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All Outputs (10)

Development and application of a machine learning algorithm for classification of elasmobranch behaviour from accelerometry data (2018)
Journal Article
Brewster, L. R., Dale, J. J., Guttridge, T. L., Gruber, S. H., Hansell, A. C., Elliott, M., Cowx, I. G., Whitney, N. M., & Gleiss, A. C. (2018). Development and application of a machine learning algorithm for classification of elasmobranch behaviour from accelerometry data. Marine Biology, 165(4), Article 62.

© 2018, The Author(s). Discerning behaviours of free-ranging animals allows for quantification of their activity budget, providing important insight into ecology. Over recent years, accelerometers have been used to unveil the cryptic lives of animals... Read More about Development and application of a machine learning algorithm for classification of elasmobranch behaviour from accelerometry data.

Is climate change an unforeseen, irresistible and external factor – A force majeure in marine environmental law? (2016)
Journal Article
Saul, R., Barnes, R., & Elliott, M. (2016). Is climate change an unforeseen, irresistible and external factor – A force majeure in marine environmental law?. Marine pollution bulletin, 113(1-2), 25-35.

© 2016 Elsevier Ltd Several environmental laws include provisions on natural causes or force majeure, which except States from their commitments if it can be proven that the failure to meet the commitment is due to factors outside their control. The... Read More about Is climate change an unforeseen, irresistible and external factor – A force majeure in marine environmental law?.

Sensitivity of Pagurus bernhardus (L.) to substrate-borne vibration and anthropogenic noise (2015)
Journal Article
Roberts, L., Cheesman, S., Elliott, M., & Breithaupt, T. (2016). Sensitivity of Pagurus bernhardus (L.) to substrate-borne vibration and anthropogenic noise. Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology, 474, 185-194.

© 2015 Elsevier B.V. Despite the prevalence of vibration produced by anthropogenic activities impacting the seabed there are few data and little information as to whether these are detected by crustaceans and whether they interfere with their behavio... Read More about Sensitivity of Pagurus bernhardus (L.) to substrate-borne vibration and anthropogenic noise.

The behaviour and recovery of juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris in response to external accelerometer tag attachment (2015)
Journal Article
Bullock, R. W., Guttridge, T. L., Cowx, I. G., Elliott, M., & Gruber, S. H. (2015). The behaviour and recovery of juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris in response to external accelerometer tag attachment. Journal of fish biology, 87(6), 1342-1354.

© 2015 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles. Behavioural responses of lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris to a fin-mounted tag package (CEFAS G6A tri-axial accelerometer with epoxied Sonotronics PT4 acoustic transmitter) were measured in a cont... Read More about The behaviour and recovery of juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris in response to external accelerometer tag attachment.

Sensitivity of the mussel Mytilus edulis to substrate‑borne vibration in relation to anthropogenically generated noise (2015)
Journal Article
Roberts, L., Cheesman, S., Breithaupt, T., & Elliott, M. (2015). Sensitivity of the mussel Mytilus edulis to substrate‑borne vibration in relation to anthropogenically generated noise. Marine ecology progress series, 538, 185-195.

© 2015 Inter-Research. Many anthropogenic activities in the oceans involve direct contact with the seabed (for example pile driving), creating radiating particle motion waves. However, the consequences of these waveforms to marine organisms are large... Read More about Sensitivity of the mussel Mytilus edulis to substrate‑borne vibration in relation to anthropogenically generated noise.

Co-location of activities and designations: A means of solving or creating problems in marine spatial planning? (2013)
Journal Article
Christie, N., Smyth, K., Barnes, R., & Elliott, M. (2014). Co-location of activities and designations: A means of solving or creating problems in marine spatial planning?. Marine Policy, 43, 254-261.

Worldwide demand for energy is growing and predicted to increase by up to three times by 2050. Renewable energy will play a vital role in meeting this demand whilst maintaining global climate change targets. Around the British Isles, development of w... Read More about Co-location of activities and designations: A means of solving or creating problems in marine spatial planning?.

Sensitivity analysis to explore responsiveness and dynamic range of multi-metric fish-based indices for assessing the ecological status of estuaries and lagoons (2012)
Journal Article
Alvarez, M. C., Franco, A., Pérez-Domínguez, R., & Elliott, M. (2013). Sensitivity analysis to explore responsiveness and dynamic range of multi-metric fish-based indices for assessing the ecological status of estuaries and lagoons. Hydrobiologia, 704(1), 347-362.

Fish-based multi-metric indices are an integral tool in implementing effective water policy initiatives for transitional waters. This study analysed the behaviour of three fish indices (TFCI in the UK, ELFI in France and EFAI in Portugal) developed f... Read More about Sensitivity analysis to explore responsiveness and dynamic range of multi-metric fish-based indices for assessing the ecological status of estuaries and lagoons.

Biological responses to contaminants in the Humber Estuary: disentangling complex relationships (2011)
Journal Article
García-Alonso, J., Greenway, G., Munshi, A., Gómez, J., Mazik, K., Knight, A. W., Hardege, J., & Elliott, M. (2011). Biological responses to contaminants in the Humber Estuary: disentangling complex relationships. Marine environmental research, 71(4), 295-303.

Due to the ecological importance of estuaries, it is necessary to understand the biological effects that potentially toxic contaminants induce in bioindicator species. A key aspect is whether effects at lower levels of biological organisation transfe... Read More about Biological responses to contaminants in the Humber Estuary: disentangling complex relationships.

Evaluation of extraction methods for use with NMR-based metabolomics in the marine polychaete ragworm, Hediste diversicolor (2010)
Journal Article
del Carmen Alvarez, M., Donarski, J. A., Elliott, M., & Charlton, A. J. (2010). Evaluation of extraction methods for use with NMR-based metabolomics in the marine polychaete ragworm, Hediste diversicolor. Metabolomics, 6(4), 541-549.

The sediment-dwelling polychaete, Hediste diversicolor, is commonly found in Northern temperate estuaries. Its limited mobility and tolerance to polluted conditions makes it a good candidate for biological monitoring. Moreover, its importance in the... Read More about Evaluation of extraction methods for use with NMR-based metabolomics in the marine polychaete ragworm, Hediste diversicolor.

Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration: From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-driving
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harding, H. R., Voellmy, I., Simpson, S. D., Radford, A. N., Breithaupt, T., Elliott, M., Roberts, L., Simpson, S., Bruintjes, R., Harding, H., Radford, A., & Voellmy, I. K. Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration: From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-driving

Activities directly interacting with the seabed, such as pile-driving, can produce vibrations that have the potential to impact benthic invertebrates within their vicinity. This stimuli may interfere with crucial behaviors such as foraging and predat... Read More about Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration: From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-driving.