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The Repository@Hull is intended to be an Open Access showcase for the published research output of the university. Whenever possible, refereed documents accepted for publication, or finished artistic compositions presented in public, will be made available here in full digital format, and hyperlinks to standard published versions will be provided.

Latest Additions

Investigating the impact of environmental contaminants on periconceptual environment and early reproductive events (2025)
Papachristofi, V. (2025). Investigating the impact of environmental contaminants on periconceptual environment and early reproductive events. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School.

The modern environment in which we live is replete with chemicals that have accumulated to levels that have been proposed to impact various aspects of physiology. The impact of a selection of these environmental contaminants on the physiology of earl... Read More about Investigating the impact of environmental contaminants on periconceptual environment and early reproductive events.

Make it Right: Regulatory Intervention in Managers’ Misconduct and Corporate Risk (2025)
Journal Article
He, F., Du, H., Li, Y., & Hao, J. (online). Make it Right: Regulatory Intervention in Managers’ Misconduct and Corporate Risk. Journal of Business Ethics,

Regulatory intervention is important in shaping corporate behaviour, especially in markets with relatively weak property rights. Using a sample of publicly listed companies in China from 2006 to 2021, this study investigates the impact of regulatory... Read More about Make it Right: Regulatory Intervention in Managers’ Misconduct and Corporate Risk.

Measuring serious violence perpetration: comparison of police-recorded and self-reported data in a UK cohort (2025)
Journal Article
Cornish, R., Teyhan, A., Tilling, K., Macleod, J., & Brennan, I. (2025). Measuring serious violence perpetration: comparison of police-recorded and self-reported data in a UK cohort. International Journal of Population Data Science, 10(1),

Determining risk factors and consequences of serious violence requires accurate measures of violence. Self-reported and police-recorded offending are subject to different sources of bias.
To compare risk of self-reported an... Read More about Measuring serious violence perpetration: comparison of police-recorded and self-reported data in a UK cohort.

Land Use Change in a Pericolonial Society: Intensification and Diversification in Ifugao, Philippines Between 1570 and 1800 CE (2022)
Journal Article
Findley, D. M., Bankoff, G., Barretto-Tesoro, G., Hamilton, R., Kay, A. U., Acabado, S., Amano, N., Kaplan, J. O., & Roberts, P. (2022). Land Use Change in a Pericolonial Society: Intensification and Diversification in Ifugao, Philippines Between 1570 and 1800 CE. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, Article 680926.

Land use modelling is increasingly used by archaeologists and palaeoecologists seeking to quantify and compare the changing influence of humans on the environment. In Southeast Asia, the intensification of rice agriculture and the arrival of European... Read More about Land Use Change in a Pericolonial Society: Intensification and Diversification in Ifugao, Philippines Between 1570 and 1800 CE.