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The Repository@Hull is intended to be an Open Access showcase for the published research output of the university. Whenever possible, refereed documents accepted for publication, or finished artistic compositions presented in public, will be made available here in full digital format, and hyperlinks to standard published versions will be provided.

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The Hobby–Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment Survey (HETDEX) Active Galactic Nuclei Catalog: The Fourth Data Release (2025)
Journal Article
Liu, C., Gebhardt, K., Mentuch Cooper, E., Davis, D., Schneider, D. P., Jarvis, M. J., Farrow, D. J., Finkelstein, S. L., Chávez Ortiz, Ó. A., & The HETDEX Collaboration. (2025). The Hobby–Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment Survey (HETDEX) Active Galactic Nuclei Catalog: The Fourth Data Release. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 276(2), Article 72.

We present the active galactic nuclei (AGN) catalog from the fourth data release (HDR4) of the Hobby–Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment Survey (HETDEX). HETDEX is an untargeted spectroscopic survey. HDR4 contains 345,874 Integral Field Unit obse... Read More about The Hobby–Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment Survey (HETDEX) Active Galactic Nuclei Catalog: The Fourth Data Release.

Triggers for disorder: Is the UK facing a summer of discontent? (2020)
Journal Article
Joyce, P., & Laverick, W. (2020). Triggers for disorder: Is the UK facing a summer of discontent?. Policing Insight,

Opening paragraph:
The UK is going through an unprecedented time. Barely out of austerity, it has had to contend with a pandemic alongside the impact of events happening elsewhere in the world. Professor Peter Joyce and Dr Wendy Laverick look back o... Read More about Triggers for disorder: Is the UK facing a summer of discontent?.

An examination of daily CO2 emissions prediction through a comparative analysis of machine learning, deep learning, and statistical models (2025)
Journal Article
Ajala, A. A., Adeoye, O. L., Salami, O. M., & Jimoh, A. Y. (2025). An examination of daily CO2 emissions prediction through a comparative analysis of machine learning, deep learning, and statistical models. Environmental science and pollution research, 32(5), 2510-2535.

Human-induced global warming, primarily attributed to the rise in atmospheric CO2,poses a substantial risk to the survival of humanity. While most research focuses on predicting annual CO2emissions, which are crucial for setting long-term emission mi... Read More about An examination of daily CO2 emissions prediction through a comparative analysis of machine learning, deep learning, and statistical models.

Covers, Concreteness, and Craft: A Reply To Giupponi, Pettersson and Campion (2024)
Journal Article
Wilson, D. (2024). Covers, Concreteness, and Craft: A Reply To Giupponi, Pettersson and Campion. Debates in Aesthetics, 18(2), 101-118

I reply to three authors who responded to my target article: 'Music, Visualization and the Multi-stage Account of Photography'. Mikael Pettersson raises concerns about absent light because traditional theories suppose that a photograph is a causal tr... Read More about Covers, Concreteness, and Craft: A Reply To Giupponi, Pettersson and Campion.

Nighttime Cough Characteristics in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients (2025)
Journal Article
den Brinker, A. C., Ouweltjes, O., Rietman, R., Thackray-Nocera, S., Crooks, M. G., & Morice, A. H. (2025). Nighttime Cough Characteristics in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients. Sensors, 25(2), Article 404.

Coughing is a symptom of many respiratory diseases. An increased amount of coughs may signal an (upcoming) health issue, while a decreasing amount of coughs may indicate an improved health status. The presence of a cough can be identified by a cough... Read More about Nighttime Cough Characteristics in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients.