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Earth's youngest known ultrahigh-temperature granulites discovered on Seram, eastern Indonesia (2014)
Journal Article
Pownall, J. M., Hall, R., Armstrong, R. A., & Forster, M. A. (2014). Earth's youngest known ultrahigh-temperature granulites discovered on Seram, eastern Indonesia. Geology, 42(4), 279-282.

Episodes of ultrahigh-temperature (UHT, ≥900 °C) granulite metamorphism have been recorded in mountain belts since the Neoarchean. However, evidence for the tectonic mechanisms responsible for the generation of such extreme thermal conditions is rare... Read More about Earth's youngest known ultrahigh-temperature granulites discovered on Seram, eastern Indonesia.

Extreme extension across Seram and Ambon, eastern Indonesia: evidence for Banda slab rollback (2013)
Journal Article
Pownall, J., Hall, R., & Watkinson, I. M. (2013). Extreme extension across Seram and Ambon, eastern Indonesia: evidence for Banda slab rollback. Solid Earth, 4, 277-314.

The island of Seram, which lies in the northern part of the 180°-curved Banda Arc, has previously been interpreted as a fold-and-thrust belt formed during arc-continent collision, which incorporates ophiolites intruded by granites thought to have bee... Read More about Extreme extension across Seram and Ambon, eastern Indonesia: evidence for Banda slab rollback.

New insights into the geological evolution of Eastern Indonesia from recent research projects by the SE Asia Research Group (2012)
Journal Article
Watkinson, I. M., Hall, R., Cottam, M. A., Sevastjanova, I., Suggate, S., Gunawan, I., Pownall, J. M., Hennig, J., Ferdian, F., Gold, D., Zimmermann, S., Rudyawan, A., & Advocaat, E. (2012). New insights into the geological evolution of Eastern Indonesia from recent research projects by the SE Asia Research Group. Berita Sedimentologi, March 2012(23), 21-27

Shallow laccolithic emplacement of the Land’s End and Tregonning granites, Cornwall, UK: evidence from aureole field relations and PT modeling of cordierite-anthophyllite hornfels (2012)
Journal Article
Pownall, J. M., Waters, D. J., Searle, M. P., Shail, R. K., & Robb, L. J. (2012). Shallow laccolithic emplacement of the Land’s End and Tregonning granites, Cornwall, UK: evidence from aureole field relations and PT modeling of cordierite-anthophyllite hornfels. Geosphere, 8(6), 1467-1504.

The Land’s End and Tregonning-Godolphin granites of the >250 km-long Permian Cornubian Batholith are heterogeneous medium- to coarse-grained peraluminous biotite-, tourmaline-, and lithium-mica granites traditionally thought to be emplaced as massive... Read More about Shallow laccolithic emplacement of the Land’s End and Tregonning granites, Cornwall, UK: evidence from aureole field relations and PT modeling of cordierite-anthophyllite hornfels.