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Outputs (32)

Beyond organisational agendas: using boundary critique to facilitate the inclusion of societal concerns in information systems planning (2008)
Journal Article
Córdoba, J. R., & Midgley, G. (2008). Beyond organisational agendas: using boundary critique to facilitate the inclusion of societal concerns in information systems planning. European Journal of Information Systems, 17(2), 125-142.

As the development of the information society takes place worldwide, individuals, groups and organisations face the challenge of taking advantage of information and communication technologies (ICTs). 'Digital divides' are emerging: some sections of s... Read More about Beyond organisational agendas: using boundary critique to facilitate the inclusion of societal concerns in information systems planning.

Regulatory regimes and multinational insurers before 1914 (2008)
Journal Article
Pearson, R., & Lönnborg, M. (2008). Regulatory regimes and multinational insurers before 1914. Business History Review, 82(1), 59-86.

At the end of the twentieth century, the global diffusion of one important financial service, insurance, was encouraged by deregulation, but it also encountered difficulties where deregulation remained incomplete and where there were many nonregulato... Read More about Regulatory regimes and multinational insurers before 1914.

The Determinants of Capital Structure: Capital Market-Oriented versus Bank-Oriented Institutions (2008)
Journal Article
Antoniou, A., Guney, Y., & Paudyal, K. (2008). The Determinants of Capital Structure: Capital Market-Oriented versus Bank-Oriented Institutions. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 43(1), 59-92.

The paper investigates how firms operating in capital market-oriented economies (the U.K. and the U.S.) and bank-oriented economies (France, Germany, and Japan) determine their capital structure. Using panel data and a two-step system-GMM procedure,... Read More about The Determinants of Capital Structure: Capital Market-Oriented versus Bank-Oriented Institutions.

Trading frictions and market structure: An empirical analysis (2008)
Journal Article
Cai, C. X., Hillier, D., Hudson, R., & Keasey, K. (2008). Trading frictions and market structure: An empirical analysis. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 35(3-4), 563-579.

Market structure affects the informational and real frictions faced by traders in equity markets. Using bid-ask spreads, we present evidence which suggests that while real frictions associated with the costs of supplying immediacy are less in order-d... Read More about Trading frictions and market structure: An empirical analysis.

An empirical study of interest rate determination rules (2008)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K. (2008). An empirical study of interest rate determination rules. Applied financial economics, 18(4), 327-343.

This paper finds empirical support for a Taylor (1993) type interest rate determination rule. The model is solved analytically, estimated and used for simulation, impulse response analyses and forecasting with quarterly time series data for the UK an... Read More about An empirical study of interest rate determination rules.

Firm size, sector and market valuation of R&D expenditures (2008)
Journal Article
Shah, S. Z. A., Stark, A. W., & Akbar, S. (2008). Firm size, sector and market valuation of R&D expenditures. Applied financial economics letters, 4(2), 87-91.

Significant market value effects of RD are found for UK firms of all sizes. Sector-based analyses indicate large, positive and statistically significant influences of RD on market values of UK firms in both manufacturing and nonmanufacturing sectors.

Government control, transaction costs, and commitment between the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) and the Chinese government (2008)
Journal Article
Lu, Q. (2008). Government control, transaction costs, and commitment between the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) and the Chinese government. Enterprise & society, 9(1), 44-69.

We use the tools of transaction cost politics (TCP) developed from transaction cost economics and economic analysis, to analyze the business relationship building between the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), the largest and most succ... Read More about Government control, transaction costs, and commitment between the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) and the Chinese government.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall: Reflecting on the ethics and effects of a collective critical management studies identity project (2008)
Journal Article
Reedy, P. (2008). Mirror, mirror, on the wall: Reflecting on the ethics and effects of a collective critical management studies identity project. Management Learning, 39(1), 57-72.

This article explores the relationship between the identity of critical management studies (CMS) academics and that of managers. The article argues that, as a result of the way in which CMS identities are pursued, managers often become represented as... Read More about Mirror, mirror, on the wall: Reflecting on the ethics and effects of a collective critical management studies identity project.

Integrated rural tourism: a border case study (2008)
Journal Article
Saxena, G., & Ilbery, B. (2008). Integrated rural tourism: a border case study. Annals of Tourism Research, 35(1), 233-254.

Within the context of debates about integrated and territorial approaches to rural development in Europe's lagging regions, this paper introduces the notion of integrated rural tourism, theorized in relation to the concepts of embeddedness, dis-embed... Read More about Integrated rural tourism: a border case study.

What makes a die-hard entrepreneur? Beyond the ‘employee or entrepreneur’ dichotomy (2008)
Journal Article
Burke, A. E., FitzRoy, F. R., & Nolan, M. A. (2008). What makes a die-hard entrepreneur? Beyond the ‘employee or entrepreneur’ dichotomy. Small business economics, 31(2), 93-115.

The article makes three contributions to the economics literature on entrepreneurship. We offer a new measure of entrepreneurship which accounts for variations in persistence in self-employment and as a result avoids the weakness of approaches which... Read More about What makes a die-hard entrepreneur? Beyond the ‘employee or entrepreneur’ dichotomy.

Patents, R&D and lag effects: evidence from flexible methods for count panel data on manufacturing firms (2008)
Journal Article
Gurmu, S., & Pérez-Sebastián, F. (2008). Patents, R&D and lag effects: evidence from flexible methods for count panel data on manufacturing firms. Empirical economics, 35(3), 507-526.

This paper investigates the relationship between patents and research and development expenditures using new longitudinal patent data at the firm level for the U.S. manufacturing sector from 1982 to 1992. The paper also develops a new class of count... Read More about Patents, R&D and lag effects: evidence from flexible methods for count panel data on manufacturing firms.

Designing intelligent healthcare organisations with KM and ICT (2008)
Journal Article
Dwivedi, A., Wickramasinghe, N., Bali, R. K., & Naguib, R. N. (2008). Designing intelligent healthcare organisations with KM and ICT. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 2(2), 198-213.

One of the fundamental challenges faced by the 21st Century clinical practitioner is to acquire proficiency in understanding and interpreting clinical information so as to attain knowledge and wisdom and then apply this through making prudent treatme... Read More about Designing intelligent healthcare organisations with KM and ICT.