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Outputs (19)

Child grooming and sexual exploitation: are South Asian men the UK media’s new folk devils? (2015)
Journal Article
Gill, A. K., & Harrison, K. (in press). Child grooming and sexual exploitation: are South Asian men the UK media’s new folk devils?. International journal for crime, justice and social democracy, 4(2), 34-49.

In May 2012, nine men from the Rochdale area of Manchester were found guilty of sexually exploiting a number of underage girls. Media reporting on the trial focused on the fact that eight of the men were of Pakistani descent, while all the girls were... Read More about Child grooming and sexual exploitation: are South Asian men the UK media’s new folk devils?.

Human rights and human wrongs: a rights based approach to the punishment of sex offenders (2014)
Journal Article
Harrison, K., & Rainey, B. (2014). Human rights and human wrongs: a rights based approach to the punishment of sex offenders. Contemporary Issues in Law, 13(3), 229-248

The treatment and management of sex offenders is largely premised on the concepts of punishment and public protection. Driven by populist punitiveness and moral panic, policies designed to manage such offenders are largely incapacitative and retaliat... Read More about Human rights and human wrongs: a rights based approach to the punishment of sex offenders.

Speaking about sexual abuse in British South Asian communities: offenders, victims and the challenges of shame and reintegration (2014)
Journal Article
Cowburn, M., Gill, A. K., & Harrison, K. (2015). Speaking about sexual abuse in British South Asian communities: offenders, victims and the challenges of shame and reintegration. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 21(1), 4-15.

Cultural dynamics have a significant impact on how sexual matters, including sexual abuse, are discussed in British South Asian communities. The ways in which these communities talk about sexual violence often reinforce patriarchal norms and values,... Read More about Speaking about sexual abuse in British South Asian communities: offenders, victims and the challenges of shame and reintegration.

Governing serious offenders : recent developments in legislation in England and Wales (2014)
Journal Article
Harrison, K. (2014). Governing serious offenders : recent developments in legislation in England and Wales. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 97(1), 10-18.

The study and management of those offenders classified as dangerous has been at the forefront of political concern for many years. In search for the >>perfect<< publication solution many countries around the globe have tried a variety of risk managem...

Multi-disciplinary definitions and understandings of 'paedophilia' (2010)
Journal Article
Harrison, K., Manning, R., & McCartan, K. (2010). Multi-disciplinary definitions and understandings of 'paedophilia'. Social & legal studies, 19(4), 481-496.

Despite the current high-profile concern over paedophiles and paedophilic activity, there is no easily accessible or widely accepted multi-disciplinary definition of paedophilia. Commentators have pointed to a general contemporary misunderstanding su... Read More about Multi-disciplinary definitions and understandings of 'paedophilia'.

Legal aspects of surgical castration (2010)
Journal Article
Harrison, K. (2010). Legal aspects of surgical castration. Sexual offender treatment, 5(2), 42856

The use of surgical castration, whilst still legal in some European countries is now being practised only on a very small scale. This is largely due to the fact that many people have objections to the practice of surgically castrating offenders, espe... Read More about Legal aspects of surgical castration.

Suppressing human rights? A rights-based approach to the use of pharmacotherapy with sex offenders (2009)
Journal Article
Harrison, K., & Rainey, B. (2009). Suppressing human rights? A rights-based approach to the use of pharmacotherapy with sex offenders. Legal Studies, 29(1), 47-74.

The use of pharmacotherapy (more emotively known as chemical castration) is the use of drugs to treat and help manage the risk that sex offenders, and in particular paedophiles, pose to society. Due to the increased climate of public fear of this ris... Read More about Suppressing human rights? A rights-based approach to the use of pharmacotherapy with sex offenders.

Dangerousness, risk and the governance of serious sexual and violent offenders
Harrison, K. Dangerousness, risk and the governance of serious sexual and violent offenders. The University of Hull

Dangerousness, Risk and the Governance of Serious Sexual and Violent Offenders is a fully up-to-date, comprehensive and user-friendly guide on those offenders who are often assessed as being dangerous. Outlining, evaluating and commenting on specific... Read More about Dangerousness, risk and the governance of serious sexual and violent offenders.