approach to users privacy, rights and security in the age of big data.