How can frontline expertise and new models of care best contribute to safely reducing avoidable acute admissions? A mixed-methods study of four acute hospitals
Pinkney, J., Rance, S., Benger, J., Brant, H., Joel-Edgar, S., Swancutt, D., Westlake, D., Pearson, M., Thomas, D., Holme, I., Endacott, R., Anderson, R., Allen, M., Purdy, S., Campbell, J., Sheaff, R., & Byng, R. (2016). How can frontline expertise and new models of care best contribute to safely reducing avoidable acute admissions? A mixed-methods study of four acute hospitals. Southampton: NIHR HSDR
Hospital emergency admissions have risen annually, exacerbating pressures on emergency departments (EDs) and acute medical units. These pressures have an adverse impact on patient experience and potentially lead to suboptimal clinical dec...
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