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Employee Participation in Change Programs (2018)
Book Chapter
Clarke, N., & Higgs, M. (2018). Employee Participation in Change Programs. In R. G. Hamlin, A. D. Ellinger, & J. Jones (Eds.), Evidence-Based Initiatives for Organizational Change and Development (179-199). IGI Global.

This chapter aims to assist those responsible for implementing change to think more about how employee participation or involvement is undertaken during the change process. The chapter starts by providing an overview of the theoretical explanations a... Read More about Employee Participation in Change Programs.

Speaking up or blowing the whistle for better, safer care (2018)
Book Chapter
Mannion, R., Davies, H., Blenkinsopp, J., McHale, J. V., Millar, R., Powell, M., & Snowden, N. (2018). Speaking up or blowing the whistle for better, safer care. In J. Tingle, C. Ó Néill, & M. Shimwell (Eds.), Global patient safety: Law, policy and practice (58-76). Routledge.

In modern healthcare systems, not all care is as good or as safe as it could be and there is growing evidence to suggest about one in ten patients admitted to hospital may be harmed as a result of their admission. This chapter draws on some recent wo... Read More about Speaking up or blowing the whistle for better, safer care.