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A Štestena, ta povstalecká devka, se na nej zubila: shakespearovské preklady Milana Lukeše" (And fortune on his damned quarry smiling, shew'd like a rebells whore": Milan Lukeš's Translations of Shakespeare)

Drabek, Pavel



A critical analysis of Milan Lukeš's (1933-2007) translations of Shakespeare with a special view of his Macbeth and King Lear. The article develops the concepts of "translator's style", "translation opportunities", "reversions", "cacophony" and "expressivity" in drama translation.


Drabek, P. (2012). A Štestena, ta povstalecká devka, se na nej zubila: shakespearovské preklady Milana Lukeše" (And fortune on his damned quarry smiling, shew'd like a rebells whore": Milan Lukeš's Translations of Shakespeare). Theatralia, 15(1), 48 - 64

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 15, 2012
Publication Date Apr 15, 2012
Journal Theatralia
Print ISSN 1803-845X
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 15
Issue 1
Pages 48 - 64
Keywords Milan Lukeš; William Shakespeare; theatre translation; drama translation; translations of Shakespeare; Macbeth; King Lear; Erik Adolf Saudek; Czech theatre
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