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All Outputs (21)

War, population growth, inequality, and the history of the world state idea: The causes of world wars and global governance evolution over the long duree (2018)
Journal Article
Beyer, C. (2018). War, population growth, inequality, and the history of the world state idea: The causes of world wars and global governance evolution over the long duree. Humanities and social sciences, 6(5), 159-172.

Humanity has experienced three major periods of war – 500Bc the Greek wars, 1600AD the Thirty Years War and 1900AD the Two World Wars. These were the most significant times of war in human history, as far as is known to Western science. IR scientists... Read More about War, population growth, inequality, and the history of the world state idea: The causes of world wars and global governance evolution over the long duree.

Abolishing the security dilemma: Why we need to integrate the militaries (2018)
Journal Article
Beyer, A. C. (2018). Abolishing the security dilemma: Why we need to integrate the militaries. Cambridge Journal of Eurasian Studies, 2, 93EAZO.

This article argues that the Security Dilemma can in fact be abolished by integrating the militaries into one common global organisation, possibly under one common command. The existence and workings of NATO are an approximate example of this ideal i... Read More about Abolishing the security dilemma: Why we need to integrate the militaries.

Why we need to establish international political psychology (2018)
Journal Article
Beyer, C. (in press). Why we need to establish international political psychology. Asia Pacific journal of advanced business and social studies, 4(1), 393-401.

A combination of Psychology with International Relations yields important results and ideas for improving the international world. This chapter proposes to establish International Political Psychology as a discipline with the purpose of harvesting id... Read More about Why we need to establish international political psychology.

International political psychology: Explorations into a new discipline (2017)
Beyer, A. C. (2017). International political psychology: Explorations into a new discipline. Palgrave Macmillan.

This book intends to harvest insights from the discipline of Psychology, in its broad understanding, for application to International Relations. Although Psychology offers an abundance of theories that are useful for this purpose, they have so far re... Read More about International political psychology: Explorations into a new discipline.

Holistic healing for hearing voices: self-care for patients with schizophrenia (2017)
Journal Article
Beyer, A. C. (2017). Holistic healing for hearing voices: self-care for patients with schizophrenia. EC Neurology, 8(3), 91-99

Schizophrenia is one of the more severe mental illnesses which poses immense costs to societies and patients. Worldwide it is believed that about 52 million individuals suffer from this illness. Treatment options have vastly improved, but more is sti... Read More about Holistic healing for hearing voices: self-care for patients with schizophrenia.

World polity: anatomy of and arguments for regional and global integration (2017)
Journal Article
Beyer, C. (2017). World polity: anatomy of and arguments for regional and global integration. International journal of business and social science, 8(3), 32-50

This article is inspired by taking sort of a medical view on the international political world2. A medical view here means that first we need to understand the anatomy of the organism that we observe, i.e. the world. Secondly, we need to make some di... Read More about World polity: anatomy of and arguments for regional and global integration.

Theory of Telepathy: an Alternative Interpretation of Psychotic Experiences and Some Tips for Recovery (2017)
Journal Article
Beyer, A. C. (2017). Theory of Telepathy: an Alternative Interpretation of Psychotic Experiences and Some Tips for Recovery. NeuroQuantology an interdisciplinary journal of neuroscience and quantum physics, 15(2), 145-159.

This article looks at mental illness, in particular psychotic mental illness, such as schizophrenia, and spirituality. It argues that the phenomenon of ‘voice hearing’, which is present in schizophrenia (but also other mental illnesses) can be unders... Read More about Theory of Telepathy: an Alternative Interpretation of Psychotic Experiences and Some Tips for Recovery.

Insights from para-psychology for international relations (2015)
Journal Article
Beyer, A. C. (2015). Insights from para-psychology for international relations. Peace review, 27(4), 484-491.

Western International Relations (IR) has much to learn from the so-called ‘para-sciences’. At the one hand, they can instruct us about the role of consciousness and its connection to peace. At the other, we can learn from them that humanity is connec... Read More about Insights from para-psychology for international relations.

Inequality and violence: A re-appraisal of man, the state and war (2014)
Beyer, A. C. (2014). Inequality and violence: A re-appraisal of man, the state and war. Routledge.

With Theory of International Politics Kenneth Waltz established Neo-realism as a major school of thought in IR, which still remains a dominant approach within the discipline in the Anglo-American world and beyond. Man, the State and War - his first c... Read More about Inequality and violence: A re-appraisal of man, the state and war.

Hegemony, Equilibrium and Counterpower: A Synthetic Approach (2011)
Book Chapter
Beyer, C. (2011). Hegemony, Equilibrium and Counterpower: A Synthetic Approach. In Realism and World Politics (232 - 248). Routledge

This article claims that realist and constructivist ideas are compatible. Structural realism is needed to understand the constraining and stabilizing role of material factors. Furthermore, it detects process in a law-like tendency towards internation... Read More about Hegemony, Equilibrium and Counterpower: A Synthetic Approach.

A whole world: the personal is the global (2011)
Journal Article
Beyer, C. (2011). A whole world: the personal is the global. Journal of spirituality and paranormal studies, 34(1), 48 - 58

A truly holist worldview would indicate that indeed all personal actions and perceptions are experienced and interact in a logical way with a fully structured, interdependent world. Every personal action, feeling and thought is reflected and responde... Read More about A whole world: the personal is the global.

Hegemony, Equilibrium and Counterpower: A Synthetic Approach (2009)
Journal Article
Beyer, C. (2009). Hegemony, Equilibrium and Counterpower: A Synthetic Approach. International Relations, 23(3), 411-427.

This article claims that realist and constructivist ideas are compatible. Structural realism is needed to understand the constraining and stabilizing role of material factors. Furthermore, it detects process in a law-like tendency towards internation... Read More about Hegemony, Equilibrium and Counterpower: A Synthetic Approach.

Effectively Countering Terrorism: The Challenges of Prevention, Preparedness and Response (2009)
Bauer, M., & Beyer, C. (2009). Effectively Countering Terrorism: The Challenges of Prevention, Preparedness and Response. Sussex Academic Press

Since September 11, 2001, the pressure on Al Qaeda has increased. Training sanctuaries and havens have been eliminated, and numerous fighters of the organisation have been killed, captured or are in hiding. Today, Al Qaeda can be understood - accordi... Read More about Effectively Countering Terrorism: The Challenges of Prevention, Preparedness and Response.

The European Union as a Security Policy Actor : The Case of Counterterrorism (2008)
Journal Article
Beyer, C. (2008). The European Union as a Security Policy Actor : The Case of Counterterrorism. European Foreign Affairs Review, 13(3), 293-315

This article examines the actorness of the European Union in the security policy field. Applying and adapting criteria developed by Bretherton and Vogler - namely criteria regarding structure, effect and international status - the European Union is d... Read More about The European Union as a Security Policy Actor : The Case of Counterterrorism.

Understanding and Explaining International Terrorism: On The Interrelation between Human and Global Security (2008)
Journal Article
Beyer, C. (2008). Understanding and Explaining International Terrorism: On The Interrelation between Human and Global Security. Human security journal, 7, 62 - 76

This article compares Galtung's concept of "structural violence" with the one of "human security," and shows why economic and political constraints on human potential should be considered as rootcauses for international terrorism. Applying game theor... Read More about Understanding and Explaining International Terrorism: On The Interrelation between Human and Global Security.