Active Withernsea Deep Dive Report to Sport England: Inequalities Impacting on Physical Activity, and Policies to Mitigate or Prevent those Inequalities
Powell, L., & Midgley, G. (2020). Active Withernsea Deep Dive Report to Sport England: Inequalities Impacting on Physical Activity, and Policies to Mitigate or Prevent those Inequalities. Sport England and East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Outputs (5)
How Systems Thinking Enhances Systems Leadership (2020)
Hobbs, C., & Midgley, G. (2020). How Systems Thinking Enhances Systems Leadership. London: National Leadership CentreSystems leadership is only part of what is needed to deal with cross-cutting issues. Leaders need to be allowed to step back from the system they are in, think about what they are trying to achieve in relation to the bigger picture, and collaborate w... Read More about How Systems Thinking Enhances Systems Leadership.
Exploring Boundaries in Food Systems Research: Implications for Projects on UK Food Security (2020)
Helfgott, A., & Midgley, G. (in press). Exploring Boundaries in Food Systems Research: Implications for Projects on UK Food Security. Swindon: RCUK Global Food Security Programme (subcontract to University of Oxford)Executive Summary
This report describes the Global Food Security (GFS) Boundaries Project, which represents the first systematic attempt to apply critical systems thinking and practice to a food systems research programme (as opposed to a single... Read More about Exploring Boundaries in Food Systems Research: Implications for Projects on UK Food Security.
Enhancing Systemic Capability in the Civil Service: Report of key findings (2020)
Hobbs, C., & Midgley, G. Enhancing Systemic Capability in the Civil Service: Report of key findings. Systems Unit, Cabinet Office
Operational Research and Environmental Management: a new agenda (2001)
Midgley, G., & Reynolds, M. (2001). Operational Research and Environmental Management: a new agenda. Birmingham, UK: The OR Society