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Developing a business analytics methodology: a case study in the foodbank sector (2017)
Journal Article
Hindle, G. A., & Vidgen, R. (2018). Developing a business analytics methodology: a case study in the foodbank sector. European journal of operational research, 268(3), 836-851.

The current research seeks to address the following question: how can organizations align their business analytics development projects with their business goals? To pursue this research agenda we adopt an action research framework to develop and app... Read More about Developing a business analytics methodology: a case study in the foodbank sector.

Management challenges in creating value from business analytics (2017)
Journal Article
Vidgen, R., Shaw, S. L., & Grant, D. B. (2017). Management challenges in creating value from business analytics. European journal of operational research, 261(2), 626-639.

The popularity of big data and business analytics has increased tremendously in the last decade and a key challenge for organizations is in understanding how to leverage them to create business value. However, while the literature acknowledges the im... Read More about Management challenges in creating value from business analytics.

User acceptance and corporate intranet quality: An evaluation with iQual (2012)
Journal Article
Barnes, S. J., & Vidgen, R. (2012). User acceptance and corporate intranet quality: An evaluation with iQual. Information and Management, 49(3-4), 164-170.

We developed a model for intranet quality and acceptance; it was applied to data collected by the sales and marketing division of an international manufacturing company obtained via a Web survey (n = 131) and tested using partial least squares path m... Read More about User acceptance and corporate intranet quality: An evaluation with iQual.

The scholarly influence of Heinz Klein: Ideational and social measures of his impact on IS research and IS scholars (2011)
Journal Article
Truex, D., Cuellar, M., Takeda, H., & Vidgen, R. (2011). The scholarly influence of Heinz Klein: Ideational and social measures of his impact on IS research and IS scholars. European Journal of Information Systems, 20(4), 422-439.

Heinz Klein was a fine scholar and mentor whose work and life have inspired us to explore the notion of scholarly influence which we cast as ideational and social influence. We adopt a portfolio of measures approach, using the Hirsch family of statis... Read More about The scholarly influence of Heinz Klein: Ideational and social measures of his impact on IS research and IS scholars.

Purchasing behaviour in an online supermarket: The applicability of E-S-QUAL (2010)
Journal Article
Vidgen, R., Marimon, F., Barnes, S., & Cristóbal, E. (2010). Purchasing behaviour in an online supermarket: The applicability of E-S-QUAL. International journal of market research : the journal of the Market Research Society / MRS, 52(1), 111-129.

The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to assess the applicability of the four dimensions of online service quality, as proposed in the E-S-QUAL scale, to the setting of an online supermarket; and, second, to propose and test a model that links... Read More about Purchasing behaviour in an online supermarket: The applicability of E-S-QUAL.

Coevolving systems and the organization of agile software development (2009)
Journal Article
Vidgen, R., & Wang, X. (2009). Coevolving systems and the organization of agile software development. Information Systems Research, 20(3), 355-376.

Despite the popularity of agile methods in software development and increasing adoption by organizations there is debate about what agility is and how it is achieved. The debate suffers from a lack of understanding of agile concepts and how agile sof... Read More about Coevolving systems and the organization of agile software development.